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Like Lan Yufeng, Sasaki Misaki was also walking. With every step he took, his momentum rose a little bit, and his spiritual power surged out, covering his whole body.

His rising fighting spirit and fighting spirit were visible to the naked eye.

""Sixth Gate·Injury Gate·Open!" Suddenly, Lan Yufeng's eyes became much sharper, and he opened the sixth gate in seconds. His whole body was intertwined with dark green flames, which made his momentum and strength surge to a terrifying level.

Instant Step!

The next moment, Lan Yufeng's figure disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of Sasaki Misaki, punching him mercilessly.

The fist burst out, and the air was distorted by the violent force. The wind whistled and the space was quiet.


At the same time, Sasaki Misaki grinned and threw a punch, colliding head-on with Lan Yufeng. In an instant, a sound like muffled thunder exploded.

In the center of the collision of two fists of different sizes, tiny lightning appeared faintly, and white mist filled the air. It was a fierce collision of spiritual energy.

Suddenly, the wind blew up, forming a terrifying tornado. The ground collapsed and sunken, and spider-web-like cracks appeared, causing another big pit to appear in the center of the already sunken giant pit.

And this was just the beginning. Lan Yufeng and Sasaki Misaki's hands and feet turned into the sharpest weapons, colliding wildly.

Every collision aroused strong winds, dust flew, and pits spread.

The continuous explosions made people's eardrums hurt.

"————!"This horrific scene was seen by La Fulia, who was shocked.

Lan Yufeng and Sasaki Misaki's performance now undoubtedly gave people the feeling of a human nuclear bomb. The collision of pure strength and speed showed destructive power that was no less than that of a powerful beast.

However, because the speed of the two was too fast, La Fulia could not see their figures clearly. She could only guess the location of the two people through the strange pit and the flying dust.

This is really scary!...

La Fulia sighed.

After watching this battle, she suddenly felt that she would rather face a powerful beast with different abilities and amazing destructive power than fight with Lan Yufeng and Sasaki Misaki.

Because it is very likely that you will be killed by the opponent in seconds before you can react.

""Hahaha, so refreshing, I haven't felt this good in a long time!!!" After another blow, Sasaki Misaki flew backwards, spinning in the air like a spinning top for a few circles, and landed on the ground, laughing excitedly.

On Genshin Island, only Na Yue could fight with her.

But Na Yue was a witch who controlled space magic, and her fighting style was different from hers, so she didn't feel anything when they fought.

So Sasaki Misaki rarely practiced with Na Yue.

The appearance of Lan Yufeng really made her

"I feel pretty good too." Lan Yufeng also flew backwards, adjusted himself to the ground, and looked very happy.

Although he had experienced many battles, the last time he felt good was when he fought against the last descendant of the dragon slayer, Bruder.

But that was a hand-to-hand fight. The last time was a fist-to-flesh fight.

"I'm going to be serious next time. If you're not careful, you'll end up in the hospital for a while!" Sasaki Misaki chuckled.

As she said this, the spiritual power in her body burst out and intertwined with her fists.

"Same here." Lan Yufeng did not give in, and also burst out with strength, punching out with both fists at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

""Towards the peacock!"

The next moment, Lan Yufeng roared, and the huge flaming peacock flew out with a hiss, spreading its wings and rushing towards Sasaki Cape.

In response, Sasaki Cape showed a fanatical fighting spirit and also punched out.

In an instant, a white Qigong cannon burst out and blasted towards the peacock.


Instantly, the air shook violently, the wind howled, and the sound of thunder resounded through the sky, blowing away all the dust and smoke. The flames swept the entire venue, destroying it beyond recognition.

La Fulia was also startled and was affected.

It was only because of the long-lasting fourth protection cast by Lan Yufeng that La Fulia was intact.

She was relieved about this, and with a radiant look in her eyes, she gently stroked the milky white light shield formed by the long-lasting fourth protection.

After a few seconds, the smoke dissipated, and the center of the two big moves was like a meteorite falling, with pits and cracks everywhere, and scorch marks everywhere.

However, in this collision, neither of them had any possession. Although they were blown away by the aftermath, neither side was injured.

The four words"equally matched" are extremely appropriate.

"It can really emit Qigong waves. I didn't expect the urban legend to be true."Lan Yufeng's yellow hair was blown by the wind. He narrowed his eyes and complained in his heart.

When he first saw Sasaki Misaki's big move, he really thought it was a Qigong wave from the world of"Dragon Ball"

"The sixth gate can only be a tie, but this is also expected. After all, Sasaki Misaki is recognized by Yuejiang. He is very famous all over the world. It would be incredible if he didn't have this strength."

Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes became sharp again.

"Lan Yufeng, come on, we must decide the winner today!" Sasaki Misaki rubbed his hands, although his aura was a little low, his fighting spirit was still high.

"Teacher Sasaki, let me show you something interesting."Lan Yufeng grinned and said slowly."The seventh gate, the startling gate, open!"

This was a pure physical duel, and Lan Yufeng had not thought of using other powers.

If he wanted to defeat Sasaki Misaki, the [Fairy Lady], he could only defeat her completely in the field she was good at!

The deep blue flames enveloped Lan Yufeng's whole body, causing Lan Yufeng's momentum to soar to the extreme. A terrifying sense of oppression came, causing Sasaki Misaki's body to pause.

"————!"Her pupils contracted, her excitement slowed down, and she became extremely solemn.

"So that's how it is. This force is the secret of physical skills that I sensed that day."Sasaki Misaki said in a deep voice.

She felt the pressure even at such a distance. Now that she is fighting with Lan Yufeng, this feeling is undoubtedly magnified many times.

However, this is interesting. If she can withstand this pressure, she may be able to make a breakthrough!

Sasaki Misaki stared at Lan Yufeng intently, alert to the extreme.

Suddenly, Lan Yufeng disappeared from her sight.

By the time she reacted, Lan Yufeng had appeared in front of her and punched out.

The fist was greatly magnified in her field of vision, occupying all her mind!

"Can’t dodge!?"Sasaki Misaki’s pupils shrank, his face changed drastically, his nerves gave out warnings, his back felt cold, but he couldn’t move.


The next moment, Lan Yufeng's fist brushed past her pretty face and blasted behind her.

The terrifying fist force exploded, directly destroying everything in front of it, leaving a dark hole, and the entire Xianshen Island was shaken.

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