"......"Lan Yufeng stroked his chin and fell into deep thought within a few seconds after Nangong Nayue finished speaking.

Nangong Nayue did not tie up Lan Yufeng and beat him immediately, but sneered and stared at Lan Yufeng fiercely.

She wanted to see what tricks Lan Yufeng was up to.

If she didn't teach this guy a lesson, he would have no idea how to die. He was so naughty that he even dared to steal a kiss from her.

This was her first kiss! Bastard! Even if this body was just a magical clone, it was enough to make her explode with anger.

"I can't think of it." Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes and spread his hands.

"Haha, you can't even think of a reason. Well, I'll just capture you and tear you into pieces." Nangong Nayue sneered, and the chains of discipline around her body rushed towards Lan Yufeng as if they had life.

"The sixth gate, Jingmen, open!"Lan Yufeng's expression changed slightly, and he opened the sixth gate in a second, with a dark green aura interweaving around him.

At the same time, Lan Yufeng also had a red magic-breaking gun in his hand, which was the magic-breaking red rose.

"Ding��———!"Holding the magic-breaking red rose in his hand, Lan Yufeng swung out countless gun flowers, breaking all the locks of commandments.

Suddenly, a purple magic circle appeared under Lan Yufeng's feet, which made his face change slightly.

Just when he wanted to escape, the magic circle directly transferred him to the sky outside.

At the same time, Nangong Nayue also appeared outside, and her white pajamas had turned into a black Gothic Lolita skirt.

"I don't want to mess up my home because of you, a pervert." Nangong Nayue said coldly."Next, you should be prepared to be beaten into a pig's head and thrown into the sea to feed the sharks."

As she spoke, a human figure wearing golden armor appeared behind Nangong Nayue. It was her guardian as a witch.

""Can you please let me go, Yue Jiang? I don't want to fight you." Lan Yufeng said helplessly.

"Haha, then you just let me tie you up obediently."Nangong Nayue sneered

"Uh, let's forget about this." Lan Yufeng felt his scalp tingling when he thought of the consequences of being tied up by the chains of discipline, and he quickly refused.

"Then there is no room for negotiation." Nangong Nayue snorted coldly."Go, beat him to death!"

After Nangong Nayue's order came down, the golden guardian disappeared in an instant and appeared behind Lan Yufeng, holding a big sword and slashing at Lan Yufeng.

"Ding————!"When the Golden Guardian attacked, Lan Yufeng's observation Haki predicted it. He held the red spear in his hand and clashed with the Golden Guardian's sword. In an instant, sparks flew, strong winds whistled, and explosions sounded in the sky.

After colliding with Lan Yufeng for a moment, the Golden Guardian disappeared again and appeared beside Lan Yufeng, swinging and slashing again.

In this regard, Lan Yufeng could only fight back again.

Spatial ability is really troublesome.

When fighting with the Golden Guardian, Lan Yufeng felt a headache.

Fighting, he couldn't beat him, and escaping, he couldn't escape.

That's why Na Yuejiang scared the demons.

When Lan Yufeng and the Golden Guardian were fighting, Nangong Na Yue on the other side calmly commanded the Chain of Discipline to bombard Lan Yufeng.

In this regard, Lan Yufeng could only dodge.

However, in the middle of dodging, the space magic reappeared, and the Chain of Discipline that had been avoided forcibly passed through the space and appeared behind Lan Yufeng, tying Lan Yufeng tightly.

"As expected of Yue-chan, when she gets serious, she's so strong that it makes people feel suffocated."Lan Yufeng exclaimed

"Humph, the training begins. Nangong Nayue said expressionlessly.

"Sorry, I won't give up so easily."Lan Yufeng shook his head, his eyes turned into a kaleidoscope.

The ability of collapse was activated instantly, directly breaking the chains of discipline that bound him.

"————!"This scene made Nangong Nayue's pupils shrink. She looked at Lan Yufeng's Mangekyō Sharingan in shock, which looked a little weird in the night.

"The Demon Eye that has never appeared before?"Nangong Nayue searched through her memories, but couldn't find a matching Demon Eye. She was more and more shocked.

While she was shocked, Lan Yufeng directly launched the pupil power of the Kaleidoscope with all his strength.

In an instant, he pulled Nangong Nayue into the illusion.

Then, Lan Yufeng directly opened the seventh gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia.

The blue aura intertwined on his body, allowing Lan Yufeng's power to rise to the extreme.

The next moment, the golden guardian had no time to react and was blasted away by Lan Yufeng, with a large dent in the golden armor.

After temporarily dealing with the golden guardian, Lan Yufeng suddenly rushed towards Nangong Nayue, and the red spear in his hand swept out, like a blue dragon.

Facing this attack, Nangong Nayue, who had just escaped from the illusion, found it difficult to dodge, and could only recall the golden guardian in front.

"Click————!"For this reason, the red spear directly pierced through the body of the golden guardian, and when it was a little bit away from Nangong Nayue's face, it suddenly slowed down.

And Nangong Nayue also moved away from the original place again.

"I said, Nayue, can you stop now?"Lan Yufeng looked at Nangong Nayue who had dodged to the side with a serious face, and said helplessly."I really don't want to fight anymore."

Unexpectedly, the pupil power he saved would be greatly consumed in this situation.

The pupil power and spiritual power consumed by the Chain of the Collapse Discipline are not a small amount. Forcibly pulling a witch of Nangong Nayue's level into the illusion is even more so.

His eyes are hurting now.

"I finally understand why you can beat Yuan Tangyuan."Nangong Nayue narrowed her eyes, no longer staring at Lan Yufeng's kaleidoscope, and said slowly.

This violent power, coupled with the strange magic eye, although it is surprising that he can win, it is not surprising.

After all, even she felt the danger just now.

When the red spear stabbed over, Lan Yufeng obviously held back, otherwise she would be very���Of course, this level of damage is not enough to seriously injure her.

However, considering the power of the Demon Eye, it would be very dangerous if her body was destroyed directly at the beginning. Lan Yufeng undoubtedly held back on this point.

"......"Nangong Nayue was silent for a few seconds, looked at Lan Yufeng meaningfully, and waved his hand.

Instantly, both the Golden Guardian and the Chain of Discipline disappeared.

This also made Lan Yufeng breathe a sigh of relief, and he got out of the state of Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, and at the same time retracted the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Instantly, Lan Yufeng felt his vision blur a little, and he covered his eyes that felt like needles.

Sure enough, although the power of the Mangekyō is powerful, it is best not to use it if you can.

"Lan Yufeng, it seems that your ability has serious side effects."Nangong Nayue said slowly."It would have been better if you had been tied up and beaten by me before and then thrown into the sea to feed the sharks. Anyway, you can't die with your current strength."

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes to support, QAQ~, I wrote nine chapters today, my hands are cramping now, 233)

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