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"By the way, La Fulia, why were you attacked?"

Lan Yufeng jumped down and landed steadily on the ground. Looking at La Fulia, who was panting and had a red face due to the intense exercise, he asked

"I don't know either." La Fulia shook her head and looked at the witch dragged by Lan Yufeng. She frowned slightly.

"But I've been attacked more than once or twice, I'm used to it." La Fulia said with a smile

"That's really hardship." Lan Yufeng teased, and threw the witch to the ground as if he was bothered by the trouble."Go back and ask Yuejiang to interrogate her and you'll know."

"Feng Jun, I am very weak now, give me a hug."At this time, La Fulia suddenly came over, hugged Lan Yufeng and rubbed against him, saying with a smile.

Lan Yufeng was stunned by La Fulia's sudden action.

"You can hug me, but don't move." Lan Yufeng came to his senses and said unhappily."It would be bad if this got out."

"What's wrong with that?" La Fulia said with a smile.

"I say, La Fulia. Men are not good people, you know? Don't commit suicide."Lan Yufeng said viciously

"Humph, so what if I'm courting death?" La Fulia looked at Lan Yufeng unconvinced.

"You said it, don't regret it later."Lan Yufeng's eyes twitched, and he felt that his dignity as a man was challenged.

Instantly, Lan Yufeng slapped him.

"Ah!"La Fulia opened her eyes wide and looked at Lan Yufeng pitifully. She didn't expect Lan Yufeng to really dare to do it.

Just when Lan Yufeng wanted to take another step, La Fulia quickly stepped back.

"Haha, I told you not to commit suicide, but you still didn't believe me."After coming to his senses, Lan Yufeng pretended to be a villain and snorted."Now you're suffering."

"Indeed." La Fulia covered her mouth and muttered."It seems my maid was right."

"However, this is also a good experience. Let's find other girls to come together next time."

La Fulia breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile

"I won't fall for the same joke."Lan Yufeng curled his lips.

The last time he was with La Fulia, she was also joking. Anyone who believes this kind of thing is a fool.

"I'm not kidding this time." La Fulia rubbed her hair and said softly

"......!"Lan Yufeng looked at La Fulia's blue eyes, a little dazed.

"I know there are many girls who like you. Well, I am a person who advocates harem."La Fulia put her hands behind her back and said with a smile."So I don't mind if you have multiple children."

"Hmm, it's better to say, sister, the more lively it is?" La Fulia closed her eyes, tapped her lips lightly, tilted her head and said

"So, why don't we try dating?" La Fulia said seriously.

"......"Lan Yufeng looked at La Fulia in silence.

He could feel that this time, La Fulia was serious and was serious about confessing her love to him.

Facing such a confession from her, it would be strange if he was not moved.

""Okay." Lan Yufeng smiled and nodded slightly.

"Really!?"La Fulia tilted her head, looking surprised.

"But, she is a potential girlfriend. Lan Yufeng paused and added:

"...A reserve girlfriend?"La Fulia frowned. It was the first time she was interested in a boy, the first time her heart was moved, and she didn't even mind him having a harem, but in the end, she was just a reserve girlfriend?

"I already have a girlfriend." Lan Yufeng said softly."Before I wake her up, I won't completely accept a girl's confession, so she can only be my girlfriend in reserve."

"The 12th Flame Night Lord, Aurora Florestina."La Fulia's eyes flickered as she said a name.

The memories of those who participated in the Flame Feast and those who were close to the Flame Feast venue were more or less affected. The areas outside were another matter.

So La Fulia knew Aurora's situation.

"She hasn't..."La Fulia's expression was a little strange.

Could it be that she couldn't even defeat a dead girl?

"No, Aurora's soul is sleeping in my body and will wake up one day."Lan Yufeng chuckled.

"I see." La Fulia smiled and nodded.

"Feng Jun, I like you more and more, so I will not give up."La Fulia smiled and made her own vow

"Sooner or later, I will become your real girlfriend. Before that, I will wait for you. Starting as a reserve girlfriend is also a good experience."

La Fulia's face is full of smiles, which is beautiful.

People who are persistent are more addictive, aren't they?

"......"Hearing this, Lan Yufeng was touched, touched his face, and nodded gently.

"But, La Fulia, what do you like about me? We have only met twice at most. Then, Lan Yufeng asked in confusion.

"Do you need a reason to like someone?" La Fulia asked back

""Yes." Lan Yufeng said calmly

"You really don't know how to have fun." La Fulia rolled her eyes."I like your strength, your protective personality, your handsomeness, your...."

"Do you need me to give you some examples?"

La Fulia said a lot, jokingly.

"Uh, forget it. If I ask again, it will seem like narcissistic behavior."Lan Yufeng complained

"Also, one of the reasons why I like you is that you killed the snake charmer in Watola."La Fulia raised the corners of her mouth, and her gentle words revealed an amazing murderous aura."I have always wanted to kill this guy."

(ps: Please subscribe automatically, all kinds of requests, QAQ~)_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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