Shunpo is a high-speed movement generated by the explosion of spiritual pressure from the inside out, and it is difficult to adjust the direction in the middle.

And Xiangran is a spatial footwork, similar to spatial movement. In terms of flexibility and range, Xiangran is undoubtedly superior. But in terms of instantaneous burst speed, Shunpo is undoubtedly superior.

Of course, these two footworks have their own advantages and disadvantages. In the final analysis, it still depends on the object of use.

"Wait, Nagisa just bit me, system, does this count as fulfilling the condition?"Lan Yufeng suddenly remembered something, looking at the teeth marks on his hand, he argued.

If this can fulfill the condition, it would be great. The golden red envelope is in hand

"It doesn't count. The master is to be sucked of blood, not just bitten."The system's mechanical voice sounded.

"Tsk, I knew it would be like this. It turns out there is no way to get a bargain."Lan Yufeng shook his head regretfully.

"Next, let's go to Caihai Academy."Lan Yufeng touched his chin and muttered.

Caihai Academy has a bronze-level red envelope and a gold-level red envelope.

The gold-level red envelope is on Nangong Nayue. Well, although I don't expect to open it all at once, I have to know what the conditions are for opening it.

Thinking about various things, Lan Yufeng went straight to Caihai Academy.

Because today is the weekend, the originally lively academy obviously seems much quieter, and only the security guard is watching the school gate.

There is no obstruction for Lan Yufeng to enter the school.

Soon, Lan Yufeng came to Class C of the third year of junior high school and found the bronze-level red envelope.

Well, it is located in Ye Lai Xia Yin's desk.

Sure enough, Xia Yin is his lucky angel.

After Lan Yufeng sighed, he apologized a little and touched Ye Lai Xia Yin's desk.

"Hmm? What is this?" Lan Yufeng pulled out a few envelopes from Ye Lai Natsune's desk, with a strange look on his face.

"Love letter? These little brats want to get their hands on Natsune, how foolish."After looking at the content, Lan Yufeng curled his lips.

Although Yeze Natsune is an angel and doesn't know how to refuse others, she won't accept everything.

Well, with Nagisa-chan, the flower protector, by her side, basically no boy has ever succeeded, and it is impossible for him to succeed.

Lan Yufeng shook his head and opened the bronze red envelope.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the bronze-level red envelope and getting an expanded Desert Eagle."The mechanical voice of the system sounded.

Desert Eagle? This thing is still a little useful to me now. Although it can't deal with mid-level demons, low-level demons can still be killed by guns. Of course, you have to shoot the throat.

In a word, it's a pity to throw it away if it's tasteless. Forget it, it's not bad to keep it as a collection. Lan Yufeng shook his head and threw it into the system storage space. Lan Yufeng planned to find Nangong Nayue.

However, before Lan Yufeng took the initiative to find it, the teacher's door was pushed open again, which scared Lan Yufeng and looked over.

In an instant, she was wearing a black Gothic Lolita skirt, with a long black hair straight to her waist, delicate but childish features, skin as white as sheep fat, and a petite and slender figure. Even if she was a young girl

, no one would object. Her identity was Nangong Nayue. At this time, she was looking at Lan Yufeng with her azure pupils, and the closed parasol in her hand was pointing at Lan Yufeng

"Lan Yufeng, are you a pervert? You deliberately ran back to school during the holidays to grope the drawers of a junior high school girl."Nangong Nayue said with disgust and ruthlessness.

"Yue-chan, how am I a pervert? I just helped Xia Yin-chan clean up the garbage in the desk. Well, these little brats who wrote love letters must be severely punished."

Lan Yufeng took out a few love letters and said seriously

"Tsk, you are getting stronger and stronger at lying with open eyes." Nangong Nayue walked in front of Lan Yufeng, flew up slightly, pinched Lan Yufeng's face, and smacked his lips."Also, don't call me 'Jiang' after the teacher's name, understand?"

"Oh, why? It sounds nice and intimate, right?"Lan Yufeng said innocently.

"You and that guy Xiao Gucheng are really annoying."Nangong Nayue raised her eyebrows slightly, let go of her hand, and snorted

"Uh, Gu Cheng made you angry. I'll go and help you beat him up." Lan Yufeng rubbed his hands, looking like he wanted to vent Nangong Nayue's anger.

"In fact, I admire your shamelessness."Nangong Nayue said seriously

"Actually, I admire Na Yue-chan. She is wearing a Gothic Lolita skirt in such a hot weather. I feel hot just looking at her."Lan Yufeng lowered his head and looked at Nangong Na Yue, sighing

"Besides, it is obviously quite strange for adults to like wearing Gothic lolita skirts, but Na Yue-chan is surprisingly suitable for it. Sure enough, she looks too young and too cute."Lan Yufeng didn't think much and continued.

Of course, the Nangong Na Yue in front of her was just a clone she created with magic. That's why she didn't feel hot and her body didn't grow. Maybe it was Na Yue's preference? After all, she could obviously grow bigger.....

"Lan Yufeng, are you looking for a fight?" Nangong Nayue had a lace fan in her hand and said with a smile.

"By the way, Yue-chan, did you notice the white tiger shadow that appeared at an altitude of 10,000 meters today?"Lan Yufeng coughed lightly and changed the subject.

"Humph, I saw it."Nangong Nayue saw Lan Yufeng change the subject, and could only snort in dissatisfaction, and then his expression became serious.

"That guy is the real deal, more dangerous than the four true ancestors."

"I think so too."Lan Yufeng's eyes flickered slightly, pretending to sigh

"You kid, be careful recently, because of the birth of the fourth true ancestor and the white tiger phantom, all the forces in the world will focus their attention here."

Nangong Nayue reminded with a serious face

"By then, you and the immature Fourth True Ancestor Akatsuki Nagisa will most likely be involved in some incident."

"Well, I know. Besides, you are here with me, so I have nothing to fear."Lan Yufeng said with a smile. Nangong Nayue is known as the Void Witch. She is good at high-level space control magic. One of her weapons is the"Lock of Discipline" forged by the gods. Even if it is just a magic clone, it has the power to scare most of the demons in the world.

"No, even I can't protect you and Nagisa all the time. You'd better let Nagisa grow up. Otherwise, you will be in danger."Nangong Nayue looked at Lan Yufeng meaningfully and then left.

"You kid, hurry up and leave the junior high school. If you are seen, you will be mistaken for a pervert. Well, you are a pervert."Nangong Nayue's last voice sounded, and disappeared in front of Lan Yufeng.

The condition for opening the golden red envelope on Nayue was that I sneak into her house at night and kiss her while she was sleeping....Are you sure this isn't a way for me to get killed and then be thrown into the ocean by Na Yue to feed the fish?

Looking at Nangong Na Yue's cute back, Lan Yufeng recalled the conditions for opening the golden red envelope, and his eyes twitched wildly.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes to support, QAQ~)

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