"————!"Suddenly, a faint voice sounded in Lan Yufeng's mind, making his eyes widen a little.


However, when Lan Yufeng called in his mind, there was no movement.

It seems that Nagisa's bloodsucking touched Aurora's soul....

Lan Yufeng's eyes flickered

"Feng, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Nagisa came back to her senses and noticed that Lan Yufeng was different, so she asked

"Nothing." Lan Yufeng shook his head and chuckled.

"I don't think we can find Rudolph tonight, but given his current state, he definitely doesn't have the energy to bother any more. You guys go back together. I'll ask Asagi to help me find his whereabouts."

""Hmm!" Hearing this, Nagisa nodded, and left with Jidong Xuecai, who was full of confusion and didn't know who Asagi was.

After Nagisa and Jidong Xuecai left, Lan Yufeng also flew to his home.

While flying in the air, Lan Yufeng was also looking at the gold-level red envelope in front of him with envy.

The condition for opening the gold-level red envelope on Nagisa is to let Nagisa suck blood. This condition has undoubtedly been met just now, and he can open this red envelope at any time.

Thinking of this, Lan Yufeng suddenly wanted to thank Rudolph, the sucker. Not only can he help him open a few red envelopes, but he can also let him pick up two lolis, and it also makes Nagisa feel a sense of crisis, and slightly overcome the fear of blood sucking.

What a good man.

Lan Yufeng smacked his lips.

Then, Lan Yufeng reached out and tapped the red envelope in front of him.

In an instant, the golden light was bright, and in the dazzling golden light, an object flew out.

The sound of the system also rang out

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the gold-level red envelope and obtaining a medium energy source!"

""Medium energy source?" Lan Yufeng's eyes lit up.

Although he now has a primary energy source, he can automatically absorb spiritual power and become stronger without his active practice every day, but the speed is quite slow.

The energy of the primary energy source is actually not much, just barely comparable to that of an ordinary old generation vampire.

In short, Lan Yufeng is quite short of energy. He can't fight for a long time.

Drawing a medium energy source will undoubtedly temporarily solve one of his shortcomings.

At the same time, because of the increase in energy, the increase in the Eight Gates will also be a little stronger.

Lan Yufeng thought wildly and integrated into the medium energy source.

In an instant, Lan Yu Feng felt warm all over, and the energy source in his body grew a lot, absorbing spiritual energy in the air much faster.

Based on Lan Yu Feng's experience fighting against old generation vampires, his current energy capacity is much greater than that of most old generation vampires, and should be close to that of elder vampires.

Of course, he still can't compare with the True Ancestor.

Feeling very happy, Lan Yu Feng sped up and flew back home.

As soon as he flew home from the window, Lan Yu Feng was stunned. Because in his room, Lan Yu Qiancong was sitting on his bed, staring at him.

"Um, Qiancong, good evening."Lan Yufeng touched his nose and greeted awkwardly.

"Feng, have you been hiding a lot of things from me?" Lan Yu Asagi said angrily."Four years ago, I left Genshin Island without saying a word."

"Sorry."Lan Yufeng smiled helplessly, sat on his computer chair, and looked at Lan Yuqian.

"Actually, I became a magic attacker." Lan Yufeng thought about it and didn't hide it anymore."I left Genshin Island during the summer vacation to complete the mission entrusted by Yuejiang."

""A magician?" Lan Yuqian looked at Lan Yufeng in surprise and fell into deep thought.

"So, you were just going to deal with the demons that were wreaking havoc everywhere?" Lan Yu Qian Cong asked.

"Yes. Although it is true that the stupid vampire destroyed more things, he is the victim. Lan Yufeng shook his head and explained

"A teacher named Jian invaded the island of Xianshen and hunted demons everywhere. He wanted to destroy the island of Xianshen....."Lan Yufeng explained briefly.

Of course, many things that only he knew had to be kept in his heart.

"————!"Hearing this, Lan Yu Qiancong's pupils condensed and became serious.

"Artificial life forms, raising pets. Destroying Genshin Island."Lan Yu Qian Cong frowned and said,"This is no small matter."

"Based on what you said, Feng, I can infer that he must be hiding in a place where the genes of artificial life forms can be maintained stable....I'll check it out now." Lan Yu Qiancong took out his mobile phone and took action directly.

Soon, Lan Yu Qiancong finalized several locations, which were similar to the inferences in the original book.

This also made Lan Yufeng a little entangled.

Qiancong learned about Rudolph's purpose and found out the possible locations. If the special zone guard team was notified, it would seem that the plot would be deviated.

I hope this guy Rudolph will not be arrested in advance, otherwise he will lose a silver red envelope and can only think of other ways to get to the cornerstone door.

""Done, I have notified the Special Zone Security Team." Lan Yu Qiancong said confidently."He can't run away."

Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes and said nothing more. It was his own fault. Besides, Qiancong was his sister, Lan Yufeng would not blame her for this.

"I'm going to take a shower." After Lan Yufeng and Lan Yu Qiancong talked, he went to the toilet.

Of course, he didn't really take a shower.

He went to the bathroom to eat the strange fruit full of pitfalls. Even if he was pitted, he could still clean up the debris in the bathroom.

"I want to see what's the trick of this fruit."Lan Yufeng took out this strange fruit that was too red from the system storage space, muttered something, and then threw it directly into his mouth.

Suddenly, Lan Yufeng felt his stomach growling, which made his face dark. He ran directly from the bathroom to the toilet and squatted.

After going to the toilet several times in a row, Lan Yufeng came out with the help of the door.

Damn it, it's really a trick! System, do you hear me, knock inside?

"Master, this is your bad luck, don't blame this system. And although the side effect is diarrhea, your physical fitness has become stronger."The system's mechanical voice sounded

"Hmm?"Hearing this, Lan Yufeng was stunned and sensed his body.

Indeed, although he felt weak now, he also had a strange feeling of splitting mountains and rivers.

Of course, these were all illusions.

He definitely hadn't reached that level. However, he must have become stronger.

Although most of the bronze-level red envelopes in the system were scams, he would not lie to him in this regard.

"Is this a pleasant surprise?"Lan Yufeng muttered.

Then, Lan Yufeng gathered his thoughts and ran to the refrigerator to eat a lot of frozen food. Only then did he eliminate his hunger and hummed a little tune back to his room.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flower, vote and support me, QAQ~)

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