"Thanks..."Before Sumanilut fell into a coma again, she showed a look of relief, said these two words weakly, then closed her eyes and fell to the ground.

"She actually has her own consciousness?"Lan Yufeng was a little surprised as he held Sumanilute's petite body.

This girl had the same expressionless face as Astraluti, and Lan Yufeng thought she had been successfully indoctrinated with the idea that she was a tool.

"But this is understandable. Lan Yufeng pondered for a moment.

After all, in the original novel, Sumanilut was transformed into a puppet, and was played with and destroyed, and directly attacked the puppet maker who made him.

"It looks like she has been enduring pain. She is so strong."Lan Yufeng shook his head slightly and put the girl lightly on the ground.

The genes of artificial life forms are not very stable, let alone when a familiar is stuffed into them. The process of extracting the little vitality is enough to make a person collapse.

And she never showed this expression from beginning to end, and kept pretending to be expressionless.

Next, it's time to deal with Astarutti." Lan Yufeng looked at Astarutti who was fighting with Jidong Xuecai.

Instant step!

The next moment, Lan Yufeng disappeared from the spot again, and a gun directly pierced through the defensive spell around the familiar and pierced into the body of the familiar.

This made Rose's fingertips wail.

At the same time, Jidong Xuecai did not miss this opportunity, and directly pierced Rose's fingertips into her body.

In an instant, Rose's fingertips turned into magic power and dissipated, returning to Astarutti's body.

"Senior, we won!"Ji Dong Xue Cai breathed a sigh of relief and exclaimed in joy.

""Yes." Lan Yufeng nodded gently.

"Great!"At this time, Nagisa Xiao also ran over excitedly.

"Nagisa, I want to ask you a favor. Lan Yufeng looked at Nagisa and said softly.

"They have beasts living inside them. If left alone, they will die in an hour. I want you to take control of the beasts inside them."Lan Yufeng said seriously.

"Ah, I see." Nagisa Akatsuki looked at Astralude and Sumanilute who had fallen to the ground with some confusion.

"I understand."After a few seconds, Nagisa Akatsuki smiled cheerfully and nodded.

With a kind and innocent personality, she would not hesitate to save people.

Not to mention, Astralude and Sumanilute were indeed a bit pitiful.

Then, Nagisa Akatsuki, despite the feeling of nausea, used her spiritual power to bite the slender necks of Astralude and Sumanilute one after another, and dominated the beasts in their bodies.

Of course, although the beasts were dominated by Nagisa Akatsuki, the actual control was still in their hands.

However, if Nagisa Akatsuki did not allow them to use them, they could not summon them. After all, it consumed Nagisa Akatsuki's vitality.

However, the Fourth True Ancestor was an immortal being, and this consumption had no effect on Nagisa Akatsuki.

"Hmm, I always feel like I've become bad." After sucking blood, Nagisa looked at Lan Yufeng with tears in her eyes."I'm actually used to sucking blood."

"...It's normal for the True Ancestor to suck blood, he didn't become evil."Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes and pressed Akatsuki Nagisa's head."I like this kind of Nagisa"

"Hey hey, is that so?..."Hearing this, Nagisa Xiao lowered her head shyly, her pretty face flushed, and she laughed

"......"Seeing this scene, Ji Dong Xuecai's eyes flickered slightly, and she felt that the relationship between the two was a little subtle.

"But is it comfortable to be touched on the head?...?"Then, Jidong Xuecai looked at Lan Yufeng's hand touching Xiao Nagisa's head, and was a little curious.

Then, under the puzzled eyes of Xiao Nagisa and Jidong Xuecai, Lan Yufeng lightly tapped in the corner and opened the silver red envelope.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the silver-level red envelope and getting a luck card."

Luck card: After using it, you can increase your luck in a short period of time!

"Luck card, is there even such a thing?..."Lan Yufeng muttered.

Then, Lan Yufeng opened the silver-level red envelope on Rudolph.

Suddenly, a silver light shone brightly, and an object flew out in the white light, and the system's voice sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the silver-level red envelope and getting a Pokémon egg."

Pokémon egg: After hatching, you can get a cute Pokémon at random. Remaining hatching time: 24 hours

"What the hell is a little Pokémon egg."Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes.

A newly born Pokémon, what use is there to him.

Well, it can't be said to be useless. Give it to Asagi, Xia Yin and the others.

Lan Yufeng touched his chin and smiled slightly.

Of course, the premise is that a cute Pokémon like Pikachu is hatched, and the likes of Abe Snake can go away.

After collecting his mind, Lan Yufeng directly called Na Yuejiang.

Soon, Na Yuejiang came over, took a look at the situation, and finally glared at Lan Yufeng, and then transferred Lan Yufeng and the other two back to Caihai Academy.

As for the subsequent development of this matter, it was not Lan Yufeng's business. Of course, he was not interested in it.

After returning to the class, it was just the end of the class. Lan Yufeng was directly pulled out of the classroom by Lan Yu Asagi for questioning.

And Lan Yufeng also explained it half true and half false.

Time passed, after school, when Lan Yufeng was about to go home, he was called to her house by Na Yuejiang.

Accompanying him was Xiao Nagisa

"Rudolph has been arrested, and his memory and power have been wiped, leaving him as an ordinary person on Xianshen Island under supervision."

Nangong Nayue explained while drinking black tea.

"Where are Astraluti and Sumanilut?" Nagisa Akatsuki couldn't help asking.

"The two of them are having their genes adjusted."Nangong Nayue glanced at Lan Yufeng, then looked at Xiao Nagisa, and explained.

"Don't worry, because of your help, the beasts in their bodies are very well behaved. After the genetic adjustment is completed, they should be able to live for another 30 to 40 years."

"That's great." Nagisa breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily.

"However, although they were forced, they are still invaders."Nangong Nayue changed the subject and said seriously,"So they must be punished accordingly."

"I will let them stay with me and be supervised. If there is no abnormality within three years���Let them live freely on Genkami Island"

"This one...I have no objection." Nagisa Akatsuki tilted her head and said softly.

Although she didn't understand so many laws, she also knew that this punishment was as light as it could be.

Look at Rudolph, his memory and strength are all gone.

""Na Yue, you just want two maids and helpers, right?" Lan Yufeng suddenly spoke up, smiling."I know Na Yue has always wanted a maid. She can let herself live like a queen.""

"Lan Yufeng, do you want to die?"Nangong Nayue's pretty face froze, and she said with some shame and anger. Even her body was bursting with amazing magic power.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes and support, QAQ~)

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