The Cornerstone Gate is the cornerstone of the entire Genshin Island and is heavily guarded.

However, the originally peaceful Cornerstone Gate is now ringing with a shrill alarm.

Rudolph, along with Astraluti and Sumanilut, violently broke into the underwater facilities of the Cornerstone Gate.

Countless members of the Special Zone Guard were severely injured and killed. The guarding robots were also violently destroyed.

Facing Rudolph's invasion, they could only delay a little time.

When Lan Yufeng and the other two came, they saw the situation here and had different reactions.

Lan Yufeng was a little speechless.

Although Genshin Island has top combat power such as Na Yuejiang and Sasaki Misaki, there are really few mid- and high-level magic attackers, and the combat power is broken.

It can be said that the fact that Genshin Island did not cause any major chaos is 80% due to Na Yuejiang's deterrence against the demons.

In the original work, when Na Yue-chan was too busy, she had to drag Akatsuki Kojou, the fourth true ancestor, as free labor. This shows how bad the magicians and garrisons of Gengami Island are.

Akatsuki Nagisa's pretty face turned pale at the tragic scene, and her anger rose.

Jidong Xuecai also had a gloomy face.

Next, under the leadership of Lan Yufeng, the three rushed all the way down.

The Cornerstone Gate underwater facility has forty floors.

When Lan Yufeng arrived, Rudolph had already invaded the last floor that was visible.

In the center of the last floor, an arm was soaked in liquid and wrapped in a machine. There was also a special spell on it.

"Finally, finally found the right arm of the saint!"Before Lan Yufeng could say anything more, Rudolf's face was filled with tears, with emotion, enthusiasm, and anger.

"Damn you, Senra, you actually used the bodies of our saints as"sacrificial building materials" to build this sinful island."Rudolph gnashed his teeth and roared

"This sinful island will end in my hands. I can also take back the holy object!" Rudolph said with a fanatical and ferocious expression.

"......"Listening to Rudolph's words, Jidong Xuecai and Xiao Nagisa were silent, with astonishment, confusion, and bewilderment on their faces.

To be honest, for a moment, they didn't know what to do.

"It's really funny." Lan Yufeng pressed the heads of the two girls beside him, and took a step forward, sneering

"Even if you take the [Sage's Right Arm] now, you can't take it away. When you take back the [Sage's Right Arm], the entire String God Island will disintegrate. And you will be affected and die together."

"So what?"Rudolf's face was full of paranoia."What we do is all for faith. Rather than letting the saint be blasphemed here, it is better to disappear together in the sea."

"That's why I hate the church, most of them are crazy people." Lan Yufeng said expressionlessly."Just for this purpose, you want 560,000 people to be buried with you. People like you should be humanely destroyed."

"Nagisa, Ji Dong, maybe Genshin Island is not right in this matter, but Rudolf's behavior is undoubtedly inhumane."Lan Yufeng said slowly

"If he had just negotiated with the String God Island at the beginning, and then waited for the technology to mature, he could have changed the cornerstone and removed the Saint's right arm. With the current technological development, it wouldn't take long. However, he didn't do this. In the final analysis, he was already crazy."

"There is nothing to say to a madman, just beat him up." Lan Yufeng grinned, his eyes sharpened.

"Senior is right." Ji Dong Xuecai held the Xuexia Wolf in her hand, danced with a gun flower, and said coldly

""Yes!" Nagisa Akatsuki also nodded firmly.

"Astraluti, kill the sword wizard! Sumanilut, mental shock!"Rudolf's face was gloomy. He didn't say anything more and directly issued the attack order.

""Orders accepted, Rose's fingertips." Astraluti said expressionlessly.

As she spoke, a white beast wrapped her in it, and stretched out its giant hand to slap Jidong Xuecai.

At the same time, an illusory figure appeared behind Sumanilut. The terrifying mental shock broke out with all its strength, sweeping the entire venue.

This also caused Sumanilut's vitality to disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Obviously, Rudolph felt that it would be okay to use up these two props directly.

Faced with this sudden mental shock, Akatsuki Nagisa cast a related barrier on her own to block the mental shock.

Jidong Xuecai, under the protection of Akatsuki Nagisa, collided with Astraluti's beast. However

, what surprised Jidong Xuecai was that the fingertips of the rose controlled by Astraluti actually showed fluctuations similar to the technique of the Snow Wolf.

For a moment, without the advantage of the Snow Wolf, Jidong Xuecai became passive everywhere.

""Nagisa, don't use your beast. If you use the two-horned Deep Red in this place, it will destroy the cornerstone gate." Lan Yufeng touched Nagisa's head and reminded her.

""Hmm." Hearing this, Nagisa Akatsuki was very depressed.

She had finally overcome her fear of bloodsucking and was able to successfully summon her familiar, but in the end, she couldn't use it.

"Next, leave it to me."Lan Yufeng's eyes turned into three-magatama Sharingan, and he stepped out of the barrier set up by Akatsuki Nagisa.

On the other side, Rudolf didn't care about this side at all, and rushed to the machine where the [Sage's Right Arm] was placed. He chopped down the heavy axe in his hand without hesitation.

He knew that he could not be Lan Yufeng's opponent. His goal was simple, to destroy the pillars of the cornerstone gate and take away the [Sage's Right Arm], then he would win!

"Ding————!"However, before he could chop the cornerstone door, Lan Yufeng's figure mysteriously appeared in front of him and caught his heavy axe with one hand.

"It's time to end it." Lan Yufeng's body was intertwined with dark green flames, and he maintained the state of the third gate, the gate of life. He said indifferently

"Bang————!"The next moment, before Rudolph could react, Lan Yufeng kicked him in the chest like a whip, directly kicking him out, and he hit the special metal wall heavily, embedded in it.

"puff————!"Rudolph stared at Lan Yufeng intently, spitting blood. The armor on his chest had exploded into pieces, and his chest was sunken.

"It looks like the strength was well controlled. I hope he won't die. Otherwise, it will be hard to explain to Yue-chan."Lan Yufeng stepped on the ground with his right leg and said expressionlessly.

Last night, his energy and physique became stronger. The state of opening the third door was much stronger than before.

I thought that this kick would at most make Rudolph unable to move, and it seemed that he was on the verge of death.

Of course, Lan Yufeng didn't care whether Rudolph lived or died.

"Sizzle————!"The next moment, Lan Yufeng's figure disappeared again. A red spear appeared in his hand, and he pierced through the psychedelic beast behind Sumanilute.

Even if the beast stopped absorbing her vitality, Sumanilute's vitality would not be much left.

If she didn't care, she would not live for an hour.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, and votes to support me~,QAQ~)

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