"Um, what can I do there?" Lan Yufeng looked innocent."By the way, Yuejiang, I'm thirsty and want to drink some red tea."

"Don't play dumb and change the subject."Nangong Nayue frowned, slapped the table with her lace fan, and looked stern.

"Well, actually, we didn't talk about anything. We just proved our strength, fought with Yuan Tangyuan, and reached some cooperation with Xian Guyong."Lan Yufeng explained leisurely.

As if these were nothing.

"......"Nangong Nayue's eyes twitched."Can't you be serious?"

"I'm very serious."Lan Yufeng said helplessly

"You fought with Yuan Tangyuan? Did you win or lose?"Nangong Nayue's eyes flickered.

""I won." Lan Yufeng grinned and said with a smile.

"Oh." Nangong Nayue didn't react on the surface, but in fact, she was shocked to the extreme.

She really didn't expect Lan Yufeng to hide so much strength.

To be honest, when she heard that Lan Yufeng had solved the last descendant of the dragon slayer, Bruder, she was surprised, but it was still expected.���After all, Lan Yufeng was very calm when he accepted the task.

However, she really didn't expect that Lan Yufeng could even defeat Yuan Tang Yuan.

Although she had never beaten Yuan Tang Yuan, even if she did it herself, it would take a lot of effort to defeat him....

"What is your cooperation with Xian Guyong?" Nangong Nayue pondered.

"Nothing, just to ensure that Nagisa and I won't mess up, and stand on the side of humans when there is a large-scale conflict between humans and demons."Lan Yufeng did not choose to hide it, and said it calmly

"The Lion King Agency will send various mediums to Nagisa. At the same time, they will help us do some things within the scope allowed. Finally, they will not easily disturb our lives."

"That's it?" Nangong Nayue looked suspicious.

"Of course it's like that." Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes.

"They are so good at talking....?"Nangong Nayue pondered for a moment, then stared at Lan Yufeng and murmured meaningfully."I understand a little bit."

"Lan Yufeng, do you think the Lion King Agency would be so kind as to send you a psychic without any other purpose?" Nangong Nayue smiled playfully.

"Of course I know they have bad intentions. They just want to have a relationship with Nagisa. I warned them that they can only send girls. I guess they are planning to have some forbidden lesbian love affair."Lan Yufeng pouted.

"No, you think too much." Nangong Nayue opened her lace folding fan and said with a smile."Their target is not Xiao Nagisa, but you."

""Huh?" Hearing this, Lan Yufeng was stunned. This was really unexpected.

The target was him? Does it mean that the Lion King Matchmaking Agency really intends to find a medium for Akatsuki Nagisa? But the target has changed to himself?

If Xian Guyong believes that he is the mastermind behind the fourth true ancestor Akatsuki Nagisa, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it....! ?

After thinking it through in an instant, Lan Yufeng's expression was a bit wonderful and subtle.

It seems that the Lion King Matchmaking Agency has done a great thing again?

"Haha, just wait for trouble to come to you." Nangong Nayue said playfully."No good will come of being associated with the Lion King Agency."

"Well, things have come to this point, let's take it one step at a time."Lan Yufeng pouted.

Cry? It's too late to laugh. Sending you a high-quality girl for free, any normal man will just be happy, okay?

""Tsk." As if seeing through Lan Yufeng's thoughts, Nangong Nayue smacked her lips with disdain.

"Well, you don't have to stay here. Leave now."Nangong Nayue waved her hand and sent the guest away.

""No. I have no strength in my body now." Lan Yufeng said with a smile."Let me rest for a while. Then Yuejiang, make me a cup of black tea."

"...Annoying guy."Nangong Nayue snorted unhappily, but still went to make tea for Lan Yufeng.

It was definitely not because she was soft-hearted, but because she wanted to drink it herself, so it was okay to make one more cup.

After Lan Yufeng smiled and admired Nayue's cute posture of making tea seriously, he was the energetic messenger. The gold-level red envelope in front of him.

This was the first gold-level red envelope he opened. I hope to get something super good!

After taking a deep breath, Lan Yufeng stretched out his finger and tapped it.

In an instant, a blinding golden light appeared, the red envelope opened, and a crystal clear object flew out wrapped in golden light.

At the same time, the sound of the system also sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the gold-level red envelope and obtaining a soul crystal."

Soul Crystal: After use, it can restore the damaged soul and increase the soul strength.

"That's it?"Lan Yufeng's expression was subtle.

He thought he could find some great treasure that would make him stronger.

However, the soul crystal stone didn't seem bad.

If he could restore the damaged soul and increase the soul's strength, then he could use the power of the White Tiger Soul once.

It would be great to use it as a life-saving trump card.

"Phew, I can only keep it and use it when it matters most."Lan Yufeng touched his nose and muttered.

Then, under Na Yuejiang's unhappy eyes, Lan Yufeng drank the black tea happily. After lying on Na Yuejiang's sofa for a while, he went back. As soon as he got home, Lan Yufeng was blocked in the corner by his twin sister Lan Yu Qiancong.

That's right, it literally means blocked in the corner. To explain it more clearly, it means wall-dong.

"Um, Qiancong, I'm back." Lan Yufeng coughed lightly and said with a smile

"You still remember to come back." Lan Yuqian moved her head closer, looked directly at Lan Yufeng, and snorted coldly.

"......"At such a close distance, Lan Yufeng could clearly feel Lan Yu Qiancong's breath. He could even take her lips by just leaning forward.

Because of Lan Yufeng's strange look, Lan Yu Qiancong also noticed this and stepped back a little with a slightly red face.

However, she still stared at Lan Yufeng.

"You went on a trip without saying anything and didn't even take me with you. I'm so pissed off." Lan Yu Qian Cong said dissatisfiedly.

"I was wrong. Let's go together next time."Lan Yufeng said with a smile.

Lan Yu Asagi is the priestess of Cain. If she stays on Genshin Island, she is absolutely safe. If she leaves Genshin Island, she will probably be targeted by some people with ulterior motives.

Of course, very few people know Lan Yu Asagi's true identity. Even Asagi herself doesn't know.

However, if these people really dare to take action, he will naturally chop off their minions.

"Humph, I forgive you."Lan Yu Qiancong raised the corner of her mouth and nodded proudly.

"Let's sleep together tonight." Then, Lan Yu Qiancong's pretty face flushed and she said without allowing any objection

"Forehead..."Lan Yufeng was stunned, his face was subtle.

Last time, Qiancong said the air conditioner was broken, but it turned out not to be broken. Didn't he even find a reason this time?

To be honest, Lan Yufeng didn't know what Qiancong was thinking. Some things were too sensitive, and no one dared to point them out first.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, and votes to support me, QAQ~)

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