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True Ancestor possesses an immortal cursed soul. Unless a powerful magic-breaking weapon penetrates its vital points and cuts it into pieces, it will probably not die.

So when Lan Yufeng was fighting with Jiada Kukokan, he had no intention of holding back. Anyway , he could be resurrected even if he was killed, so he could fight with all his might.

Well, in fact, Lan Yufeng felt that he was forced out of the Eight Gates Formation. If he didn't kill Jiada Kukokan once and enjoy the pleasure of defeating the True Ancestor, he would be too sorry for himself.

Standing on the ruins, Lan Yufeng gathered his distracting thoughts and glanced at the vampire guards and nobles who surrounded him. His face was indifferent, and a strange blood light flashed through his kaleidoscope.

Having just killed Jiada Kukokan, Lan Yufeng's power at this time was not something they could stop, so these vampires all turned pale, dared not look at Lan Yufeng, and didn't even have the courage to make a move.

"Go up, caught this crime..."Suddenly, a low roar was heard, and finally a senior official gave the order.

""Wait! Stop it!" At this time, several extremely embarrassed figures rushed out of the ruins. They were the direct vampires who were watching the battle.

In the aftermath of the previous incident, they were almost killed. Fortunately, the mirror world collapsed in time, and they survived by chance.

"Forehead...."Hearing this, the vampires who were about to take action were stunned and stared blankly at the embarrassed adults, not knowing what to do.

"Leave here, no one is allowed to approach, and violators will be killed without mercy!" The first lineage gave the order with a gloomy face.

What happened today must not be exposed, otherwise, the face of the Chaos Princess and the Chaos Realm will be lost in the international arena. The third true ancestor was kicked to death by someone, which would be too embarrassing to spread.

At the same time, they also looked at Lan Yufeng with fear, not daring to have any hostility. Shock and fear have penetrated into their hearts.

Lan Yufeng's demon-like figure just now made them unable to muster the courage to attack.

And they were not sure about the relationship between Lan Yufeng and Lady Jiada Kukokan.

After all, in the duel just now, neither of them showed any killing intention, giving people the feeling of a duel. It's just that they fought too much.

"Lord Lan Yufeng, you..."The first line musters up the courage to speak out

"You don't have to worry about me, I'm waiting for Jiada to revive."Lan Yufeng sat casually on the ruins, the kaleidoscope returned to its original light red eyes, and he waved to the few people.

"Uh, okay."Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, without asking any more questions, just observing the surroundings, not even caring about their own injuries.

If anyone dared to peek here, they would kill him without mercy.

However, such a big commotion undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people, who tried their best to know what they wanted, and they could not completely stop it.

"This feeling is really uncomfortable."Lan Yufeng covered his temporarily blind right eye and sighed.

In order to restore the vitality he burned with the Eight Gates, his pupil power was more than he imagined, and he directly overdrew it.

If the Mangekyō had not been upgraded to the Eternal Flower Kyoku, which could gradually restore his pupil power, he would not have done so recklessly.

Then, Lan Yufeng closed his eyes and rested. The pupil power of his left eye was also consumed a lot, which made his eyes a little uncomfortable.

Time passed, and I don’t know how much time had passed before there was movement under the ruins again. The rubble exploded, and the figure of Jada Kukokan appeared there.

However, compared to when she first met, Jada Kukokan’s breath was undoubtedly much weaker. Although it can be resurrected as if time is going backwards, it is not without any cost.

"You, you really don't know how to be gentle with women."Jada Kukokan rushed to Lan Yufeng and sat down, patted Lan Yufeng on the shoulder, and said in a depressed tone.

However, there was a glimmer in her eyes.

Although she was just blown up. Well, she was blown up like a balloon, and the whole person turned into blood mist, but the figure of Lan Yufeng she saw before she died was really handsome and domineering, which made her feel a little moved.

In her eternal life, this feeling is the first time.

Well, if Lan Yufeng knew her thoughts, he would probably complain about her being a masochist.

"Showing mercy to the True Ancestor? Am I trying to die?" Lan Yufeng opened his eyes and pouted.

"You really wanted to die just now. Your move was completely burning your life."Jada Kukokan sighed."It's a pity that you can still survive after using that move."

"No, it's not that it didn't come without a price. You used that pair of magic eyes to restore your body, right?"

At this point, Jada Kukokan keenly noticed Lan Yufeng's right eye, which had become dull and lifeless. She breathed a sigh of relief, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Is it really that serious? I risked my eyes for a victory."

"Anyway, I can recover, so it doesn't count as losing."Lan Yufeng raised his eyebrows and said calmly,"I hate losing. Losing means losing everything, losing control."

"Haha, he is a man with a strong desire for victory and control."Jada Kukokan smiled and had a bright look in her eyes."But I don't hate him."

"At the same time, I also understand why you are so calm even though you are targeted by the War King Domain and are at the forefront of the world. You do have the capital to be calm."

Jada Kukokan said with a smile

"No one would have thought that you could gain the terrifying power to kill the True Ancestor instantly at the cost of an eye."

"There are many things you don't know."Lan Yufeng's eyes flickered and he pouted.

"So you have other cards up your sleeve?" Jada Kukokan asked with a smile, her eyes full of curiosity.

"Who knows?" Lan Yufeng shrugged and said casually

"As expected, it was the right decision to invite you here this time. Let's form an alliance. No matter what happens in the future, I will stand by your side."

Jada Kukokan stretched out her delicate hand.

"I am looking forward to the changes you will bring to this unchanging world."

Lan Yufeng did not reply to Jiada Kukokan's words, but just calmly shook Jiada Kukokan's delicate hand.

On this day, the news that Lan Yufeng appeared in the Chaos Realm was spread.

Lan Yufeng's secret meeting with the Chaos Princess. The strange collapse of the palace, the respect of the seriously injured direct vampires for Lan Yufeng, and the news that Lan Yufeng was suspected of fighting with the Chaos Princess and the outcome was unknown shocked the whole world.

Countless forces were shocked and their faces changed.

Because in this news, except for the process of the Chaos Princess and Lan Yufeng fighting, who won and who lost, the rest of the news is true.

However, no matter what, Lan Yufeng's strength is definitely higher than currently estimated.

At the same time, the content of the talks between Lan Yufeng and the Chaos Princess is also likely to affect the changes in the situation in the whole world.

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