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"Stupid Lan Yufeng, wake up quickly, we are already at the location."

After the luxury plane landed at the private airport of Xian Shen Island, Di Shanpo casually threw the messy snacks on the table into the trash can, jumped off the chair and came to Lan Yufeng to shake his body.

However, Lan Yufeng, who had fallen into a deep sleep, ignored this little movement, and it was useless for Di Shanpo to shake him.

"Really, he can sleep better than me." Di Shanpo's eyes twitched and he muttered

"But that's right, this guy had a fight with the Chaos Princess."Then, Di Shanpo glanced at Lan Yufeng's tired face, her eyes flickering.

So, what should I do in this situation? Forget it, the book says kissing is better?

Di Shanpo touched her chin and thought.

Tsk, who would give him my first kiss?

Di Shanpo blushed and muttered

"Wait, this method is not bad. Humph, you got a bargain."Di Shanpo thought about it, her eyes lit up, she climbed onto the sofa and sat on Lan Yufeng's waist.

Well, the subtle erotic posture gave people the feeling of a female knight.

Then, Di Shanpo's eyes turned scarlet red, she opened her mouth slightly, and her vampire fangs were exposed.

She leaned down and tried to bite Lan Yufeng's neck to suck blood.

This was her first time sucking blood. This guy got a bargain!

"What are you doing?" However, before Di Shanpo could bite through Lan Yufeng's skin, Lan Yufeng suddenly opened his eyes and looked at her speechlessly.

"Ah, why did you wake up suddenly?"Di Shanpo panicked and quickly jumped off the sofa chair, saying angrily

"If I don't wake up, you'll have to suck all my blood." Lan Yufeng said unhappily.

"Idiot, I'm calling you to wake up." Deshanpo argued

"Who gets up by sucking blood?"Lan Yufeng's mouth twitched, and he said with contempt."After all, it was you who peeped at my blood."

"I didn't..."Di Shanpo's pretty face turned red and her tone became weaker.

"It's obvious that you're sleeping too soundly, and it's no use for me to shake you!" Suddenly, Di Shanpo raised his voice again, put his hands on his hips, and said confidently,

""Tsk." Lan Yufeng curled his lips and was too lazy to talk nonsense with Di Shanpo.

"Hmm?"Later, Lan Yufeng found the air-conditioning blanket on his body. He was slightly stunned, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Di Shanpo, this naughty child, is still a little gentle.

In this case, just forgive her for her messing around.

After Lan Yufeng took the air-conditioning blanket aside, he looked at the scenery outside through the window.

"We're here." Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go home." Lan Yufeng walked over, pressed Di Shanpo's head, and led the way towards the exit.

"Home..."Di Shanpo was stunned and stared blankly, then her face was filled with smiles and she hurriedly trotted after him."Well! Let's go home!"

"Oh, yes, I want some snacks, remember to buy them for me!" Di Shanpo pulled Lan Yufeng's arm and said with a smile.

"I think you might be a vampire, but a vampire pig."Lan Yufeng complained unhappily.

"You are the vampire pig! I don't eat much, okay!" Deshanpo retorted dissatisfiedly.

"Yes, yes, yes, the so-called eating less, in less than two hours, he ate snacks worth 50,000 yuan."Lan Yufeng smacked his lips."I think I may not be able to support you."

"It was an accident. Who made you angry? I can only vent my anger on snacks." Di Shanpo blushed.

"From now on, the daily snack money will be 10,000 yuan, no more." Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes."But I won't skimp on clothes and daily necessities."

"Hehe, then it's settled!" Di Shanpo nodded with a smile.

Hey, Aurora, I suddenly understand why you like him.

Di Shanpo looked up at Lan Yufeng's face, then at the blue sky and the flying seagulls. She gently tied her messy hair and her eyes became blurred.

The meaning of their birth is to live in the fourth true ancestor's beasts and then be devoured by the fourth true ancestor. Everyone uses them as props.

But he is different, he really treats me as a family member.

Aurora, perhaps, I have to be grateful to you for this.

A little, a little envious.

Di Shanpo's eyes became more and more blurred.

""Silly boy, stop daydreaming. Let's go. I still have to buy you clothes, daily necessities, snacks, arrange a bed, and handle transfer procedures. And I still have classes to go to."

Lan Yufeng slapped Di Shanpo on the head and said unhappily.

"Don't hit me on the head, if you hit me, you'll have to support me for the rest of my life." Di Shanpo hugged Lan Yufeng's arm, stared at him, and said seriously in a half-joking tone:

"Don't worry, I will support you for the rest of your life." Lan Yufeng pouted."But don't worry, I will be careful when I attack, and it won't cause any problems."

""Okay, okay, let's go. I want nice clothes and snacks!" This answer made Di Shanpo smile with satisfaction.

Two hours later, Lan Yufeng came home. All the big and small bags were placed on the sofa.

"I'm so tired. Shopping with you is such a torture."Lan Yufeng was lying on the sofa, his mouth twitching.

When shopping with Di Shanpo, the two of them quarreled too often. This naughty kid is also very picky, which is a headache.

"I am a beautiful girl, and my appearance is off the charts. It is obviously an honor for you to go shopping with me." Hearing this, Di Shanpo's eyes widened, staring at Lan Yufeng and muttered."Don't you see that those passers-by are looking at you with envy and jealousy?"

"......"Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes and was too lazy to talk to this guy.

Now, at his request, Di Shanpo had her messy hair tidied up at the barber shop into a refreshing shoulder-length haircut, which was much prettier than before. Plus, her refreshing outfit was also a plus.

She really brought out the power of her original beauty.

But this is this, that is that, Lan Yufeng felt that this guy was really troublesome

""Tsk." Lan Yufeng said with disdain.

"————!"Seeing Lan Yufeng's reaction, Di Shanpo gritted his teeth, wanting to bite Lan Yufeng.

In the end, he followed his heart.

Well, if he couldn't beat him, he might as well vent his anger with snacks.

Di Shanpo stared at a certain part of Lan Yufeng and bit off a chocolate bar to vent his anger................................................

Ding, congratulations to the owner for meeting the conditions for opening the golden red envelope, do you want to open it?"

"Hmm? Gold-level red envelope?"Lan Yufeng, who had closed his eyes to rest, opened his left eye and was slightly stunned.

Di Shanpo had a gold-level red envelope on him, but the words"brightness" were on the red envelope, which made him a little confused, so he didn't think he could open it, but he didn't expect it to open suddenly.

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