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Instantly, the red envelope opened, and a golden light shone brightly. A fruit flew out wrapped in golden light, which made Lan Yufeng raise his eyebrows.

At the same time, the system's voice also sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for obtaining the natural devil fruit - Thunder Fruit."

Thunder Fruit: A specialty of the world of"One Piece". After taking it, you can control lightning, and even transform yourself into lightning, commonly known as elementalization, and can be immune to most attacks except elemental attacks.

Warm reminder: Although the devil fruit is powerful, after taking it, you will be cursed by the sea and become a landlubber.

"It's the Thunder Fruit."Lan Yufeng frowned slightly.

The ability of the natural devil fruit is undoubtedly very good, and the Thunder Fruit is also among the top three. But the fact that it can make people become landlubbers is enough to make Lan Yufeng stay away from this fruit.

"Is there no way to improve the system?" Lan Yufeng asked in his heart.

"Yes, but it will cost 50,000 exchange points to eliminate this defect."The system's voice sounded

"Fifty thousand, why don't you go and rob it."Lan Yufeng pouted.

He only had a few thousand exchange points left. Where would he get fifty thousand?

"The system bids, absolutely fair."The system's voice sounded."Fifty thousand points is to wipe out all the harmful factors of the devil fruit, leaving only the pure ability, without any side effects."

"That's not bad." Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

"Forget it, I can't use it now, I'll eat it later."Lan Yufeng shook his head and threw the Thunder Fruit into the system storage space.

"I'm going to school first. Di Shanpo, remember to stay at home and don't run around. You can also go to my room to play computer games. The password is 12345."

After resting for a while, Lan Yufeng stood up and reminded Di Shanpo who was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"I know." Di Shanpo waved her hand and nodded with a smile.

In response, Lan Yufeng nodded slightly and left home.

Di Shanpo turned his eyes and ran to Lan Yufeng's room................................

Caihai Academy, there was still about half an hour before school was over. After Lan Yufeng arrived at Caihai Academy, he went to the office to find Na Yuejiang.

"What happened to your eye?"

As soon as Lan Yufeng walked over, Nangong Nayue frowned and didn't ask anything else. Instead, she stared at Lan Yufeng's dim right eye with a serious face and asked in a deep voice.

Although the words were deep, Lan Yufeng could see Jiang's concern for him and his anger towards Chaos Princess Jiada Kukokan.

"Well, I had a fight with Jiada and lost my life. Then I used the recovery ability of my right eye to restore my vitality. The price was that I was temporarily blind. But don't worry, I will be able to see again after a while."

Lan Yufeng smiled and explained casually.

"Lan Yufeng, don't mess around anymore, do you hear me?"Nangong Nayue stood on the chair and looked at Lan Yufeng, holding a lace folding fan and patting Lan Yufeng on the head, with a face full of instruction.

"Na Yue-chan, are you worried about me? As expected, Na Yue-chan has fallen in love with me."Lan Yufeng said with a smile

"I like you, you big-headed ghost." Nangong Nayue's eyes twitched and she said unhappily."I'm talking to you about something serious!"

She couldn't be serious every time she talked to Lan Yufeng. A headache guy

"Well, I will try not to mess around so much in the future." Lan Yufeng said softly."But there is nothing I can do in that situation. I don't want to lose."

"What an insincere promise."Nangong Nayue sighed lightly, feeling quite helpless.

"What is going on between you and the Chaos Princess?" Then, Nangong Nayue asked about the real matter.

"Jiada wanted to cooperate with me to deal with the Forgotten War King. The prerequisite was to see if I was qualified to be equal to her. So we had a fight."Lan Yufeng said softly."In the end, I won, and she promised to stand on my side in the future"

"————!"Lan Yufeng's brief words and the content he outlined made Nangong Nayue's pupils condense and her face look shocked.

She didn't expect that the Chaos Princess would stand on Lan Yufeng's side. More importantly, Lan Yufeng fought with the Chaos Princess and actually won! ?

No wonder the news from the Chaos Realm was veiled, so that's why.

Nangong Nayue breathed a sigh of relief, instinctively raised the corners of her mouth, and looked at Lan Yufeng with strange eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey, Yue-chan, what's with that expression on your face like an old mother watching her silly son finally mature?"Lan Yufeng's eyes twitched and he complained.

"Haha, you think too much. The ghost is your old mother, am I that old?"Nangong Nayue sneered

"Um, no. Absolutely not. That Yuejiang is always young. Well, she is a cute legal loli."Lan Yufeng said from the heart.

"Go die a thousand times, you perverted lolita lover!" Nangong Nayue said with gritted teeth.

"By the way, Yuejiang, Jiada has entrusted the No. 10 Flame Night Boy to me. Her name is Di Shanpo. I want her to transfer to the junior high school of Caihai Middle School, and be in the same class with Xia Yin and Nagisa."Lan Yufeng talked about business again.

"Number 10: Flame Night Lord...Di Shanpo?"Nangong Nayue frowned and gave Lan Yufeng a meaningful look.

"I understand. You go to class. Take a day off and come to make up for the lessons." Then, Nangong Nayue snorted again.

Lan Yufeng's strength and trump card are stronger than she thought. In this case, she is not so worried about the threat of the First True Ancestor Forgotten War King.

She has a hunch that Lan Yufeng will sooner or later reign at the top of this world.

What will the world become by then?

Nangong Nayue fell into deep thought.

"......!"Hearing about the make-up classes, Lan Yufeng was speechless.

However, he did not say much, smiled at Nangong Nayue, and left here and returned to his class.

After returning to the class, the classmates were all surprised. Lan Yufeng also explained it with a mixture of truth and falsehood. After school, Lan Yufeng even pulled Asagi, Nagisa, Setsuna, and Natsune together to explain the matter of Di Shanpo, and invited everyone to his home for a welcome party.

Not only was it prepared for Di Shanpo, but it was also for Natsune's move-in, and Kirasaka Sayaka and La Freya jointly held it.

Lan Yufeng's approach made the girls feel a little subtle.

Lan Yu Asagi was a little annoyed, there were more and more beautiful girls in the house. More and more girls were approaching Lan Yufeng.

Even the optimistic Nagisa was a little annoyed about this. Of course, it was more of envy. She suddenly wanted to live in Lan Yufeng's house.

But when she thought of that scene, she blushed, she didn't have the face to bring it up, and she couldn't find an excuse.

Besides, Lan Yufeng's house didn't have so many rooms....

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