The enthusiasm of Akatsuki Nagisa made Jidong Setsuna not know how to react, she just looked at Akatsuki Nagisa awkwardly.

She couldn't understand why the girl she was following was a little angry before, but now she showed such a cheerful and cute smile to her.

Only Lan Yufeng smiled.

Akatsuki Nagisa's personality is like this. She is rarely angry. Even if she is angry, it is mostly just a little bit petty, and she will smile soon.

Akatsuki Nagisa is a very cheerful, innocent and cute girl.

So she is very popular in the entire Saikai Junior High School, and many people are willing to be friends with her. There is a very comfortable feeling when staying with her.

Well, as for staying with Yezane Natsune, there is a feeling of being healed.

"My name is Jidong Xuecai..."Finally, unable to resist Nagisa Akatsuki's talkative nature, Jidong Setsuna said her name with hesitation.

Seeing Nagisa Akatsuki and Setsuna Jidong chatting, Lan Yufeng did not interrupt the topic between them, but said something to Nagisa Akatsuki and planned to continue strolling.

In this regard, Nagisa Akatsuki was about to pull Lan Yufeng to chat, but seeing Lan Yufeng refused, there was nothing she could do.

She originally wanted to reconcile the relationship between Lan Yufeng and Setsuna Jidong.

After walking a distance alone, Lan Yufeng looked at the silver red envelope in front of him.

The condition for opening the silver red envelope on Setsuna Jidong is to defeat it.

This is also one of the reasons why Lan Yufeng and Setsuna Jidong fought.

Lan Yufeng hummed a little tune and stretched out his finger to tap the silver red envelope.

In an instant, a silver light appeared, and an object floated out with the silver light.

The sound of the system also rang out

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the silver-level red envelope and receiving a Qingxin necklace."

Qingxin necklace: can make the wearer feel refreshed and eliminate negative emotions

"Pure Heart Necklace?"Lan Yufeng pondered for a moment."Give it to Xia Yin."

Xia Yin's angelic transformation will be swallowed by negative emotions. I hope this necklace can make her sober.

This is just the last hope.

Before that, Lan Yufeng wanted to completely solve the problem of angelic simulation.

However, what troubled Lan Yufeng was that he could not find anything to completely solve the angelic simulation technique. The red rose that breaks the magic is useless for this kind of technique that has been imprinted on the body and has long been fixed.

The ability of the kaleidoscope to collapse can also hurt Xia Yin if you are not careful.

As for the ability to restore? Lan Yufeng can try to restore Xia Yin to her original state.

But the ability to restore consumes pupil power as time goes by.

For example, if an item has just been broken for a day, if you want to restore it, the pupil power consumed is 1. If it is broken for a month, if you want to restore it, the pupil power consumed is increasing layer by layer, which is much higher than 30.

Lan Yufeng felt that even if he consumed all his pupil power and his right eye completely lost its light, he would not be able to restore Xia Yin's body to the past through the ability to restore.

However, if it can be restored? Does it mean that age can also regress? Enough pupil power can turn a girl back into a loli? This is equivalent to going back in time.....

Lan Yufeng was stunned and thought for a moment.

Okay, I'm getting off topic. Even if he could do it, the amount of pupil power and spiritual power consumed would be horrible. It would be difficult to drain him dry....

Therefore, he could only pray that something useful would come out of the red envelope in the next period of time.

Otherwise, he could only try to let Nagisa suck blood to summon the third beast, the dragon snake, to solve the problem like in the original book.

However, now because of his existence, he doubted whether things could develop smoothly like in the original book. It was a question whether Nagisa could do this.

""Oh, it's really a headache." Lan Yufeng pressed his brows and sighed helplessly.

"Huh? A new silver-level red envelope has been refreshed?"Lan Yufeng opened the virtual map and saw a silver-level red envelope appearing within the range of the Xian Shen Island on the map. His eyes lit up.

"The location is in the Adirad Monastery behind the Caihai Academy?"Lan Yufeng was surprised for a moment, and then he ran straight to the Adirad Monastery.

When Lan Yufeng arrived at the Adirad Monastery, he saw a pure white figure in this dilapidated monastery.

Because the monastery was relatively dilapidated, the sunlight slanted in. At the junction of sunlight and shadow, Yeze Natsune, wearing a school uniform, was holding a cat grass and playing with a few cats, forming a beautiful picture.

"Xia Yin?" Seeing this beautiful scene, Lan Yufeng was surprised.

"Feng, are you here to see the cats too?" Ye Lai Xia Yin turned her head to look at Lan Yu Feng who was walking over, blinked her eyes, and smiled softly.

""Yeah." Lan Yufeng touched his face and said softly."I didn't expect Xia Yin to be here too."

"What a coincidence." Yeze Natsune smiled softly.

"Hmm? It seems there is one more?" Lan Yufeng asked

"Yes, her name is Xiao Huang. Isn't she cute?"Yase Natsune held the cat and handed it to Lan Yufeng.

"It's really cute."Lan Yufeng smiled and took the cat.

However, just as he took it, the cat, which had been peaceful in Yeze Natsune's arms, began to struggle.

Cats are very vigilant animals, and few people can easily approach them.

Anyway, Lan Yufeng can't do it. But Yeze Natsune is very popular with small animals. Even wild cats full of masculinity are the same.

Should we say that she is worthy of being an angel?

Lan Yufeng muttered.

"Forget it, you should just hold it. I brought some snacks for them this time."

Lan Yufeng shook his head, put the struggling cat back into the paper box, took out the fine cat food from a bronze-level red envelope from his pocket (actually from the system space), and handed it to Ye Lai Xia Yin.

"Feng, you are really gentle."

This made Yeze Natsune blink her eyes and said softly.

Well, it appears, the almighty Yashaxing (gentle).

Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes slightly.

In terms of gentleness, no one can compare to you, Natsune.

However, Lan Yufeng did not refute this, but just chatted with Yeze Natsune in a casual manner.

At the same time, he took the opportunity to open the silver red envelope in the monastery.

This kind of local red envelope that does not require opening conditions is his favorite.

It would be even better if good things could be opened.

With Lan Yufeng's finger tapping, the silver red envelope lit up and opened automatically.

The sound of the system also sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the silver-level red envelope, strange fruit."

Strange fruit: After eating, there is a chance to gain special power, and it may also enhance physical fitness. It is more likely to cause food poisoning symptoms. Eat with caution!

"What a strange fruit, why don't you say it's a pirated devil fruit."Lan Yufeng complained in his heart. He threw this thing full of pitfalls in the introduction into the system storage space. Lan Yufeng and Ye Lai Natsune played with the cat together, and then left the monastery together.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes to support, QAQ~)

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