"Uh, that's so embarrassing." Lan Yufeng said with a wry smile."Then Yuejiang, I was wrong, please forgive me, I won't dare to do it again next time."

Although this matter was caused by the dog system, he was the one who made the mistake first after all, and he would not be stubborn and refuse to admit his mistake

"Forget it this time. However, go back and write me a 20,000-word self-criticism, or I'll throw you into the sea to feed the sharks."Nangong Nayue glared at Lan Yufeng and said coldly

""Yeah, I understand!" Hearing this, Lan Yufeng nodded quickly.

"Then I'll go back first." Lan Yufeng landed on the ground with a guilty conscience and started jogging.

"This big fool."Nangong Nayue tapped her lips with her jade finger, and returned to her boudoir in a restless mood.

However, tonight, she couldn't sleep at all.

When Nangong Nayue went back, Lan Yufeng was also looking at the golden red envelope in front of him with joy.

Although it was almost thrown into the sea to feed the fish this time, it was still worth it. Golden red envelope, got one again!

I hope I can get something good this time.

Lan Yufeng rubbed his hands and tapped the golden red envelope in front of him.

In an instant, the golden red envelope opened, the golden light was dazzling, and an item flew out wrapped in the golden light.

It was a luxurious sword, which made Lan Yufeng open his eyes wide.

At the same time, the voice of the system also rang

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the gold-level red envelope and obtaining the Sword of Promised Victory!"

Sword of Promised Victory (Excalibur)"

Level: A++

Category: Anti-City Phantasm

The largest and strongest treasure held by Saber Altria. It is regarded as the most powerful and noble holy sword symbolizing King Arthur. It is about three feet long (about 93.3cm) and four inches wide (about 12.3cm).

It is a holy sword forged by planets, not humans. It is made of people's beliefs and crystallized inside the planet as one of the ultimate divine weapons of"The Strongest Fantasy (Last Phantasm)".

By transforming the owner's magic power into light, it is released from the front end of the sword like a beam of light to destroy everything. In the Fourth Holy Grail War, it once burned a monster called the sea demon summoned by Caster with one blow. Because of its size and destructive power, it is classified as an"anti-city treasure.""

"Oh my god, it's actually the Sword of Promised Victory, it's pretty good."Lan Yufeng's eyes lit up, his face full of excitement.

I, Lan Yufeng, opened the door of shock, my legs were weak and my waist was sore, but it didn't affect my excitement at all!

"With the curry stick, I will no longer lack long-range, high-power destructive moves."Lan Yufeng smacked his lips.

If anyone dared to provoke him, he would just blast them with a curry stick. Wouldn't it be great?

Anti-city-level treasures are no joke.

If his energy source grows to a terrifying speed, it is estimated that the power it can exert will not only be anti-city-level.

For a moment, Lan Yufeng thought a lot.

When Lan Yufeng returned home, he was humming a little tune. He even wanted to take a nap.

However, he found that there was a light in the toilet in front of him.

There was no doubt that Qiancong ran to the toilet.

When Lan Yufeng was about to go back to the room and wait, the door of the toilet suddenly opened, and Lan Yu Qiancong, who was in disheveled pajamas, appeared in front of Lan Yufeng.

"Um, light green onion..."Lan Yufeng touched his nose

"Do you want to go to the bathroom?"Lan Yu Qian Cong was also stunned, then she blushed and tidied her pajamas, walked out and made way. She was alone before, so she didn't care about it. She didn't expect to bump into her brother.

""Yeah." Lan Yufeng nodded and walked in directly. He always felt a little awkward.

Ever since he slept in the same bed with Asagi twice, the atmosphere between the two of them has subtly changed. Some places always make people feel distressed and have wild thoughts.

However, tonight was always an accident, and the two did not care much.

Time passed, and more than a month passed in the blink of an eye.

In this more than a month, Lan Yufeng opened some refreshed bronze red envelopes from time to time.

But the bronze red envelopes seemed to have completely turned into a collection of pit goods, and all the ones opened were pit goods, which made Lan Yufeng unable to complain.

At the same time, in this more than a month, Lan Yufeng went shopping with Asagi, Nagisa, and Yezane Natsune quite a lot..

If I'm at home, I occasionally play games with the tank driver Dillian when she has time.

However, Dillian didn't mention the promise to go shopping last time, so Lan Yufeng didn't ask any more questions.

In short, Lan Yufeng has been living a completely lazy life for more than a month during the summer vacation.

And today is the last day of summer vacation.

On this last day, Lan Yufeng is free. Because everyone has to finish their summer homework.

Even Asagi forgot that she still had most of her summer homework to do, which Lan Yufeng found a little funny.

Instead, he, the lazy character, was the first to finish it.

Well, although he is usually lazy, he is actually a pseudo-academic nerd?

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the bronze red envelope and getting a pack of popping candy."

As the system's prompt sounded, Lan Yufeng looked at the item in front of him and rolled his eyes.

Forget it, it's food again. Dog system, the good things in the bronze red envelope, you can't have taken them for yourself, right?

"Master, I am not a noble, please do not slander the innocence of this system."The system said silently.

""Oh, you are good at complaining." Lan Yufeng teased.

This time, the system did not answer and continued to be aloof.

Lan Yufeng did not care much about this.

Suddenly, Lan Yufeng found that a silver red envelope had been refreshed and was even coming towards him.

Just when Lan Yufeng was about to enlarge the virtual map to see the situation, he saw a familiar figure running towards him.

""Nagisa?" Lan Yufeng greeted in surprise.

"Feng!" Xiao Nagisa held up a parasol, panting slightly as she hid behind Lan Yufeng.

"What's wrong with you? Is someone chasing you?"Lan Yufeng teased

"Yes, I found someone following me. Did I meet the legendary pervert?" Nagisa Akatsuki chattered."But that's not right, the other party is obviously a girl, and a very cute girl. Could it be a pervert?" Well

, it's confirmed, the psychic of the Lion King Matchmaking Agency and his wife, Setsuna Jidong, has arrived.

Lan Yufeng glanced ahead, looking at the black-haired beauty with super tracking skills, he couldn't help but look weird, and muttered in his heart.

"Nagisa, don't be afraid, just leave it to me." Lan Yufeng smiled slightly, touched Nagisa's head, and said softly.

Anyway, it's quite boring now, so let's play with Jidong Xuecai.

Lan Yufeng's mouth curled up slightly.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes to support, QAQ~)

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