"Xia Yin, I have something for you."When they parted at the intersection, Lan Yufeng took out the Qingxin necklace from the system storage space, handed it to Ye Lai Xia Yin, and said softly

"This, give it to me?"Looking at the beautiful sky blue pendant necklace in Lan Yufeng's hand, Ye Lai Xia Yin's face was full of joy.

At the same time, she was a little shy, and her fair face was smeared with a charming blush.

When a boy gives a necklace to a girl, it will obviously make people think of many things.

""Yes." Lan Yufeng nodded and said seriously,"Xia Yin, please always wear this necklace. This is a very important thing."

"I, I know..."Yeze Natsune's eyes wandered, she looked down at her toes, and nodded hesitantly. Her pretty face became more and more rosy and hot.

""Okay, see you at school tomorrow." Because the girl lowered her head, Lan Yufeng didn't notice her blushing face. He just smiled gently, touched Ye Lai Natsune's soft silver hair, and turned away.

"maple..."Fascinated by looking at blue���Feng's back, Yeze Natsune holding the sky blue pendant necklace, blushing and putting it around her neck...............................

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, a day had passed, which also meant that the summer vacation was about to end. Indistinctly, many students in the residential buildings were wailing miserably, obviously because they had not done their homework.

Lan Yufeng, on the other hand, was happily playing games at home, drawing cards twelve times in a row.

Tsk, they are all rubbish.

Am I possessed by the God of Non-Africans again?

Lan Yufeng looked at the screen speechlessly, smacking his lips in dissatisfaction.

If he were not a wealthy man with a net worth of tens of millions, he really couldn't stand playing like this.

Sure enough, the operator of the card-drawing game should be killed. Black-hearted operator, give me back my hard-earned money!


Suddenly, a shocking explosion sounded from afar. Although it was very far away, Lan Yufeng could still hear it clearly. After all, his current physique was that of an ordinary person with long-range vision.

Lan Yufeng frowned slightly, jumped directly from his window, and quickly rushed to the scene of the incident with the help of the air dance technique.

In the industrial area of the eastern part of Xianshen Island, the firebirds in the sky were flying wantonly, and countless flame bombs hit the ground, causing all kinds of violent explosions.

However, some of the flame bombs were swallowed by a huge white arm.

Seeing this scene, Marcus was extremely irritated.

He suddenly remembered that more than a month ago, Lan Yufeng, a high school student attack magician, was on guard.

It is best not to walk at night for the next two months, or you will be chopped. Now this prophecy has undoubtedly come true. He was really attacked when he was walking at night. The other party was Teacher Zhan. He would definitely kill him without mercy.

And the other party was also a lunatic. He actually brought two artificial life forms, and each artificial life form had a familiar.

He suddenly felt a little regretful about this. Why didn't he listen to the advice?

When Marcus was upset, his firebird familiar was directly devoured by the familiar [Rose Fingertips] that was living on Astraluti.

And he himself was chopped by an axe from Teacher Zhan Dolph Ostach, and fell to the ground with blood gushing out.

"I really regret it." Marcus smiled bitterly.

"Do demons know how to regret? Then die in regret."Rudolf sneered and raised the huge axe in his hand.

"clang————!"Just as he was about to chop down, a gust of wind suddenly appeared, causing his eyes to narrow slightly. The axe chopped backwards and collided with the silver spear.

Instantly, sparks flew, and Jidong Xuecai's pretty face appeared in Rudolph's eyes.

He snorted coldly and threw Jidong Xuecai out with force.

When Jidong Xuecai spun a few circles in the air and landed steadily, he sneered.

"I see, this spell. This gun, you are the sword wizard of the Lion King Organization, right?"

""Yes, it is so." Ji Dong Xuecai looked at Rudolph with a serious face, and then looked at Astraluti behind Rudolph with fear, and the silver-haired loli on the other side who was equally petite and lifeless as Astraluti, and she said angrily

"Who are you and what is your purpose? Why did you attack the demon tribe? You even placed your beasts on innocent little girls like them."

Ji Dong Xuecai's anger grew.

Placing beasts on humans, with the speed at which the beasts sucked life force, these two little girls would definitely not survive for more than a week. This was extremely cruel.

"I am an armed demon-repellent from Lotanlingchia, Teacher Annihilator. I am a monk from the Western European Church, and I have come to this sinful island to retrieve the desecrated holy object."Wearing special armor and holding a heavy half-moon axe, Rudolf spoke with a sharp look in his eyes.

"As for them, they are nothing more than artificial life forms, not human beings at all."Rudolf Ostach said coldly."They are just props."

"Artificial life form?" Ji Dong Xuecai's face turned pale as she looked at the lifeless eyes of the two lolis."This is illegal!"

Openly, it is not allowed to create artificial life forms!

"Innocent sword wizard, everything I do is for the justice of the church! What does a piece of law mean?"Rudolf Ostach sneered."You are just a tool cultivated by the Lion King Organization."

Hearing this, Jidong Xuecai was silent.

""Xuecai-chan, you are not a prop!" At this time, a voice sounded, which made Jidong Xuecai stunned.

In the shadows, Xiao Nagisa, who was panting slightly, also appeared here.

Originally, Xiao Nagisa was just helping Jidong Xuecai buy necessary household items. As a result, she forgot to buy towels, so the two of them came out together.

Unexpectedly, they suddenly encountered such an incident. Jidong Xuecai could not sit idly by, so she rushed over directly.

Xiao Nagisa could only find a way to rush over after Jidong Xuecai.

"The fourth true ancestor, this is really a rare existence." Rudolph looked at Nagisa Akatsuki with a crazy smile on his face.

"By devouring the magic power of the Fourth True Ancestor, it will be enough for these two items to live a little longer and fulfill their due missions."

Rudolf Ostach said in a deep voice.

"Astralude, kill the fourth ancestor"

"Sumanilut, standby."

Then, Rudolf Ostach gave the order in a cold voice. Rose's fingertips have the ability to absorb magic power, so they can fight.

The beast in Sumanilut's body will naturally be used when it is necessary, and will be used at the critical moment.

"The order is accepted. Rose's fingertips."Astraluti, who was wearing ragged linen, took a step forward expressionlessly and opened her mouth slightly.

In an instant, a huge white arm appeared behind her again, looking very scary.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes to support, QAQ~)

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