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""Xia Yin, I'll come to save you right away." Lan Yufeng looked at Ye Lai Xia Yin distressedly, and without further hesitation, he took out the Wan Fu Bing Ying Po Jie and stabbed it into the spiritual center.

In an instant, the magic and techniques intertwined with Ye Lai Xia Yin disappeared. Without the support of the techniques, the spiritual center that was about to run away also dimmed and turned into gray.

For this reason, the outer garment formed by spiritual power also melted like snow, revealing a tights

"Senior Feng, I knew you would be able to save me."Yase Xia Yin suddenly hugged Lan Yufeng, her pretty face full of happiness, revealing a nostalgic look, and smiling softly.

"Yes, I told you, I will save you no matter what."Lan Yufeng stroked Yeze Natsune's back and said softly."As a senior whom the junior trusts, I don't want to lose face."

"......!"On the other side, the bruised and battered Kensei stared blankly at Natsune Yease's pure and incomparable expression of happiness and attachment. His heart twitched and he lowered his head.

He suddenly realized how bad his previous actions were.

Then, Lan Yufeng took out the Thousand Changes Clothes from the system storage space and handed it to Natsune Yease. After teaching her how to use it, the tights Natsune Yease was wearing suddenly turned into the school uniform of Caihai Academy.

"This is the Xia Yin I am familiar with."Lan Yufeng touched Ye Lai Xia Yin's hair and chuckled.

When Lan Yufeng touched her head, Ye Lai Xia Yin's pretty face flushed, her eyes were moist, and her face was full of enjoyment, giving people the feeling of a pampered kitten.

"Xia Yin, I'm sorry."Yase Xiansheng came over, and the happy smile of Yese Xia Yin just now still appeared in his mind, lingering, and he said with regret on his face

"Haha, is an apology useful?" Lan Yufeng looked at Ye Ze Xiansheng indifferently."If it weren't for the fact that you are still Ye Ze Natsune's relative and you are still useful, I would have killed you long ago."

"...I know how much of a jerk I am. You don't have to kill me. I'm also thinking about suicide." Ye Xiansheng said with a wry smile

"Uncle, I don't blame you." Yeze Natsune shook her head, still with that warm smile, her voice was like heavenly music."I didn't know how to resist before."

"......!"Hearing this, Ye Sei Xiansheng's face twitched.

Xia Yin didn't know how to resist before, but even if Xia Yin resisted, he would have insisted on doing it at that time.

He didn't expect Xia Yin to care about his feelings. Sure enough, this child was too gentle, and he was so cruel to hurt his gentle niece.

"I'll leave Xia Yin in your care." Ye Lai Xiansheng looked at Lan Yufeng, and suddenly he looked ten years older."I will turn myself in and expose the matter of the magician's sculpture."

Lan Yufeng did not reply, but just looked at Ye Lai Xiansheng coldly.

"It looks like the problem here has been solved."Suddenly, a purple magic circle appeared here, and Nangong Nayue's petite figure appeared here, and a cold voice sounded

"Na Yue, I want to trouble you for something. Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Nangong Na Yue with a smile.

"I want to be Xia Yin's legal guardian"

""Okay." Nangong Nayue looked at Lan Yufeng, looked at Ye Lai Xia Yin who was holding Lan Yufeng's arm, and nodded.

Although this was against the law, the law was used to restrain ordinary people, and she thought that she could do it naturally.

"Void Witch, please let me and Xia Yin end our relationship."Yase Xiansheng also said with a wry smile

"With your words, the guardianship is much easier."Nangong Nayue glanced at Yeze Xiansheng expressionlessly and nodded.

As soon as these words fell, Nangong Nayue and Yeze Xiansheng both disappeared in the purple magic circle.

With Nayue-chan handling things, Lan Yufeng was relieved. Anyway, Yeze Xiansheng would not get anything good.

After becoming a witness, Yeze Xiansheng would either be imprisoned for life or under house arrest for life. He would help Genshin Island open the ritual for free.

"Let's go back." Lan Yufeng held Ye Lai Xia Yin's hand with his backhand and said with a smile.

"Yes, Senior Feng."Hase Natsune's pretty face flushed, and she nodded with a chuckle.

Walking in the night, the spiritual distance between the two was so close that it made people's heart beat.

Half an hour later, Lan Yufeng brought Yese Natsune back to his home.

Lan Yufeng and Yese Natsune had just entered the house when they ran into Asagi who was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV.

For a moment, Lan Yu Asagi was stunned, and looked at Lan Yufeng and Yese Natsune who was holding hands with Lan Yufeng suspiciously.

Yese Natsune, she naturally knew him, but she was not very familiar with him.

She never thought that Lan Yufeng would suddenly bring Yese Natsune, the saint of the junior high school, home.

And the way they held hands looked so intimate!

For a moment, Lan Yu Asagi became irritable and had a strong sense of crisis.

"Feng, what's going on?" Lan Yuqian came over, hugged Lan Yufeng's arm, and asked in a deep voice

"Xia Yin's situation is a little special, and she will live in our house in the future."Lan Yufeng took a deep breath and said softly.

These words made Lan Yuqian's expression stiffen.

However, with Lan Yufeng's detailed explanation, Lan Yuqian's expression eased a lot, and she looked at Ye She Xia Yin with pity.

She really didn't expect that Ye She Xia Yin's life experience would be so bumpy.

Obviously, she had such a painful experience, but she was still so gentle and kind, and was even called the saint of the junior high school. Her personality was too good. Lan

Yuqian couldn't blame this kind of girl.

Not only that, Lan Yuqian also pulled Ye She Xia Yin to sit on the sofa and chat. She also held Ibrahimovic and recommended it to Ye She Xia Yin. The two looked like good sisters.

This made Lan Yufeng roll his eyes.

Sure enough, girls turn their faces faster than turning pages of books.

Well, except for the little angel Xia Yin. The little angel Xia Yin has always been consistent inside and out, and her whole body is filled with healing light.

After Lan Yufeng shook his head, he went to take a shower.

"Sister Qiancong, are you sorry for Feng Senior?..."Seeing Lan Yufeng taking a shower, Ye Lai Xia Yin blinked her blue eyes, chuckled and was about to say something.

"————!"This startled Lan Yu Asagi, and she quickly covered Ye Lai Natsune's mouth, her face flushed, and she was a little flustered.

"Don't worry, I won't say much."Yase Natsune moved back slightly, still with that cute smile on her face.

This made Lan Yu Asagi feel relieved.

"How did you figure that out?"Lan Yu Qian Cong said in confusion.

"Intuition."Yase Natsune said softly.

"However, please rest assured, Sister Qiancong, I won't snatch it away."Yase Natsune blinked her eyes, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she expressed her thoughts frankly and boldly.

"As long as I can be with Senior Feng, I don't mind being a junior."

(ps: Please subscribe automatically, all kinds of requests, QAQ~)_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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