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However, the next scene shocked them even more, because in this fight, their Lady Jada Kukokan was trapped below.

"Boom————!"The next second, it was blasted away and hit the earth like a falling meteorite. The entire ground shook, debris flew everywhere, buildings collapsed, and a huge pit with a radius of more than a thousand meters was formed!

"Daytime Tiger!!!

And this was not the end. After Lan Yufeng blasted Jiada Kukokan away, he did not hesitate, and directly gathered all his strength and burst out with a full-strength attack.

The pale giant tiger appeared in the sky, roaring like a meteorite, and smashed down to the place where Jiada Kukokan fell.


A louder explosion sounded, and a terrifying shock wave swept out, forcing the direct vampires watching the battle to quickly avoid it and summon their beasts for defense.

"Can a human really launch such a horrific attack?"

"Perhaps it was because he had this terrifying physical skill that it was only natural for him to kill Wattola."

"It's incredible."

A group of straight vampire girls were all amazed and incredulous.

When the fairies on the surface activated the mirror world, they were curious and forced to stay, and were not excluded from the mirror world.

I didn't expect to see such a fierce battle.

"Hehe, not bad, not bad, this attack is very powerful, even an ordinary True Ancestor-level beast will be killed directly."

Jada Kukokan's laughter sounded, and suddenly a strong wind blew, blowing away the smoke and dust. In the pit in the center of the city that had turned into ruins, Jada Kukokan's figure appeared in Lan Yufeng's eyes.

A new beast appeared in front of her.

It was a huge skeleton giant, with empty eye sockets without eyeballs, a hideous bloody mouth, and exposed rib gaps, all filled with dark space that did not reflect any light. The ribs opened like doors.

Just standing there, Lan Yufeng felt a strong sense of oppression.

Especially just now, Lan Yufeng's kaleidoscope clearly saw that when his day tiger was about to hit, a black energy shell was emitted from the gap between the ribs of the skeleton giant. The black shells even gouged the space and swallowed up most of his day tiger's shock wave.

The rest was easily taken over.

"This is the real True Ancestor."Lan Yufeng stood in the sky solemnly and sighed.

Jada Kukokan has 27 familiars with different abilities, which are enough for her to adapt to most situations. With rich experience, reasonable use of powerful familiars, and powerful magic that can support multiple True Ancestor-level familiars at the same time, the True Ancestor is the existence standing at the top of this world.

"If you fight me and still be in a daze, you will really die. · At the same time when Kukokan's voice sounded.

The skeleton giant fired another black missile at an extremely terrifying speed. During the flight, the space was destroyed by it, and a large number of spider-web-like prey appeared, which was extremely scary.

Not only that, under the city, a huge column of flames surrounded Lan Yufeng.

This is undoubtedly the new beast summoned by Jada Kukokan.

At the same time, the sky also darkened, thunder flashed, and several black lightning as thick as buckets blatantly struck Lan Yufeng, blocking all of Lan Yufeng's escape routes.

"————!"Seeing this, Lan Yufeng's kaleidoscope burst out with powerful pupil power, and the spiritual power in his body burst out.

The next moment, a purple figure rose up into the sky, a thousand meters high, wearing purple armor and holding a long sword.

And Lan Yufeng was at its head.

""Full Form Susanoo!" Lan Yufeng growled.

His current state was enough to easily bear the full form of Susanoo. Originally, Lan Yufeng used it as a trump card.

Now, it was undoubtedly the time to use this card.

"Click————!"Lan Yufeng ignored the flames gushing out from under his feet and the black lightning in the sky, and controlled Susanoo to slash at the black energy bomb.

The next moment, the black energy ball was directly broken into two halves by Susanoo's big sword.

Not only that, the sharpness of its blade and energy directly cut a deep gully in the capital of the chaotic realm of the mirror world, and everything along the way was destroyed by the storm and the aftermath! At the same time, the flames and black lightning also struck Susanoo.

This is a powerful attack from the True Ancestor-level beast, and even the complete Susanoo cannot completely resist it. After resisting its attack, the complete Susanoo also had several huge wounds. Scorch marks were everywhere.

But Lan Yufeng was intact under the protection of the complete Susanoo!

At the same time, the complete Susanoo was quickly repaired under Lan Yufeng's abundant energy!

"————!"Seeing this terrifying figure like a mountain, even Jada Kukokan was shocked.

The direct vampires were even more horrified and unbelievable.

The power displayed by the complete Susanoo is stronger than that of the True Ancestor-level beasts.

"Click————!"The next second, Lan Yufeng controlled Susanoo and held the sword in his hand, and slashed towards the direction where Jiada Kukokan was.

This attack made Jiada Kukokan's pupils condense. The previous attack made Jiada Kukokan discover that the sword of this huge monster was attached with a similar collapse ability as Lan Yufeng's magic eyes, so it easily cut through the black energy bullet of the skeleton giant.

Otherwise, it would definitely be a victory for her side.

So, you can't take it hard.

Thinking of this, Jiada Kukokan's magic power burst out again and summoned a new beast. This is a beast with spatial ability.

However, controlling five true ancestor-level beasts at the same time, she began to feel pressure. Although this is far from her limit.

Before Lan Yufeng's attack arrived, Jiada Kukokan moved the skeleton giant and herself behind Susanoo.

The next second, the sword slashed on the ground, and the entire capital was shaking wildly. Buildings collapsed, the ground cracked, smoke and rubble flew, the wind howled, and shock waves spread.

Even the direct vampires were horrified, and they controlled their own beasts to protect themselves and retreat, and they were almost affected. At the same moment, Jada Kukokan attacked from behind. Several beasts attacked again, and flames, black bullets, lightning, and space blades arrived at the same time.

In response, Lan Yufeng's kaleidoscope opened a lot, and the ability of collapse and restoration burst out, directly protecting the black bullets and space blades that could threaten him from collapse and restoration.

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