Because no one can bear the consequences of making it clear. Even if the guess is wrong, the relationship will never go back to the way it was before.

In the end, they become strangers.

"Is your air conditioner broken again?" Lan Yufeng said with his eyes wandering.

""Yeah." Lan Yu Qiancong lightly rolled up her hair and muttered."It feels like that master is an amateur."

"That's really a bit of a rip-off."Lan Yufeng's face was full of disgust.

Well, Master Wuxu, I'll just take the blame.

"There's nothing we can do about it." Lan Yufeng nodded."You must be hungry. I'll make dinner."

Looking at Lan Yufeng's figure, Lan Yuqian smiled.

"Miss, is this really okay for you?"Mo Guwai's voice sounded

"What's wrong with that?" Lan Yu Qian Cong snorted."Just shut up."

"Oh." Moguwai sighed."I still find it hard to understand human emotions."

Time passed, and Lan Yufeng made a sumptuous meal and ate it with Lan Yu Asagi.

Then, after finishing all the trivial matters, Lan Yufeng and Asagi fell asleep in each other's arms again.

This time, Lan Yufeng was a little used to it, feeling Asagi's softness and body fragrance, and fell into a deep sleep comfortably.

Of course, this was also related to his being too tired these two days.

"Idiot." Lan Yuqian looked at the deep sleep of Lan Yufeng, her beautiful eyes flickering, she leaned forward, pecked Lan Yufeng's mouth lightly, then closed her eyes with a smile on her face, hugged Lan Yufeng's arms tightly, and held his huge white breasts.

"Today's portion..."...............................

The next day, Lan Yufeng spent the whole day with Lan Yu Asagi as an apology for secretly"traveling".

In the middle of the trip, he also received a call from Akatsuki Nagisa.

For this reason, Akatsuki Nagisa also excitedly pulled Yese Natsune to come along. It became a four-person shopping trip.

This made Lan Yu Asagi a little depressed.

After a day of shopping, Lan Yufeng was hanging bags of various sizes on his body. When he left, only a small half was left after removing the bags for Nagisa and Natsune.

Well, the rest were all Asagi's, who made Asagi a rich girl.

Although he is not short of money now. Two missions made him earn tens of millions.

So this time he also gave some gifts to Nagisa and Yese Natsune, which made the two girls very happy.

Looking at that pure and dazzling smile, Lan Yufeng also felt that his heart, which had been tense because of the killing these days, calmed down.

And tonight, Lan Yu Asagi did not mention sleeping together.

Because this excuse obviously cannot be used often. The reason why she couldn't help herself yesterday was because Lan Yufeng left home and she was lonely. Although

Lan Yufeng felt a little sorry that he didn't have a cute sister to hug him tonight, he didn't think much about it.

After all, he still had other things to do.

For example, find a way to open the gold-level red envelope on Yuejiang!

At one o'clock in the morning, Lan Yufeng sneaked out of the house.

Walking on the dark street, Lan Yufeng felt very subtle. How long has it been since he wandered around alone in the middle of the night?

It must be traced back to his previous life....

I used to play LOL all night to improve my points. Although most nights I ended up losing points.

"Ding, Master, I suggest you spend 2,000 exchange points to upgrade the function of the invisibility charm. Otherwise, the probability of your failure is as high as 99%.

Suddenly, the system's voice sounded.

"Hmm? Can I strengthen something by exchanging points?"Lan Yufeng was surprised.

"Some of these are disposable items."The system's voice sounded.

"Well, let's strengthen it."Lan Yufeng hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Although the invisibility talisman has the function of invisibility and ignoring the barrier, the target of this attack is Na Yuejiang.

It is estimated that as soon as he touches in, the breath or sound will wake Na Yuejiang up.

"Ding, spent 2,000 exchange points, the enhancement was successful. The owner's remaining exchange points are 5,500."

Enhanced Invisibility Talisman: It has the functions of invisibility, ignoring the barrier, and can also cover the breath, plus the penetration function.

Duration: 3 minutes

Shelf life: one day

"So many functions, it can be said to be very powerful, I am a little reluctant to use it."Lan Yufeng curled his lips.

Well, to be honest, he really didn't want to use it. Unfortunately, this so-called enhancement shortened the time by twenty times, turning him into an Ultraman three-minute warrior?

Three minutes is strong enough, but there is also a shelf life.

Dog system, I know you won't let me take advantage of you

"Never mind.

The added functions of concealing breath and penetrating can really greatly improve the success rate.

"Lan Yufeng shook his head.

"I hope the things opened by the gold-level red envelope this time are powerful enough.

" If it's a non-African this time, it will be a huge loss.

The investment in the invisibility talisman and the exchange points has not been wasted.

The key is that he will be thrown into the sea to feed the fish by the furious Na Yuejiang.

After dragging his feet for half an hour, Lan Yufeng finally approached the high-rise building where Na Yue's family was located, and directly used the invisibility talisman to fly up.

Then he broke into Na Yue's house.

Next, Lan Yufeng was careful not to make any sound. After passing through the magic barrier with the invisibility talisman, he came directly to Na Yuejiang's boudoir.

"......"Looking at Na Yue-chan, who was sleeping soundly in her pajamas, lying on the bed, with her fair skin, slender legs exposed, and a glimpse of her spring scenery, Lan Yufeng's heartbeat quickened instinctively. It was the first time he saw Na Yue-chan sleeping, and it really made his heart beat faster.

Damn it, it's all the damn system's fault, I can't do such a perverted thing!

Trying to calm his heartbeat, Lan Yufeng was shirking the responsibility in his heart.

Well, it's not shirking the responsibility, but the fact.

The opportunity waits for no one, Lan Yufeng gritted his teeth and moved over, successfully pecked Na Yue-chan on the cherry lips.

At the moment of success, Lan Yufeng felt relaxed.

He thought there would be all kinds of loopholes.


However, at the moment when Lan Yufeng relaxed, he felt a pain in his stomach and flew out.

At this time, Lan Yufeng clearly saw that Na Yuejiang, who was wearing pajamas, stood up at some point and kept kicking. The blue and white stripes were vaguely exposed.....

"Lan Yufeng, I really underestimated your level of perversion."Nangong Nayue's expression was extremely dark, her eyes were full of murderous intent, and she stared at Lan Yufeng.

Powerful magic appeared, the purple magic circle, and the chains of discipline swayed flexibly around her.

"Um, Yue-chan, I actually have a compelling reason, do you believe it?"Lan Yufeng stood up, holding his stomach, and said seriously

"Oh? Why don't you tell me why? I might be able to leave you an intact body." Nangong Nayue had no expression on her face and her voice was cold.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes and support, QAQ~)

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