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Just standing there, without releasing any magic power or momentum, it gave people a feeling of being unable to breathe.

He was the [First True Ancestor], Kai Zhulan Barada, who was known as the Forgotten War King.

""Jia Da, what did you talk about with that kid?" The Forgotten War King's voice was heavy, with a natural majesty that made most people dare not raise their heads and look at him easily.

However, the figure in front of the huge screen was undoubtedly among them.

"Haha, why should I tell you?" Jada Kukokan said with a smile, holding her hair up lightly.

"Don't cross the line."The Forgotten King gave a meaningful reminder

"You can't control me." Jiada Kukokan smiled."After all, your future life won't be so good."

After saying this, Jiada Kukokan hung up the call directly, leaving the Forgotten War King frowning and thinking. His aura naturally revealed that the beautiful personal attendant beside him broke into cold sweat and gasped for breath.............................

Lan Yufeng was unaware of the brief conversation between the First True Ancestor, the Forgotten War King, and the Third True Ancestor, the Chaos Princess.

Lan Yufeng has now boarded a special plane back to Genshin Island.

Because the Chaos Realm is in Central America, it is quite far away from Genshin Island and the flight time is long, so Lan Yufeng naturally has some free time.

Of course, this time is different from the last time, there is an extra girl beside Lan Yufeng.

Number ten, Flame Night Lord Dishanpo.

This is the little gift that the Chaos Princess mentioned.

Lan Yufeng looked at the girl sitting opposite him, eating snacks by herself, and he couldn't come back to his senses for a moment. She has the same face and figure as Aurora. However, unlike Aurora's long straight hair, Dishanpo had messy shoulder-length hair cut into it, and her clothes were inappropriate, looking like a bad girl.

"Stop staring at me. I feel embarrassed to eat it." Di Shanpo raised the snacks in her hand in front of Lan Yufeng and muttered.

"Oh, sorry." Lan Yufeng exhaled lightly and shook his head."Looking at you, I think of Aurora."

"Aurora..."Hearing this, Deshanpo paused and her eyes flickered.

When the Flame Feast began, she was kept in the Chaos Realm and watched by the Chaos Princess. She did not participate in the Flame Feast.

So she survived.

However, she also heard about what happened at the Flame Feast. And the relationship between Lan Yufeng, Xiao Nagisa, and Aurora.

"Lan Yufeng, I am not Aurora, please don't treat me as her replacement." Di Shanpo wiped the corner of his mouth casually and pouted.

"Tsk, my Aurora is a high-class beauty, not a naughty kid like you, only a fool would treat you as her substitute."Lan Yufeng pouted and said

"Not to mention, Aurora is not dead yet. Lan Yufeng added

"Who is the naughty kid? He said with a twitching eye.

"You." Lan Yufeng said calmly. He was quite familiar with Di Shanpo.

In the original book, Di Shanpo was given to Wattola by Jiada. Then Wattola let her go free. Then this guy rescued all kinds of people who were persecuted and transformed in the Demon Special Zone, created a terrorist organization [Abyss Trap] to attack the Demon Special Zone, causing a lot of trouble. He even became the instigator of the Saint Annihilation.

Well, a complete naughty child vampire

"I, I'm angry..."Di Shanpo gnashed his teeth and looked at Lan Yufeng, his eyes turning bloodshot."If I could beat you, I would definitely knock you out and bite you to death.""

""Haha." Lan Yufeng sneered and looked down on him.

Di Shanpo has the Capricorn pupil crystal of the fourth true ancestor's tenth beast, which has the ability to control the mind.

Although this ability is troublesome, Lan Yufeng can resist it with the kaleidoscope.

And apart from this beast, Di Shanpo's own strength is rubbish, and Lan Yufeng can easily knock her down.

Along the way, Di Shanpo, who wanted to resist several times, was scared by him. Well, scared by spanking.

Lan Yufeng's sneer made Di Shanpo's face black. She could only vent her anger on snacks and eat and drink.

Fortunately, the vampire's body will not change, otherwise Lan Yufeng thinks this guy will become a little fat girl in the future.

"After taking me to Xianshen Island, what are you going to do with me?" After a few minutes, Di Shanpo asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"As long as you don't run around and cause trouble, I can let you live in my house and let you go to school and make friends."Lan Yufeng said calmly

"Normally, you are not allowed to use force, otherwise you will be spanked ten times. If you are obedient, I will let you live a peaceful and warm life."

"————!"Hearing this, Di Shanpo was stunned, and the snacks in his hand fell on the table.

"That's it?" Di Shanpo said blankly.

"What else?" Lan Yufeng asked back.

"Do you know why the Chaos Princess gave me to you?" Di Shanpo was silent for a moment, then asked with a gloomy expression.

"I know." Lan Yufeng said calmly."She wants Aurora in my body to awaken and take over your body. After all, you are both created to be the base of the fourth true ancestor's beast, and the soul and body fit very well."

"Now that you know, why do you..."Deshanpo pursed her lips, her body slightly tense, with a hint of expectation in her confusion

"Your body is not suitable for my girlfriend to stay with you, you naughty kid."Lan Yufeng said with disdain.

""Tsk, why do I have to be disliked by you?" Di Shanpo curled her lips and continued to eat snacks.

However, judging from her slightly upturned mouth and relaxed expression, she was in a good mood. She thought her life was coming to an end, but she didn't expect Lan Yufeng to have a good personality. His behavior also surprised her.

With the Capricorn Eye Crystal, she could easily distinguish the truth of Lan Yufeng's words and whether there was malice in his heart.

"I'm tired, I'll go to bed first, call me when you get there."Lan Yufeng didn't say anything more, just lay down on the sofa and went to sleep. After fighting with the True Ancestor with all his strength, he was now exhausted physically and mentally.

Looking at Lan Yufeng who was sleeping soundly, Di Shanpo hesitated for a moment, and finally got up carefully, took an air-conditioning blanket and covered Lan Yufeng with it.

"I am looking forward to my future life. How about school?..."Di Shanpo looked at the white clouds outside the window through the glass, smiled, and his eyes became blurred.

"....I never thought that a tool like me, who was created, might be able to go to school one day." Di Shanpo murmured with a complicated expression, looking at the sleeping Lan Yufeng with a gleam in his eyes."Thanks to him......"

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