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"......"Hearing La Fulia's murderous words, Lan Yufeng was silent for a moment. This is how it feels. It's a bit ridiculous to suddenly fall in love with someone.

"No wonder."Lan Yufeng laughed.

In the original novel, La Fulia wanted to kill the snake charmer, but because of their position, the two had to cooperate.

"There is indeed this reason, but I have been misunderstood. I really like you."La Fulia said solemnly

"I can't stand your continuous confession."Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes and teased

"If you can't stand it, don't stand it."La Fulia said with a smile

"Okay, it's time for us to go." Lan Yufeng patted the corner of his clothes and said softly

"By the way, La Fulia, where did your airship crash? Do you need it? Suddenly, Lan Yufeng paused and asked

"Why are you asking this?" La Fulia asked curiously.

"If you don't want it, just give it to me. Airship." Lan Yufeng said with a smile

""Okay. It's already crashed anyway." La Fulia said casually.

Although the airship was expensive, when it was attacked by the two witches, all the knights who followed it died and the airship was scrapped. It was useless.

Of course, if Lan Yufeng wanted it, La Fulia would give him a good airship.

"Thank you."Lan Yufeng said softly.

"You're welcome. We should go now." La Fulia came over and said with a smile.

"Do you mind if I hug you?" Lan Yufeng coughed lightly.

"Of course I don't mind. It's better to say that I'm very happy to do so."La Fulia answered without hesitation.

In response, Lan Yufeng didn't say much nonsense. He directly grabbed the unconscious witch's collar with one hand, and at the same time took La Fulia in his arms with his right hand and flew into the sky.

Next, Lan Yufeng came to the place where the airship fell and directly recovered it. He got 5,000 exchange points, which surprised him a little.

La Fulia was surprised by Lan Yufeng's method. She asked Lan Yufeng curiously how he made the airship disappear.

In response, Lan Yufeng just perfunctorily answered casually, which made La Fulia a little angry.

Soon, Lan Yufeng sent La Fulia back to Xianshen Island and took the captured witch and La Fulia to Na Yuejiang's home.

However, it was obvious that Na Yuejiang had something to do and had not come back yet, so Lan Yufeng could only wait.

While Lan Yufeng was waiting, his mobile phone suddenly rang. The unfamiliar phone number made Lan Yufeng raise his eyebrows slightly, and finally chose to answer it.

"Is that Lan Yufeng?"A familiar female voice came from inside, which made Lan Yufeng look strange.

Sasaki Misaki, what does she want from me?

"Yes, it's me. Teacher Sasaki, what do you want to talk to me about?" Lan Yufeng said

"Hey, have you forgotten? You promised to fight me last time."Sasaki Misaki's fighting voice sounded

"Forehead..."After hearing this, he came to his senses and remembered this matter.

Because so many things happened recently, he had forgotten about this agreement.

"Ahem, sorry, I forgot. But I do have some time now." Lan Yufeng coughed lightly and said awkwardly."Teacher Sasaki, do you want to fight with me now?"

"Sure, let's do it now!" Sasaki Misaki rubbed his hands, eager to fight.

"Then we'll meet in the Erased Zone."Lan Yufeng said with a smile.

The poor Erased Zone had been completely reduced to ruins because of the battle between Lan Yufeng and Watora.

However, the Erased Zone itself would not appear on the map of Genshin Island. Those wandering there were all bad demons, and no one cared if they died.

Not to mention that after the last incident, no one dared to approach.

It had been designated by Lan Yufeng as the battle site....

""Well! That's it! See you later!" Sasaki Misaki said excitedly.

After saying this, she hung up the phone.

"Sasaki Misaki, the Fairy Lady among the Four Fists】?"After Lan Yufeng hung up the phone, La Fulia asked curiously,"You want to duel with her?"

"Yes." Lan Yufeng chuckled."Last time when I dealt with Narakville, I accepted her challenge."

"So, I want to go too!" La Fulia said excitedly.

"Well, that's fine."Lan Yufeng pondered for a moment, and finally agreed to La Fulia's request.

This curious princess can't sit still. If she is left here, she will run over, so it's better to take her with her.

Next, Lan Yufeng directly cast the fourth protection of the long-lasting, and completely sealed the unconscious witch in it.

With the fourth protection of the long-lasting, even if the witch wakes up, she will never be able to break the seal.

Even a being of Watora's level is trapped and it is difficult to do it, let alone her.

After finishing these, Lan Yufeng held La Fulia and flew directly to the erasure area.

During the flight, Lan Yufeng remembered that there was a silver red envelope obtained from the witch that had not been opened.

For this reason, Lan Yufeng also tapped it lightly.

In an instant, the silver light was bright, and an item flew out with the white light. The sound of the system also rang out.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the silver-level red envelope and obtaining the imperial weapon: The March of the Dead [Eight Rooms].

The March of the Dead [Eight Rooms]: You can control up to 8 corpses as puppets. The puppets' status and abilities are the same as when they were alive and they can move freely.

Weakness: The more corpses you manipulate during the activation of the Eight Rooms, the lower the host's (Black Eyes) ability will be. After the ability is removed, the corpses will become ordinary corpses.

"The March of the Dead [Eight Chambers]? This thing is not bad."Lan Yufeng raised his eyebrows.

Then, Lan Yufeng threw [Eight Chambers] into the system storage space and quickly flew to the erasure area.

"Is this where you fought with Wattola? Sure enough, watching it live is much more shocking than taking photos."La Fulia looked down at the huge pit below and exclaimed.

In response, Lan Yufeng smiled slightly and didn't say much. He just descended quickly and stood steadily somewhere in the pit, waiting for Sasaki Misaki's arrival.

After a while, Sasaki Misaki's figure also appeared here.

This time, Sasaki Misaki was not wearing her usual cheongsam, but a training suit. It was obvious that she took this battle very seriously.

"Lan Yufeng, just start fighting."Sasaki Misaki said this in a rather heroic manner, giving people the feeling of a heroic woman.

""Yes." Lan Yufeng smiled slightly, cast the fourth protection of the long-lasting to protect La Freya, and walked towards Cape Sasaki.

With every step, the momentum rose!

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