""Nagisa, come with me. Let's get rid of her." Then, Lan Yufeng took Nagisa's hand and walked forward.

Nagisa's pretty face blushed when Lan Yufeng held her hand.

But she let Lan Yufeng hold her hand.

On the other side, Jidong Xuecai, who was hiding behind a telephone pole, saw this scene and ran out to follow.

However, when she caught up, Lan Yufeng had already rushed into a shopping mall with Nagisa.

When she rushed over, she was dumbfounded because she could not see the shadow of Lan Yufeng and Nagisa at all.

"Snapped————!"When she hurriedly scanned the crowd, her pretty shoulder was suddenly tapped, which startled her. She quickly turned to look sideways, but unfortunately she didn't see anyone.

When she thought it was an accident and a passerby bumped into her, her left shoulder was also tapped, which made her face change. She jumped back a few meters, holding the guitar with the Snow Wolf and staring around.

However, after a few minutes, when the passersby's eyes became more and more weird, there was nothing strange, which made her feel uncomfortable and she quickly ran away with a red face.

"Feng, aren't we being too mean?" Nagisa Akatsuki said anxiously.

"Well, it's not bad, after all, she was the one who followed you first."Lan Yufeng said with a smile.

In order to tease Ji Dong Xuecai, Lan Yufeng even used the instant step, which can be said to be very social.

""Oh." After hearing this, Nagisa Akatsuki was no longer troubled.

"However, she seemed to be wearing our school uniform. She was in the same grade as me, but I had no impression of her at all.

"Well, we'll know when we ask her later." Lan Yufeng said with a smile

""Hmm!" Nagisa Akatsuki chuckled and agreed with this suggestion.

Then, Lan Yufeng followed with Nagisa Akatsuki.

This time, they were the ones tracking.

So, Jidong Xuecai's tracking and anti-tracking skills are simply terrible.

Lan Yufeng complained in his heart.

A few minutes later, Jidong Xuecai walked out of the mall depressed and came to the street.

She was suddenly entrusted with an important task by the Three Saints to monitor the fourth true ancestor Nagisa Akatsuki, so she came to Gengami Island.

Unexpectedly, she was discovered not long after tracking. Obviously her tracking was perfect.

Jidong Xuecai muttered in her heart.

As expected of the fourth true ancestor, the strongest vampire in the dream, a difficult guy.

However, from the outside, he doesn't look harmful.

"Hey, little girl, do you want to play with us?"When Ji Dong Xue Cai was in a daze, an unreliable voice sounded, making her look up.

They were two demons wearing login bracelets.

This made Ji Dong Xue Cai, who was not very happy, frown.

"Feng, it's bad, she's been entangled by the gangster demons, we have to go help her." Xiao Nagisa, who was hiding behind a car, saw this scene and said hurriedly

"Well, don't worry about her."Lan Yufeng shook his head, took Xiao Nagisa's slender arm, and said softly."She is an attack magician, very strong"

""Uh, a demon master?" Xiao Nagisa was surprised.

Thinking of the scene where Jidong Xuecai was teased by Lan Yufeng before, she was a little skeptical.

However, the next scene made Xiao Nagisa's eyes widen.

Because Jidong Xuecai actually beat the two demons away in a few seconds.

Jidong Xuecai, holding a silver spear, standing on the roof of the car, can be said to be very handsome

""So cool." Nagisa Akatsuki shouted with great interest."So cool! I wish I could be as good as her. Don't you agree, Feng!"

""Nagisa, you will be much better than her when you grow up. You will be very handsome too." Lan Yufeng smiled and said teasingly

"Who is there?"The voice here was not concealed, and Ji Dong Xuecai heard it naturally. She was startled and looked over with sharp eyes. Xuexia Wolf pointed over.

""Hey, it's me." Xiao Nagisa came out with a smile, blinking her eyes.

Lan Yufeng put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked out leisurely.

"It's you!" Ji Dongxuecai was stunned, then heaved a sigh of relief, and then felt a little embarrassed.

"Why are you following me?" Nagisa Akatsuki asked curiously."Also, you should be a student of the Saikai Academy Middle School."

"The reason for the tracking is the mission. You are a dangerous person."Jidong Xuecai said frankly.

Well, what an honest child, a little too serious.

Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes.

To be honest, in Lan Yufeng's opinion, Jidong Xuecai is the least suitable person to be the main wife.

Because she is too serious and too jealous. When she is jealous, she is likely to do some extreme things, which makes people feel very dangerous.

Well, the above is purely the evaluation of Asagi in the original work.

In Lan Yufeng's opinion, this is quite accurate.

"I'm not dangerous!" Nagisa Akatsuki said with a puffy face.

She was suddenly followed and said to be dangerous. Even she felt a little angry and depressed.

"The fourth true ancestor is a dangerous existence."Jidong Xuecai said frankly

"Well..."Hearing this, Xiao Nagisa's face fell. She couldn't refute it and could only look at Lan Yufeng pitifully.

"Don't listen to her nonsense."Lan Yufeng touched Xiao Nagisa's head and said calmly."You are not dangerous."

""Yeah! Feng is the best after all!" Nagisa nodded happily.

"Lan Yufeng, I heard about you from Lord Xian Guyong. You are also a dangerous existence and must be monitored. Lord Xian Guyong told me that he should pay more attention to you than the Fourth True Ancestor. Ji Dong Xuecai took a deep breath and said with a serious face.

"Oh, that's what she said."Lan Yufeng smiled playfully. Well, Yuejiang's guess was confirmed. Ji Dong Xuecai was sold out by Xian Guyong and the other three saints. The target was himself.

"I hate being watched. Your stalking is a crime. Believe it or not, I will notify the Special Zone Guard of Genshin Island to arrest you."

Lan Yufeng said with a smile.

"......!"Hearing this, Jidong Xuecai was stunned and didn't know how to answer.

Although Lord Xian Guyong told her that Lan Yufeng was very dangerous. But it seems that Lan Yufeng has not committed any crime now. The fourth true ancestor Akatsuki Nagisa has not committed any crime either.

Her tracking and surveillance behavior seems to be a criminal act! If Lan Yufeng really wants to call the police, then wouldn't she have to go to the police station and eat pork chop rice? For a moment, Jidong Xuecai was confused.

When Jidong Xuecai was confused, a gust of wind appeared at the right time and blew up Jidong Xuecai's skirt.

Because of the position, Lan Yufeng could clearly see Jidong Xuecai's blue and white striped panties that were originally looming.

Huh? Why is it blue and white stripes again. Na Yuejiang likes to wear it, Jidong Xuecai also likes to wear it, and Nagisa also likes to wear it.

Hiss, blue and white stripes, so scary...!

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes and support, QAQ~)

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