(ps: There was a power outage yesterday morning, so painful. I will try to make up for what I owed yesterday today. But this is on the premise that I don’t get stuck. Each chapter has nearly 2,200 words. To be honest, it’s quite stressful. By the way, please support me, QAQ~)

"......"Ancient Songs of Silence

"I don't mind you sending people to monitor me and Nagisa. Because this kind of thing is inevitable." Lan Yufeng said calmly, directly bringing up the topic.

"I also know that you want to rely on the power of the Fourth True Ancestor to maintain the stability of all forces and increase your bargaining chips against the three True Ancestors."

"Nagisa and I don't mind helping you with this kind of thing. But I advise you not to go too far."

When Lan Yufeng said this, his eyes became sharper, and his pupils also changed into the Mangekyō Sharingan. A strange red light appeared, and the terrifying pupil power burst out.

"Because we are not lambs that you can use at will, but tigers. If you stretch your claws too far, you will be chopped off."

"Indeed, if the fourth true ancestor is a lamb, then everyone in this world is a lamb."Xiang Guyong breathed a sigh of relief and squinted his eyes to look at Lan Yufeng's Mangekyō Sharingan.

"At the same time, no one thought that you, who were originally considered to be just a strategic genius, were also a tiger. You rose to prominence in a short period of time, controlling strange powers, and even defeating the descendants of the dragon slayer, which shocked us."

"However, I want to know, what is your purpose?"Xian Guyong's eyes flickered, and he asked slowly

"My goal is to become stronger. Strong enough to protect everything around me."Lan Yufeng said seriously."Although I don't like fighting, if anyone dares to attack someone around me, I will make him die without a burial place."

"I see." Xian Guyong nodded and said slowly."You are indeed a dangerous person."

"Then what? Do you want to kill me here? Or put me under house arrest?"Lan Yufeng said calmly.

"No, your danger is only to the enemy."Xiang Guyong said softly."In that case, I just need to become your friend. Lan Yufeng, we can cooperate on an equal footing. What do you think?"

"Of course." Lan Yufeng restrained his momentum and nodded with a smile.

It was as if the evil spirit that had erupted before was all fake.

"We can help you within our capacity." Xian Guyong pondered."We can also provide a medium for Xiao Nagisa, so as not to disturb your life too much. I hope you can stand on the side of humans at the critical moment."

""Yes." Lan Yufeng narrowed his eyes and smiled strangely.

He didn't say to stand on the side of the Lion King Agency, but on the side of humans. Do you want to remind him that he is a human?

However, the time when he can make this choice is when he collides with the three major night empires. Xian Guyong's request is really nothing, which is equivalent to keeping a back hand. Under normal circumstances, it is not used at all.

Of course, he will collide with the three major night empires sooner or later. If not for other reasons, it is for the three diamond-level red envelopes.

So this request is even less important, but it is a big profit for him.

"Also, if possible, let the fourth true ancestor Akatsuki Nagisa not leave Genshin Island." Xian Guyong added

"I reject this request." Lan Yufeng narrowed his eyes and said slowly."No need to restrict Nagisa's freedom."

"If it doesn't work, forget it."Xian Guyong said calmly.

She knew Nagisa Akatsuki's character very well during her time at Saikai Academy. Normally, she wouldn't cause trouble, so she could negotiate with Lan Yufeng with peace of mind.

Maybe in the future, Nagisa Akatsuki would have to leave Genkami Island because of something.

When that time comes, just talk. If talk doesn't work, use force.

Although the Fourth True Ancestor is strong, they are not afraid of the Fourth True Ancestor who has not yet grown up, and can even defeat him easily.

On the contrary, Xian Guyong pays more attention to Lan Yufeng, a man whose depth she cannot see.

"By the way, for the psychic, you'd better send a girl. If you send a man, I don't mind beating them up and sending them back to the Lion King Agency." Lan Yufeng said with a smile.

"You don't need to remind me of this." Xian Guyong replied calmly."I have already prepared the candidate."

"That's good." Lan Yufeng shrugged and turned away."If there's nothing else, I'll leave." The Lion King

Matchmaking Agency is indeed the Lion King Matchmaking Agency. They provide girls and clean up his mess, and the requirements are small, which makes him very satisfied.

"Wait a minute." Xian Guyong suddenly spoke

"Hmm? Anything else?"Lan Yufeng stopped

"Although the cooperation has been agreed upon."Xian Guyong narrowed his eyes and said meaningfully."But you must show that you are valuable enough. I admit that you are a tiger, but that is a matter for the future. A tiger that cannot grow up is nothing."

"What do you mean?"Lan Yufeng said with a half-smile.

Xian Guyong didn't want to attack him, but he felt that if he died in the process of being involved in various events, then all these cooperation would be in vain.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, he was the manipulator of the fourth true ancestor Akatsuki Nagisa, and his situation was more dangerous than Akatsuki Nagisa.

"Defeat Yuantang Yuan."Xiang Guyong said softly.

When Xian Guyong's words fell, a very mature and beautiful lady walked out from the shadow of the side pavilion. She was undoubtedly the master of Yuantang Yuan, Jidong Xuecai and Huangsaka Sayaka

"Little guy, I have high hopes for you." Yuan Tangyuan came over, patted Lan Yufeng on the shoulder, and said with a smile

"I'm not a little guy. Do you want to try it?"Lan Yufeng glanced at the queen in front of him and pouted.

"It's wrong to make dirty jokes with adults. Don't complain when I beat you up later."Yuan Tangyuan said with a smile.

"It's not certain who will beat whom."Lan Yufeng smiled playfully.

The condition for opening the golden red envelope on Yuan Tangyuan is undoubtedly an ordinary defeat. It's exactly what he wants.

Whether it's Xian Guyong's words or opening the red envelope, he must defeat Yuan Tangyuan.

Although this woman is definitely too strong

"Let's go to the martial arts arena."Yuan Tangyuan walked out and said lazily.

In response, Lan Yufeng followed calmly.

"Would it really work to send a girl over? Friendships are not reliable. And a twisted lesbian relationship would be hard to achieve, right?"After Lan Yufeng and Yuan Tangyuan left, the three male saints who had been silent all this time finally spoke.

Their original plan was to send a man over to marry the fourth true ancestor, Nagisa Akatsuki, and tie the fourth true ancestor to their warship.

"It must be a girl."Xiang Guyong said meaningfully."I can see that the fourth true ancestor Xiao Nagisa has already fallen in love with Lan Yufeng. It's useless to send a man."

"Just as Lan Yufeng said, if we send a man there, he will beat him up and send him back."

"The purpose of sending the girl over was not to capture Xiao Nagisa."Xian Guyong's eyes flickered and he chuckled."I sent the girl over to capture Lan Yufeng. The fourth true ancestor Xiao Nagisa listens to Lan Yufeng very much, and he is the real boss."

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