"Did you see it?!" Although Ji Dongxuecai held up her skirt at the first moment, she still noticed Lan Yufeng's subtle look. She was embarrassed and angry.

"Of course." Lan Yufeng admitted calmly."You are standing so high, and if the wind blows, I can't see clearly, then I am blind."

"————!"Lan Yufeng's frank admission made Ji Dongxuecai open her eyes wide, and her face was full of confusion.

Then, her pretty face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Indeed, it is true." Xiao Nagisa also muttered.

Then, Xiao Nagisa pulled Lan Yufeng's arm again, puffed up her face, and taught in a low voice:

"Feng, although you didn't mean it, you should pretend you didn't see it to save the girl's face. If you say it directly, the girl will feel very embarrassed."

"I see. I'll be more careful next time." Lan Yufeng clapped his hands and said jokingly."I will definitely remember what happened today and use it as a warning to myself."

"I heard everything!" Ji Dong Xuecai jumped down holding up the hem of her skirt, her forehead full of black lines, and said with gritted teeth."Don't remember it, forget it!"

""Sorry, I can't forget it. It's a memorable day. I learned another lesson." Lan Yufeng sighed.

Xiao Nagisa also nodded, happy that Lan Yufeng had learned a lesson.

At this time, Jidong Xuecai could no longer bear it, and suddenly rushed towards Lan Yufeng, with lightning flashing in her palm.

It was the Eight Thunder God Technique of the Lion King Organization.


Facing Ji Dongxuecai's attack, Lan Yufeng simply stretched out his palm and blocked her punch.

"————!"This made Ji Dong Xuecai's eyes narrow. Although she didn't use her full strength, she was surprised that it was blocked so easily.

"Hey, why did you suddenly hit someone?" Nagisa Akatsuki glared at Nagisa Akatsuki angrily.

"Eight Thunder God Techniques? Compared to your master Yuan Tangyuan, your level is totally inadequate."Lan Yufeng held Ji Dong Xuecai's fist, shook it off, and then said calmly

"My master Yuantang Yuan?" Ji Dongxuecai's face changed slightly, and she looked at Lan Yufeng in doubt.

More than a month ago, she went out to perform a mission.

When she came back, she heard from her classmates that a handsome boy came to Gaoshen Forest and had a fight with Master Yuantang Yuan in the martial arts arena.

That fight was earth-shattering and destroyed the entire martial arts arena.

In the end, Master Yuantang Yuan admitted defeat.

When she heard the news, Ji Dongxuecai was shocked, but that was all.

She was not interested in getting to the bottom of the matter, so she only knew about this person.

However, listening to Lan Yufeng's tone, Lan Yufeng was that person?

"Have you ever fought with my master?" Ji Dong Xuecai was silent for a moment and asked.

"Of course. It seems that Xian Guyong and the others didn't tell you."Lan Yufeng looked at Ji Dongxuecai with a strange look in his eyes.

"By the way, you didn't even know about such a big thing, which is also easy to investigate."Lan Yufeng complained."You came to Genshin Island without even collecting all the intelligence. You are amazing."

This made Jidong Xuecai's face flushed and she was speechless.

However, it's not her fault! Although Lord Xian Guyong said that Lan Yufeng was very dangerous. But she instinctively focused on the Fourth True Ancestor.

For this reason, she collected information related to the Fourth True Ancestor.

Well, it was all the most superficial information. In terms of intelligence gathering, she really had no way.

If only Sayaka was here. It's a pity that she has been on missions for more than a month and basically hasn't come back.

"Hey! Feng, have you ever fought with her master? Who is Yuantang Yuan? Is he very powerful?"Akira Nagisa asked like a curious baby.

Although she is the fourth true ancestor, she undoubtedly has no awareness of being the fourth true ancestor. There are many things in the world that are unknown.

In this regard, Lan Yufeng simply explained the relationship, which made Xiao Nagisa's eyes full of little stars, and she looked at Lan Yufeng with admiration.

This made Lan Yufeng quite enjoyable.

Well, being admired by a cute school girl is still quite a sense of accomplishment.

"Do you still want to fight with me?" Lan Yufeng looked at Ji Dongxuesui with a slight smile on his face."I don't mind playing with you for a while."

"————!"Hearing this, Ji Dong Xue Cai's expression changed, and finally she looked at Lan Yu Feng stubbornly.

Maybe Lan Yu Feng was very strong, but her mission was to monitor Lan Yu Feng. For this reason, it was necessary to fight with Lan Yu Feng and find out the details in person. For this reason, Ji Dong Xue Cai held the Xuexia Wolf in her hand, and the meaning was very clear.

"There is nothing we can do."Lan Yufeng shook his head.

He opened the fourth gate, the wound gate, in seconds. The dark green flames intertwined with him.

The huge pressure came, making Ji Dongxuecai's expression more solemn.

Suddenly, Ji Dongxuecai's eyes flashed with a strange luster, which made her face change.

The ability of spiritual vision to predict the future in a short time allowed her to see the coming of danger.

However, even if she saw the danger, her body function could not keep up with Lan Yufeng's speed at all.

"————!"The next moment, Lan Yufeng disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of Ji Dong Xuecai, with his hand across her fair neck.

"Do you still want to fight?" Lan Yufeng said calmly."If you still want to fight, I won't show mercy."

This made Ji Dongxuecai come back to her senses. She looked at Lan Yufeng dejectedly and lowered the Xuexia Wolf in her hand.

"That's right."Lan Yufeng chuckled and came out of the state of Eight Gates.

Although in normal state, Lan Yufeng also has the confidence to beat Jidong Xuecai, but it will take some effort, and it is not as shocking as an instant kill.

In order to prevent Jidong Xuecai from following like a sticky candy in the future, Xiao Gucheng must be cautious about everything he does alone, and deterrence is necessary.

Otherwise, she will think that she is in a superior position, and the so-called identity of the monitor is very awesome.

For example, in the original book, Xiao Gucheng was eaten to death by Jidong Xuecai. He always warned Xiao Gucheng that he had the right to kill the fourth true ancestor when necessary.

In fact, the so-called right to kill is nonsense.

Lan Yufeng is not the punching bag of Xiao Gucheng. He doesn't like a girl like Jidong Xuecai who is picky to ride on his head.

"Don't take your identity as a monitor seriously. Xian Guyong can't control me."Lan Yufeng patted Ji Dongxuecai's shoulder and said slowly.

"You can choose to just observe instead of following. You can even become friends with Nagisa, but don't cross the line."

"......!"Hearing this, Ji Dongxuecai pursed her lips, her face full of reluctance, but she couldn't say anything.

Lan Yufeng was not someone she could deal with.

"Hey, I want to be friends with you!" At this time, Xiao Nagisa ran over, enthusiastically holding Jidong Xuecai's hand, with a smile on her face."My name is Xiao Nagisa, you can call me Nagisa. What about you?"

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes and support, QAQ~)

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