"But, Na Yue, you are going too far. There are two lolis, but you eat alone."Lan Yufeng ignored Nangong Na Yue's murderous aura and scolded her.

"Although these two lolis are indeed very cute and strong, being a loli maid is very pleasing to the eye, and being an assistant is also very good, and it is indeed a great help to you, but it is wrong to eat alone."

Lan Yufeng said seriously

"So let me adopt a loli for you."

"Oh, are you done?" Nangong Nayue looked at Lan Yufeng with a half-smile, her tone sinister."Anything else you want to say?"

"No more." Lan Yufeng spread his hands.

"If you are gone, go to hell!" Nangong Nayue snorted coldly, and suddenly summoned the Chains of Discipline to tie up Lan Yufeng tightly, and then threw him out of the open window.

"Na Yue, you are murdering your husband!" Lan Yufeng's screams rang out in the sky, which was extremely cruel and attracted the attention of countless people.

This made Nangong Na Yue's face darken, and she gritted her teeth, and had the urge to kill Lan Yufeng humanely.

This guy has been getting more and more naughty recently.

If I don't teach him a lesson, I really don't know why the flowers are so red!

"That, that moon sauce...teacher..."Xiao Nagisa trembled and was about to call out"chan", but she was stared at by Na Yue's murderous eyes and she quickly changed her words.

"Feng, nothing will happen to him, right?..."

"Don't worry, he's very strong, he won't die from this." Nangong Nayue snorted coldly."Not to mention, this guy who deserves a beating can fly"

"Forehead..."Hearing this, Nagisa nodded quickly and breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can leave here. You don't have to worry about what happens next. Then, Nangong Nayue waved her hand and sent the guests away.

""Yes, I understand, Mr. Nazuki." Xiao Nagisa smiled and nodded, and left here quickly. The current Nazuki sauce gave her a feeling of being too dangerous.....

"Tsk, bastard, he didn't even finish the precious black tea, I really want to beat him to death."Nangong Nayue looked at Lan Yufeng's teacup and smacked her lips in dissatisfaction.

Then, Nangong Nayue took Lan Yufeng's teacup and drank it by herself...........................

Time passed, and several days had passed since the Rudolph invasion, and Genshin Island finally returned to peace.

And Lan Yufeng was once again repeating his leisurely days of going to school, occasionally going shopping with his girlfriend, or going home to play games. Caihai

Academy is about to hold the Academy Ball Skills Conference, and for this reason, the atmosphere of the entire academy has become lively.

Many students have signed up to participate. After all, there are many doubles competitions, and if you can hook up with a girl (handsome guy), you will undoubtedly be able to get out of being single.

Originally, Lan Yufeng was not very interested in this kind of activity. But he was dragged by Lan Yu Asagi to participate in the competition, and he had no choice. He could only accompany Lan Yu Asagi to participate in the mixed doubles badminton combination.

""Qiancong, take a break. I'll go get you some drinks." Looking at the sweat on his sister's forehead, Lan Yufeng said softly.

This amount of exercise is indeed a bit tiring for an ordinary female high school student, but for him who has already surpassed the level of ordinary people, it is not a big deal.

""Well, Feng, thank you for your help." Lan Yuqian wiped the sweat with a handkerchief and nodded with a smile.

In response, Lan Yufeng left the badminton room with a smile and went to find the nearest vending machine.

However, when Lan Yufeng just bought two bottles of drinks, a silver lion shikigami suddenly pounced over from the bushes.

Seeing this scene, Lan Yufeng raised his eyebrows and just stood there quietly.

""Senior, be careful!" Suddenly, a delicate voice rang out, and Ji Shucai rushed out, using the Eight Thunder God Technique to blast the shikigami to pieces.

After the shikigami was blasted to pieces, it turned into an envelope and fell down, which was caught by Lan Yufeng.

""Senior, why were you in a daze just now?" Jishu Yukina asked in confusion.

"The other party has no intention to kill." Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes."Why should I take action?"

"Forehead...."Hearing this, Himeragi Yukina was stunned and smiled awkwardly.

Indeed, the shikigami just now looked scary, but in fact there was no sign of attack.

"And this kind of shikigami's method is obviously the skill of your Lion King's mechanism."When Lan Yufeng opened the envelope, he glanced at Himehira Yukina and said teasingly

"It is indeed..."Himeragi Setsuna is embarrassed again

"So, what are you wearing? Cheerleading?" Lan Yufeng glanced at Ji Shucai's outfit and said softly.

"Well, Nagisa asked me to do this....Said to cheer for the seniors..."Jihui Xuecai was ashamed and said

""I see." Lan Yufeng smiled and looked at the envelope.

In response, Ji Shucai couldn't help but come over.

"An invitation letter from Dimitriyeh Vatra, the ambassador of the War King Territory stationed on Genshin Island?"After reading it carefully, Himeragi Yukina was somewhat doubtful.

"It seems so." Lan Yufeng's eyes flickered, his face full of amusement."He invited me to his luxury cruise ship [Deep Sea Tomb] for a banquet tonight, and I must bring a female companion. He also invited Nagisa."

"So do you want to go, senior? I heard that he is a very dangerous person."Himehira Yukina said seriously.

"Go, of course you have to go." Lan Yufeng said calmly.

"As for the female companion, Senior, will you go with Nagisa?" Himeragi Yukina said with some entanglement.

If possible, she would also like to go together. After all, she was entrusted by Lord Xian Guyong to monitor the Fourth True Ancestor and Lan Yufeng.

Although she did not plan to follow them every day as she did at the beginning, in such occasions, it was obvious that she could not stay away from the scene.

The identities of the three people, contact with each other, had a big impact

"Feng!"Just when Lan Yufeng was about to answer Himeragi Yukina's question, a familiar voice appeared, which made Lan Yufeng startled.

Himeragi Yukina was also startled and looked over.

Over there, Lan Yu Asagi glanced at Lan Yufeng and Himeragi Yukina with a stern look, and walked over quickly.

She suddenly wanted to change the flavor of the drink, but she didn't expect to see Himeragi Yukina and Lan Yufeng close together, looking very intimate.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes, support, QAQ~)

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