""Senior Feng, Nagisa-chan, what are you talking about?" Yeze Natsune looked at the two of them and asked curiously.

"This is nothing."Akira Nagisa said with an apologetic smile.

The identity of the fourth true ancestor cannot be exposed to ordinary people at will.

"It's nothing, Xia Yin, you will know later."Lan Yufeng looked at Ye Lai Xia Yin meaningfully.

In the past, he had no confidence in solving the problem of Ye Lai Xia Yin, so he could not move. But now he has the system, and when he becomes stronger, he will completely solve the problem of Ye Lai Xia Yin's modeling angel technique.

"I see." Hearing this, Yeze Natsune nodded obediently without asking any more questions.

"As expected, Xia Yin-chan is so cute."Seeing Ye Lai Xia Yin like this, Lan Yufeng couldn't help but touch her soft silver hair and sighed. When being touched on the head by Lan Yufeng, Ye Lai Xia Yin's fair face turned slightly red, but she didn't resist. Just like a cute cat

"Hmm, so cunning, I want a head pat too!" Nagisa Xiao puffed up her cheeks and said jealously

"Uh, okay." Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes and touched Xiao Nagisa's head, which made the girl smile with satisfaction.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for contacting Yese Natsune, which has triggered the conditions for opening the silver red envelope. Please take the initiative to touch Yese Natsune's cute little lailai"

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for contacting Nagisa Akatsuki, which has triggered the conditions for opening the golden red envelope. Please let Nagisa Akatsuki suck blood once"

"......"The voice in his mind made Lan Yufeng frown.

What kind of conditions are there to unlock the silver red envelope? Is he the kind of man who touches the genitals of a young girl?

And the target is the angelic Yeze Natsune. He must feel guilty....

As for the conditions for opening the golden red envelope, although it seems simple, Lan Yufeng knows that Nagisa Akatsuki hates bloodsucking.

Well, to put it more deeply, she has a phobia of bloodsucking....

Otherwise , he might have become a vampire before.

"Senior Feng, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Lan Yufeng suddenly in a daze, Ye Lai Xia Yin blinked and asked with concern.

"Forehead...."Lan Yufeng came back to his senses and looked at Ye Lai Natsune's extremely pure blue eyes, feeling full of guilt.

Are you asking me to blaspheme angels?

"However, this kind of silver red envelope should be the type that is easier to open, right? If I don’t want it, it feels like a waste."Lan Yufeng was tangled.

With power, he can easily collect other red envelopes.

"Senior Feng, you look troubled. Is there anything I can help you with? If I can, I will definitely help you."Yase Natsune saw Lan Yufeng looking at her with a tangled face, and she said gently.

This child is really an angel. I really want to marry her.

This idea suddenly popped up in Lan Yufeng's mind.

"Xia Yin, I want to touch your little Lai Lai, just for a while, okay?..."Lan Yufeng said according to his heart."This is a very important matter."

"......!"As soon as these words fell, Yeze Natsune's delicate face instantly turned red, and her eyes were moist and moving.

"Alas!!!!!!!!!" Xiao Nagisa exclaimed with her eyes wide open, looking at Lan Yufeng in disbelief.

"If this is something important to you, please touch it...."Yeze Natsune opened her lips slightly and spoke with a trembling voice.

She undoubtedly believed what Lan Yufeng said.

As soon as these words fell, Lan Yufeng felt his heart being hit directly.

What a gentle child this is. Facing the obvious sexual harassment behavior of her senior, she still chose to tolerate it instead of rejecting it out of shame.

This child is indeed a holy angel. I really want to marry her.

Afterwards, Lan Yufeng held all kinds of thoughts and a strong sense of guilt, but he finally reached out and touched Yeze Natsune's cute little Lailai.

Well, the size is just right, and it can probably be held in one hand. So soft and elastic, top-notch! Absolutely top-notch!

Lan Yufeng felt it in his heart and instinctively rubbed it.

"Hmm...!"Being attacked by Lan Yufeng like this, Ye Lai Xia Yin felt her body go limp, and she instinctively cried out softly, almost crushing Lan Yufeng's will.

"H Feng! What are you doing! You are bullying Xia Yin-chan!"At this time, the stunned Xiao Nagisa finally reacted, moved Lan Yufeng's wolf claws away, gritted her silver teeth, and stared at Lan Yufeng.

Faintly, her pupils turned scarlet, and her small tiger teeth turned into vampire fangs.

"Forehead...."When Lan Yufeng came back to his senses from his strange state, his eyes twitched.

When he noticed the way Yeze Natsune had her arms around Lailai, he looked even more embarrassed.

It was over, his moral integrity was gone. If the rumor spread that he had publicly desecrated the junior high school saint Yeze Natsune, 90% of the boys in Caihai Academy would probably beat him up.

"Nagisa, I volunteered, I don't blame you, senior." Yeze Natsune said in a low voice.

Well, the gentle child still took care of Lan Yufeng's face.

""Xiao Yin-chan, shut up. I have to teach H Feng a lesson today." Xiao Nagisa said angrily.

However, why did Lan Yufeng feel that Xiao Nagisa's performance was more inclined to other aspects than anger?

Well, it was indeed an illusion.

"Ah!!!! Nagisa, stop biting me!"When Lan Yufeng was distracted, Nagisa bit Lan Yufeng's arm directly, causing him to feel pain.

""Hmph, I'll bite you to death!" After biting, Nagisa Xiao glared at Lan Yufeng angrily, then held up the parasol and left here holding Yeze Natsune's hand.

Faintly, Lan Yufeng could still hear Nagisa Xiao reminding Yeze Natsune to stay away from Lan Yufeng, the H bad guy.

"What the hell is this? But, it's really soft."Lan Yufeng wanted to cry for a while, but then he bent his five fingers, as if grabbing something, and smacked his mouth.

As expected, men are all pigs.

The strong sense of guilt before dissipated not long after, but he was still thinking about it.

"Ahem, let's see what the silver red envelope has opened."

Later, after Lan Yufeng hid in the shadows on the side, the feeling of heat disappeared a lot. He coughed lightly and threw those shameless things out of his mind.

At this time, in front of Lan Yufeng, a silver red envelope opened, silver light was shining, a ball of light flew out, and the system's words also sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the silver red envelope and obtaining [Instant Step】"

Flash Step: From the world of"Bleach", it is an advanced footwork technique. After system improvement, it can be used by consuming physical strength or energy.

""Flash Step, it's a pretty good skill." Lan Yufeng muttered."But if possible, I'd rather have the hollow's Xiang Zhuan. Xiang Zhuan involves space, so it's more applicable."

(ps: Please collect, reward, flower, vote and support~, QAQ)

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