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"You finally showed up. I thought you were going to be cowards."

Lan Yufeng said coldly, ignoring the three people who ran out, Ye Se Xiansheng, Luo Kirishima, and Beatrice, as well as the large number of model angels behind them.

"If you don't come out now, you bastard will smash all my things here?" Beatrice said gritting her teeth."Can you afford it?"

"You are really stupid."Lan Yufeng sneered.

Even when his life is in danger, he is still worried about bankruptcy. Money and other things are all for money.

"I advise you not to move. Otherwise, if I press it lightly, Yeze Natsune will explode directly. At this time, Luo Kirishima took out a remote control from his pocket and threatened

"————!"As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Xiansheng's face darkened and he said sternly

"Xia Yin is a perfect work, and can be upgraded to a true angel, but you can't do that. Without the blood of Aldikia, such achievements can never be reproduced."

"It's too late to care about perfection. We are not interested in real angels. We just want to mass produce and sell them for money."

Luo Kirishima pouted.

""What do you think? If you surrender and let us break your legs, we can still let you go." Beatrice said proudly.

The two's words made Kensuke Ye clench his fists and his face twitched.

"Trash are always trash, they can only shout."Lan Yufeng glanced at Xia Yin's still calm expression, then looked at Beatrice and the other demons, and said with contempt.

As he spoke, Lan Yufeng's pupils turned into a kaleidoscope Sharingan.

"————!"When Beatrice and the other person were furious and felt a sense of crisis, and wanted to press the switch, their figures suddenly collapsed and turned into blood mist.

The switch also turned into fragments.

You want to press the switch in front of me, how stupid.

Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

If the opponent didn't show up, he would have a headache. He didn't expect the opponent to be so stupid and appear right in front of him.

It's too easy to kill such a small fish with the collapse ability of the Mangekyo.

Next, there is Kensei Yezawa.

Lan Yufeng looked at Kensei Yezawa with a cold face.

"Well..!"However, Yeze Natsune suddenly covered her head, her face full of pain, but she still forced a smile.

Because Feng Senior said that he liked her smile.

"————!"This made Lan Yufeng's face change slightly, and he turned to look at Ye Lai Xia Yin.

"You are too impulsive."Yase Xiansheng suddenly spoke up and said angrily

"At the beginning of the experiment, they set up a program. If they died, the spell in Xia Yin's body would go out of control and then self-destruct."

"There is only one way to save Xia Yin now. Xia Yin kills all the simulated angels, devours the spiritual center, and upgrades her to a real angel."Yase Xiansheng said quickly

"Upgraded to a real angel, but in this world?" Lan Yufeng said coldly."It's amazing that you can do such a thing."

"All this is for Xia," said Yeze Xiansheng in a deep voice."Only by becoming an angel can she find true happiness."

"That's just your wishful thinking."Lan Yufeng looked at Ye Xiansheng indifferently.

The next moment, Lan Yufeng suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xiansheng and slapped him away.

""Don't get in my way here." Lan Yufeng said this with murderous intent, and then he directly released the sixth gate, the wound gate, and killed all the stagnant angels and autonomous robots in a short period of time.

After killing them, Lan Yufeng directly recovered them all.

In an instant, Lan Yufeng's exchange points reached 30,000.

""System, redeem three exquisite red envelopes for me!" Lan Yufeng said in a deep voice.

If it didn't work, he could only use the kaleidoscope's restoration ability to restore Xia Yin's body with a success rate of less than half.

He couldn't predict the consequences of that.

Before that, he could only put his last hope on the three exquisite red envelopes.

"Ding, spend 30,000 redemption points, redemption successful."

Instantly, three exquisitely decorated red envelopes appeared in front of Lan Yufeng.

""Use the luck card!" Lan Yufeng said quickly.

The luck card can greatly increase his luck in a short period of time. It will undoubtedly increase the success rate.

As the luck card was used, Lan Yufeng felt a warm current all over his body.

Then, Lan Yufeng did not hesitate and clicked three red envelopes in a row.

The system's voice also sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the exquisite red envelope and obtaining the Overlord Haki!"

Overlord Haki: Overlord Haki is a kind of king's qualification. People with Overlord Haki can use this Haki to intimidate and shock opponents without taking action, and can also make opponents weaker than themselves faint.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the exquisite red envelope and getting a piece of ever-changing clothing."

Ever-changing clothing: can absorb solar energy and absorb particles in space to automatically transform any clothing.

At the same time, it must also have the defense against heavy sniper rifles.

The second one still hasn't been opened, which makes Lan Yufeng a little irritated.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the exquisite red envelope and obtaining the treasure:"


Rank: C

Type: Anti-magic treasure

As a weapon, its performance is equivalent to having no magic, but it can"break the rules" of all magic of the target stabbed with the blade. The objects that can break the rules are contracts based on magic power, or life forms born by using magic power.

They can be reset to the state before the magic power was used. In other words, contracts based on magic will turn into blank paper, and life forms born by magic power will be destroyed on the spot.

It is the ultimate anti-magic treasure, but the treasure is an exception, and it will not work no matter how low the level is.

"————!"The things that came out of the third red envelope filled Lan Yufeng with ecstasy.

Wan Fu Bing Ying Po Jie, this thing is what he needs right now!

With this treasure, the problem can definitely be solved perfectly!

On the other side, Ye Lai Xiansheng, covering his swollen face, looked at Lan Yufeng in astonishment.

He couldn't understand what Lan Yufeng was thinking.

Suddenly, he killed all the simulated angels and robots here. Then he made them disappear strangely.

Then his face was gloomy, and finally full of ecstasy

"What are you thinking? Why did you suddenly kill all the simulated angels? The last hope is gone."Yase Xiansheng asked

"Shut up, I don't have time to deal with you now."Lan Yufeng glanced at him coldly, and then used instant step to return to Ye Lai Xia Yin's side.

"Maple Senior..."Ye Lai Xia Yin was obviously a little confused, and her spiritual center was frighteningly bright, but she still forced a smile.

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