""Qiancong, what's the situation?" After Lan Yufeng returned to the room, he saw Lan Yu Qiancong who was angry. He asked softly

"This guy broke through and ran away." Lan Yu Qiancong's face was full of depression."Why are these special zone guards so weak? It doesn't work even if we tell them the information."

These words made Lan Yufeng smile.

Special zone guards? They are originally a synonym for extras. In Lan Yufeng's memory, anyone who comes to Xianshen Island can bully them.

After all, most of them are a group of ordinary people who fight with guns and magic-breaking bullets. It

's okay to deal with ordinary orcs, but to deal with Rudolf, Astraluti, and Sumanilut, it's like delivering a courier over a thousand miles, and the gift is small but the sentiment is great.

"But, didn't Yue Jiang take action?"Lan Yufeng's eyes flickered slightly, a little puzzled.

On this island, Yue Jiang and Sasaki Misaki, the"Fairy Lady" among the Four Fists Fairies, could easily defeat Rudolph and the others, right?

"It seems that Teacher Na Yue has other things to do."Lan Yu Qian Cong played with her hair and sighed.

"......"Hearing this, Lan Yufeng raised his eyebrows.

Based on his understanding of Na Yuejiang, this is very suspicious. What is more important than the terrorists who want to destroy the island?

After thinking about it, Lan Yufeng went out and called Na Yuejiang.

"Lan Yufeng, you called me in the middle of the night and disturbed others' sleep. Do you want to die?" Nangong Nayue's cold voice sounded.

"......"Lan Yufeng looked strange."Then Yue-chan, don't you know what happened tonight?"

"Of course I know. And I was there." Nangong Nayue said calmly."But, in order to awaken Nagisa, I didn't care about it. This is also your idea, right?"

"Forehead...."Lan Yufeng touched his nose and suddenly understood what Yue Jiang was thinking.

Lan Yufeng was very touched by this.

"Na Yuejiang, I'm sorry to disturb your sleep."Lan Yufeng said softly

""It's good to know." Nangong Nayue snorted coldly."Remember to handle the matter for me. If there is any big problem with Xianshen Island, I will throw you into the sea to feed the sharks."

As soon as this sentence fell, the phone was hung up.

In response, Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes.

Nayue, the phrase"throwing you into the sea to feed the sharks" will become outdated if you say it too much.

"Ah, I've completely lost him. This is a big problem." When Lan Yufeng returned to the room, Lan Yuqian's complaining voice rang out.

"Don't worry, I have roughly guessed his real purpose, just wait and see."Lan Yufeng touched his nose and said slowly

"What is his purpose?" Lan Yu Qian Cong asked curiously.

"Well, I won't tell you this." Lan Yufeng said mysteriously."I will arrest him."

"Humph, if you don't want to tell me, then don't tell me. Who cares?" Lan Yu Qian Cong curled her lips.

"By the way, Qian Cong, aren't you leaving yet?"Lan Yufeng coughed lightly and reminded

"As compensation for the fact that you have been hiding this from me, you must give me some compensation."Lan Yu Qian Cong looked directly at Lan Yu Feng, her eyes moist.

When she said this, Lan Yu Qian Cong's pretty face turned slightly red.

"Um, okay, I'll make it up to you later." Lan Yufeng said with a smile

"Idiot."Lan Yu Qiancong glared at Lan Yufeng and left the room. After

Lan Yu Qiancong left, Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief and was a little upset.

For this reason, he chose to continue playing the game to calm down.

The next day was the first day of school.

Lan Yufeng also went to school with Lan Yu Qiancong.

Familiar classmates and familiar teachers made Lan Yufeng and Lan Yu Qiancong very happy. They greeted acquaintances.

"Gucheng, what have you done this summer? I feel like the dark circles under your eyes are getting darker and darker." Lan Yufeng looked at Xiao Gucheng who was sitting next to him and teased."Did your girlfriend drain you dry?"

""Go away." Xiao Gucheng rolled his eyes and complained

"There is a new neighbor named Jidong Xuecai next door. Nagisa helped her in various ways and dragged me along. In the end, she went out to buy things, leaving me alone to help. After coming back, we chatted until very late. Hmm, I am so sleepy."

Akatsuki Kojou lay on the table

"Feng, call me when class starts"

"Well, I promise I won't call you. Let Yuejiang whip you well."Lan Yufeng teased

""Tsk, are you a demon?" Xiao Gucheng complained and closed his eyes.

Yaze Motoki, who was sitting behind Lan Yufeng, kept staring at Lan Yufeng with his eyes flashing.

To be honest, he was really shocked by the changes in Lan Yufeng in the past two months.

"Yase, stop staring at me like that, I'm straight and I like cute girls."Lan Yufeng suddenly turned around and said with a smile

"I'm straight, too." Yaze Motoki rolled his eyes.

"Yase, you have crossed the line recently. Curiosity kills the cat, and I don't want to hurt my friends."Lan Yufeng narrowed his eyes and said meaningfully.

Yase Motoki has undoubtedly been monitoring him during this period. Perhaps it was Xian Guyong's order, or perhaps it was his own curiosity, that made him use his ability to monitor Lan Yufeng.

This made Lan Yufeng a little unhappy.

Being monitored by a man every day, he is not gay, it feels disgusting, right?

"————!"Hearing this, Yase Motoki's pupils shrank.

"I see..."Then, Yaze Motoki smiled bitterly and expressed his attitude.

He didn't expect Lan Yufeng to discover his surveillance.

"That's right." Lan Yufeng returned to his normal state and patted Yaze Motoki on the shoulder.

"Lan Yufeng, come out for a moment."At this time, Nangong Nayue appeared at the door of the classroom, looked at Lan Yufeng, and said with full authority.

In response, Lan Yufeng shrugged and got up and went out.

"Rudolph has invaded the Cornerstone Gate. Come with me to the rooftop and I will transfer you there. The guards there won't hold out for long."

Nangong Nayue said seriously, holding a lace folding fan in her hand.

"Hmm?" Hearing this, Lan Yufeng raised his eyebrows."I see."

In the original work, Rudolph's attack was not so urgent. It seems that the siege of the security team yesterday made him a little anxious.

After all, Astraluti and the others' bodies have not adjusted well, and they can't hold on for a few days.

Then, Lan Yufeng and Nangong Nayue came to the rooftop.

There, Xiao Nagisa and Jidong Xuecai stood anxiously.

They were relieved when Lan Yufeng came.

There was no time to say anything more, Nangong Nayue directly used space magic to transfer the three people over.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes, support, QAQ~)

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