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"————!"Yeze Natsune's bold words shocked Aoba Asagi, who stared blankly at Yeze Natsune who was touching Eevee's head.

After a few seconds, she came back to her senses with a complicated look.

To be honest, with the experience of Aoba Feng and Yeze Natsune, plus Yeze Natsune's gentle personality, it didn't seem so incredible for her to say such a thing.

However, being able to say such a thing undoubtedly proved that Yeze Natsune loved Feng to the core.

Then, Aoba Asagi also smiled.....He started a heart-to-heart talk with Yeze Natsune.

Lan Yufeng didn't know about the whispers between Yeze Natsune and Aoi Asagi, as he was now taking a leisurely bath in the bathtub.

At the same time, he was also counting his gains.

When he saved Natsune before, he didn't have time to pay much attention to her. When he was walking with Natsune at night, he didn't care so much. He just remembered it now. He gave the Thousand Changes Clothes to Natsune. With the defensive ability of this dress, he can barely feel at ease.

As for the Conqueror's Haki, Lan Yufeng didn't expect to draw this thing. Conqueror

's Haki, unless it is cultivated to the level of the Four Emperors Red Hair Shanks, it cannot cause effective physical damage.

However, it is a super weapon for pretending to be cool and clearing out the small fish.

When facing a group of small fish besieging and wanting to rely on the method of ants biting more to kill an elephant, once the Conqueror's Haki is activated, the enemy will fall down like wheat being cut. It's so cool.

"There is also a silver-level red envelope."Lan Yufeng looked at the silver-level red envelope in front of him and muttered.

This silver-level red envelope was opened from Ye Lai Xiansheng.

He didn't pay attention to the opening conditions, but it didn't matter, anyway, it could be opened.

Then, Lan Yufeng lightly tapped the silver-level red envelope, and a silver light shone brightly, and an item flew out wrapped in the silver light.

The system's voice sounded

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the silver-level red envelope and obtaining the Fire Stone."

Fire Stone: Something unique to the world of Pokémon. It is a type of evolution stone in the Pokémon series of games. It is a strange stone that can make certain types of Pokémon evolve, and it is orange all over.

"Uh, it's actually the Fire Stone."Lan Yufeng's expression was a little subtle, and he complained."With this thing, Eevee can evolve into Fire Spirit. Is Asagi going to change her job to a Pokémon trainer?" As for

Fire Spirit, if it is trained well, its combat power is still good, enough to deal with some demons.

It's cute and can fight. Sure enough, Pokémon is the favorite of girls.

Lan Yufeng sighed and got up to wipe his body, put on his clothes and left the bathroom.

When Lan Yufeng came to the living room, he found that the relationship with Yeze Natsune seemed to have improved again. It's almost closer than real sisters, let him force it.

Well, he really doesn't understand how girls' feelings grow

However, Lan Yufeng was too lazy to think about it, and after saying something to Natsune, he went back to his bedroom to play games.

And Lan Yu Asagi took Yese Natsune to take a shower, and then slept together in her boudoir.

The next day, Lan Yu Asagi took Yese Natsune and Akatsuki Nagisa to go shopping.

Lan Yufeng's life returned to peace again. At least on the surface. In fact, the international situation has become more and more depressing.

However, what does the international situation have to do with Lan Yufeng.

Just when Lan Yufeng was considering whether to go to his Three Saints maid to have fun, or continue playing games at home, a call from Na Yuejiang came in, which made Lan Yufeng frown.

"You said that La Fulia went directly to Genshin Island because of Xia Yin's matter, but it seemed that she encountered an attack on the way and lost contact after sending out a distress signal?" Lan Yufeng asked in a deep voice

""Yes." Nangong Nayue was also a little annoyed and explained."The last distress signal was fifty kilometers away from Xianshen Island. Lan Yufeng, the rescue work is left to you. I have important work now and can't spare any time."

""Huh, send me the approximate location, I'll leave now." Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief and said calmly.

Hearing this, Nangong Nayue didn't waste any words, and directly hung up the phone and sent Lan Yufeng the approximate range of the signal source.

In response, Lan Yufeng flew directly into the air and rushed to the scene of the incident at full speed using the air dance technique.

On a deserted island fifty kilometers away from Xianshen Island, La Fulia was fleeing in the forest in a rather embarrassed state, and behind her, countless bee-like monsters were chasing her.

For this reason, La Fulia held the spell gun in her hand, retreated, and shot at the monsters approaching her.

"Oh my, where has the princess' former dignity gone? It's so embarrassing!"

"Hehe, I advise you not to run away. If you surrender obediently, we will just let the tentacles and bees destroy your body. Don't worry, we won't kill you, because you are still useful."

Two sneers sounded in the forest, and the words were extremely vicious.

Although La Fulia has a relatively calm personality, she was still very angry at the endless vicious words.

However, she was still calm enough. She knew that this was a means for the other party to force her to use the simulated holy sword.

If she used her trump card, the opponent would attack with all her strength. Then her situation would be even more dangerous.

However, dragging it on like this is not a solution. Sooner or later she will be exhausted and then caught.

Now she can only hope that the people on the string god island who received her rescue signal will send reinforcements quickly.

The figure of Lan Yufeng appeared in her mind, and La Fulia cheered up again.

Suddenly, the monster chasing her suddenly froze, which made her a little confused.

"You, you are..."Ah!"

At the same time, in the hidden forest, a witch's terrified voice sounded, as if she had encountered something terrifying.

However, before she finished speaking, she screamed.

Then, another scream appeared, and everything returned to calm. All the monsters fell to the ground and lost their vitality.

If the master died, this kind of monster would also die.

This strange situation made La Fulia a little suspicious.

"Hey, La Fulia, it seems I am not late."

Just when La Fulia was in a dilemma, a familiar voice sounded, which made her startled, and then her whole body relaxed, and she looked towards the source of the sound with a smile on her face.

On the tall tree above, Lan Yufeng was standing there holding a witch who looked like a dead dog in one hand.

"Indeed, I am not late." La Freya said with a smile, holding her silver hair lightly."But if you were a few minutes late, I would have been tormented by the tentacles and bees."

"Uh, this is really a ghost animal."Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes.

In fact, even with a general reminder of the range, it is not so easy to find.

However, a silver-level red envelope suddenly refreshed on Lan Yufeng's virtual map, and the situation can be seen clearly through the map.

So it was easy to get there.

(ps: Please subscribe automatically, all kinds of requests, QAQ~)_Please download Feilu Xiao to read the ununderlined version of the novel

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