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Well, if I force it, I will definitely be killed. I am not such a casual person.

Lan Yufeng looked at Jiada Kukokan, and this thought lingered in his mind.

Is it knocking inside, dog system, you only know how to trick me

"Master, please rest assured. The Chaos Princess is still pure. Her direct bloodline is formed by giving blood, not by physiological behavior. Not to mention that only females exist."

The system's voice suddenly sounded.

"I didn't ask you this question...."Lan Yufeng's mouth twitched.

Well, it does make me feel relieved.

"Interesting. Let's get started." Jada Kukokan lightly held her hair and smiled with satisfaction.

"Right here? Are you sure?"Lan Yufeng looked strange.

"Well, it's right here." Jada Kukokan smiled softly, and red and black lines appeared on her slender arms. The huge magic power exploded and turned into a substantial blood mist.

"Come out, mirror fairy."Jada Kukokan opened her lips slightly.

Instantly, a crystal clear ball of light appeared behind Jada Kukokan.

The next second, a strange wave of vibrations began to spread, and an astonishing spatial fluctuation appeared, causing Lan Yufeng's pupils to condense.

A sense of disharmony appeared in Lan Yufeng's heart, causing Lan Yufeng to use his observation Haki to sense it. Suddenly, he found that most of the other vampires in the palace had disappeared. Only a few powerful direct vampires were left.

"Mirror world?" Lan Yufeng said in a deep voice.

"That's right. The mirror fairy has no attack or defense capabilities, it just creates a large-scale mirror world."Jada Kukokan said with a smile

"In this world, no matter how much you destroy it, it won't affect the outside world, so you can give it a try."At the end, the sense of oppression on Jada Kukokan became stronger and stronger.

"Let me see where your limits are and whether you are qualified to cooperate with me on an equal footing.

"If you don't try your best, you might die."

"Same here!" Lan Yufeng grinned."Sixth Gate. Jingmen. Open!"

Lan Yufeng suddenly opened the sixth gate, and the dark green flames intertwined around his body, which increased Lan Yufeng's strength to a terrifying level.

The next moment, Lan Yufeng suddenly swept his legs and kicked Jiada Kukokan mercilessly.


However, facing Lan Yufeng's attack, Jiada Kukokan did not retreat at all. She raised her slender hands slightly and blocked Lan Yufeng's kick. A violent gust of wind broke out, the ground was shaking, and the buildings of the palace were shaking. Many cracks appeared, and there was a tendency to collapse.

The next second, Lan Yufeng and Jiada Kukokan both retreated dozens of steps, with deep marks on their faces.

"Such a strong power. But it's not enough."Jada Kukokan looked at her red palm and said calmly.

As she spoke, the demons around her emerged and replaced her with a white beast.

The next moment, the white beast turned into light armor and wrapped around her body, looking majestic.

"What a trouble."Lan Yufeng frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

The Chaos Princess Jiada Kukokan is different from other True Ancestors. Her own physical strength is enough to rival the best orcs.

Coupled with the T-type's unique ability to turn its beasts into weapons. It can be said that Lan Yufeng has no advantage in the field she is good at.

At this time, Jiada Kukokan suddenly disappeared from the spot, appeared in front of Lan Yufeng, and punched out.

Under this punch, the air twisted and whistled wildly, demonstrating its unparalleled power.

Its speed was even more terrifying.

Flash step!

Lan Yufeng's pupils shrank, and at the critical moment, he dodged with the flash step.


After Lan Yufeng dodged, the punch suddenly exploded, creating a huge hole in the luxurious palace.

The base was destroyed, and the entire luxurious palace collapsed rapidly.

Lan Yufeng couldn't even care about these now. The domineering perception of the observation Haki let Lan Yufeng know that Jiada Kukokan attacked again.

And this time, he couldn't avoid the attack.

For this reason, Lan Yufeng could only use the fourth protection of the long-term to defend himself.

"Boom————!"The next moment, Jada Kukokan appeared in front of Lan Yufeng, her eyes were bloodshot, and she punched out with an unparalleled domineering punch. A thunderous sound rang out, and a violent force exploded, causing the palace to completely collapse.

And Lan Yufeng was blown away like a cannonball, knocking down countless buildings, and appeared in the air outside.

Even the [Long-lasting Fourth Protection] had some cracks, and you can imagine how terrifying the power just now was.

Jada Kukokan is simply a freak. Compared with her, Wattora is a complete noob.

Sure enough, being close to the True Ancestor level is still a long way from being a real True Ancestor level.

After all, it is already difficult for Wattora to control a fused True Ancestor level beast. But Jada Kukokan can control it freely. The magnitude of their magic power is not at the same level

"Lan Yufeng, your turtle shell is really hard, but it is not impossible to break it."A wild figure rushed out of the ruins, caught up with Lan Yufeng who was flying backwards, grinned, and threw countless punches in an instant.

Seeing Jiada Kukokan like this, Lan Yufeng suddenly thought of a few words. Runaway Loli. Well, very descriptive.

Lan Yufeng's eyes condensed, and his pupils suddenly changed into the shape of a kaleidoscope. The terrifying pupil power burst out in an instant, and Jiada Kukokan was controlled by illusion for a moment.

"Collapse————!"The next moment, Lan Yufeng mercilessly activated his ability to collapse.

"Phew————!"Under the power of Honkai, Jada Kukokan's body exploded.

Otherwise, it was not Jada Kukokan's body that exploded. It was the light armor on her body.

When Lan Yufeng was about to destroy Jada Kukokan's head, this beast armor actually transformed into full body armor on its own, blocking the power of Honkai.

When the power of Honkai did not work, Jada Kukokan struggled out of the illusion, punched out mercilessly, and blew up [Kuyuan Fourth Protection]. She swung another punch and hit Lan Yufeng's head brazenly.

"The Seventh Gate, the Shocking Gate, Open!"

At this critical moment, Lan Yufeng did not care about his physical strength consumption and directly opened the Seventh Gate. Deep blue flames burst out, and Lan Yufeng punched Jiada Kukokan without showing any weakness.

"Boom!!!!!!!!!!!"The violent sound exploded in the low sky, and the fist force formed a shock wave that spread in all directions. The wind was howling, and countless buildings were cracked, as if an earthquake had hit.

This scene also made the direct vampires of the third true ancestor stare at Lan Yufeng who was facing off against Jiada Kukokan with shock.

(ps: Please subscribe automatically, please everything, QAQ~)_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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