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After throwing away the distracting thoughts in his mind, Lan Yufeng flew directly into the sky, intervened in the battlefield, and was sandwiched between the two angels.

Lan Yufeng's sudden appearance made Ye Lai Xia Yin and the other simulated angel stunned.

However, the next moment, the other simulated angel roared like a beast and attacked Lan Yufeng, and the light cannon pierced the sky.

Faced with this attack, Lan Yufeng did not dodge, but cast [Long-term Fourth Protection].

A milky white light curtain appeared in front of Lan Yufeng, easily blocking the light cannon.

"It is indeed the highest level magic of the elves."Lan Yufeng's eyes flickered.

This level of attack was far from reaching the upper limit of defense, which made Lan Yufeng estimate the strength of this defense.

If he had the fourth protection of Jiuyuan last time, the aftermath of the battle with Wattola's fusion beast would not even have hurt his fur.

""Roar!!!" Seeing that her attack was ineffective, the simulated angel screamed and tried to attack again.

However, Lan Yufeng would not give her another chance. A red spear suddenly pierced through the sky and pierced her heart with a fierce force, causing her to howl miserably and fall from the sky.

"Xia Yin."Ignoring the angel that fell to the ground, Lan Yufeng turned to look at the girl behind him and said softly

"————!"Lan Yufeng's words made Yeze Natsune, who had regained her sanity, take a few steps back, her whole body trembling.

"maple...don't want..."Then, Yeze Natsune screamed and tried to escape.

However, Lan Yufeng opened the sixth door and blocked Yeze Natsune in an instant, hugging her.

"don't want...Now I cannot appear in front of Senior Feng..."Yeze Natsune's wailing sounded, and two lines of tears flowed from her eyes under the mask.

"It's okay, I won't dislike Xia Yin, never."Lan Yufeng soothed Yeze Xia Yin's emotions in the most gentle tone.

At the same time, Lan Yufeng took off the mask and looked at Yeze Xia Yin.

The anger in his heart rose steadily.

Xia Yin's blue eyes were full of madness. It was just that because of the Pure Heart Necklace and his appearance, she regained her sanity.

And Yeze Xia Yin's tears made him feel distressed.

"It's okay, I'm here, everything will be fine."Lan Yufeng gently wiped Ye Lai Xia Yin's tears and said in a gentle voice

"Maple Senior..."Yeze Natsune's body trembled, and her head rested on Lan Yufeng's chest."Please don't worry about me. I've..."

"Stop talking nonsense, you will always be my lovely junior. You are the one I want to protect."Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief, patted Ye Lai Natsune's back, and said in a gentle voice

""Xia Yin, do you believe me?" He said seriously."Are you willing to believe me?"

"...I believe in Senior Feng, and I will always believe in him."Yase Lip gave his answer

"That's good, then please don't cry in front of me, I like Xia Yin's usual smile."Lan Yufeng said with a smile."Looking at Xia Yin's smile, I feel healed."

"But...I..."Ye Qiao blushed slightly, and her heartbeat was so fast at Lan Yufeng's words that sounded like a confession.

""No buts, since Xia Yin believes in me, I will restore Xia Yin's trust and save Xia Yin completely." Lan Yufeng looked at the bright moon in the sky and made his promise. There was really no other way. It didn't matter if he lost his right eye. It wasn't like he couldn't find a way to restore it.

Lan Yufeng made up his mind.

Protecting the little angel's smile was what he, a senior who was trusted by a lovely junior, had to do.

"Maple Senior..."Ye Lai Xia Yin stared blankly at the smiling Lan Yu Feng, a little dazed.

"I believe in Senior Feng."Yase Natsune said with a blushing face."I will always believe in seniors in this life, Senior Feng, very handsome"

"Of course."Lan Yufeng smiled proudly, holding Ye Lai Xia Yin and flew to the place where the fallen angel was.

After recovering the dead angel, Lan Yufeng received 2000 exchange points.

"Next, it’s time to settle accounts with the magician Gongsu."Lan Yufeng held the magic-breaking red rose in his hand, swept a bright red light in the air, and chuckled."Xia Yin, are you afraid?"

"Yes." Yeze Natsune held the Pure Heart Necklace in her hand and nodded obediently."With Senior Feng here, I'm not afraid."

"Let's go."Lan Yufeng smiled and flew into the sky.

Ye Lai Xia Yin's eyes were always fixed on Lan Yufeng, and he followed closely behind.

"This big idiot, why is he trying to look cool all day long."On the rooftop of a tall building, Nangong Nayue lightly tied up her black hair that was blown by the wind, looked at Lan Yufeng and Ye Lai Xia Yin, and sighed."I have to clean up this guy's ass again."

"However, if you dare to bully my students, there is really no need for the existence of the Magician's Workshop."A cold light flashed in Nangong Nayue's eyes."Yase Xiansheng, you must also pay the price."

When she said this, Nangong Nayue's petite figure disappeared in the purple magic circle.

On the other side, in a monitoring room of the Magician's Workshop, after the three people heard about Lan Yufeng's appearance and the content of the conversation, their faces were not good.

They really didn't expect that Lan Yufeng would interfere.

This is the murderer who killed Watola under the pressure of the First True Ancestor and the War King's domain. They have no confidence that they can deal with such a terrifying guy.

"Prepare to summon all the simulated angels. Although it is only the first stage, a sufficient number can also kill the strong."Yase Xiansheng said in a deep voice

"There is nothing we can do."The orc Luo Kirishima's face was very unhappy, and he slammed the wall.

"It's all because of that damn guy. I want him dead! If I kill him, I believe I can definitely go to the War King Realm to get a lot of money."Beatrice Basler roared.

They were on the verge of bankruptcy, so under the advice of Kensei Ye, they planned to create a simulated angel to make money.

Unexpectedly, the plan was disrupted by Lan Yufeng just as it started.

As a result, they went bankrupt completely. They could only hope to kill Lan Yufeng and go to the War King Realm to see if there was anything they could gain.

""Boom!!!" As they were furious, an explosion sounded directly from the bottom of the factory building.

From the surveillance video, the three of them saw clearly that

Lan Yufeng had beaten the autonomous robot made by their company to a pulp.

He destroyed it with a random blow.

The guns in the autonomous robot's hands were all blocked by the milky white barrier, and they couldn't even hurt Lan Yufeng and Ye Lai Xia Yin's skin.

"There is no other way. Take all the model angels and go to fight. If he continues to destroy us, we will really go bankrupt and owe a lot of debts."

Beatrice said gritting her teeth.

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