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The Haroin Festival, which is unique to Genkami Island, is the largest celebration held in Genkami City.

Various activities such as fireworks festivals, outdoor concerts, and costume parades will be held to let the whole island revel together. During this period, more than 120,000 tourists visited Genkami Island, which is an astonishing number considering the distance between the island and the mainland of RB.

It is worth mentioning that the Haroin Festival is equivalent to an alternative Christmas. At the same time, it is also the beginning of the prison barrier incident.

Unfortunately, except for those who are interested, only Lan Yufeng, a time traveler, knows what will happen next on Genkami Island.

Originally, Yuejiang was a little suspicious that Lan Yufeng would cause trouble because of what Lan Yufeng said, but she has been quiet for so long, so she has put down her suspicion.

It's as if nothing has happened.

In addition, there is the world situation. Because Lan Yufeng has been studying quietly on Genshin Island during this period, enjoying life and opening red envelopes with a decreasing refresh rate. Then, he was occasionally pulled by Yuejiang to fight the demons as a soldier.

In response to this, the situation in the world has become weird. All countries and forces are on guard or preparing some plans. As a result, after Lan Yufeng and the third true ancestor met and suspected a fight, nothing happened, which was equivalent to a silent fart, making them depressed.

Of course, the War King Domain is still the same, but it is rarely said in public. After all, it will be boring if you talk too much, and it will also appear petty, right?

However, this does not mean that they have let go of their hatred.

However, this does not affect Lan Yufeng at all. Anyway, his life is very comfortable, with all kinds of girls accompanying him, which is very pleasing to the eye, so he doesn't bother to pay attention to the War King Domain.

At this time, Lan Yufeng accompanied Xiao Nagisa to the airport to welcome Sendoki Yuma. In addition, there are Himehira Yukina, Aoi Asagi, and Yeze Natsune.

As for Di Shanpo, it was obvious that she was not interested in this kind of pick-up project, and she went around alone.

And La Freya was ordered to return to the kingdom. Kirasaka Sayaka accompanied her.

However, Lan Yufeng felt that the two of them could not go back. The reason would naturally be affected by the messed-up space of Yuuma Sentoki.

Of course, not being able to go back was actually in line with the princess's wishes.

In her words, she would be back in a few days anyway, so why not go back to the kingdom?

Well, our smart and capable princess has finally become a lazy fish.

Lan Yufeng felt that he had to take the blame for this? Hiss, so scary.

Originally, Akatsuki Kojou, who was a childhood friend of Yuuma Sentoki like Nagisa Akatsuki, should have come.

It's just that on this rare holiday, this guy was dragged by his girlfriend to go on a date.

Ha, a man who wants a girlfriend instead of a childhood friend.

After Lan Yufeng despised Akatsuki Kojou, he laughed and waited with Nagisa Akatsuki.

""Nagisa, long time no see." After a while, the crowd surged. A tall figure appeared in front of several people.

She had short brown hair, purple eyes, delicate features and was very energetic. She was wearing blue and black jeans. She was a boyish beauty.

Well, although Di Shanpo didn't like to wear skirts like Xiandumu Yuma, in Lan Yufeng's mind, she couldn't be called a beautiful girl, but just a bear child with delicate features.

Bear children were another kind of terrifying existence different from beautiful girls. This was common sense!

"Yuma! Long time no see!"

Akira Nagisa warmly hugged Yuma Sendoki's arm and greeted her with a smile.

"Everyone, this is the Yuma I told you about. I was right, she is a great beauty." Nagisa Akatsuki said proudly

"But, Feng Jun, don't attack Youma, or I'll bite you." At the end, Xiao Nagisa opened her mouth and glared at Lan Yufeng.

Lan Yufeng's popularity with women was terrifying. She suddenly panicked. She was afraid that her childhood friend would also fall for him.

"What the hell is going on here? You're making me sound like a hungry silver wolf."Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes.

Damn it, where is my innocent and cheerful Nagisa-chan? She actually doubted me.

"Facts."Lan Yu Qian Cong curled her lips

"Senior is Silver Wolf."Himehira Setsuna was serious about her attack.

"......"Yeze Natsune didn't say anything, but just looked at Lan Yufeng embarrassedly.

Sometimes, silence is more lethal than speaking.

Lan Yufeng's mouth twitched, and he looked at his hands.

When did his image in the girls' minds become fixed as the Silver Wolf?

Didn't he just flirt with Na Yuejiang from time to time, and occasionally ran into Natsune and Setsuna taking a bath. He accidentally picked up Asagi's panties, was pushed to the bed by La Freya and was almost raped, asked Sayaka to run errands for him to buy underwear, spanked the disobedient Di Shanpo's butt, and had his blood sucked by Nagisa.

How could he be the Silver Wolf?

This is slander! Slander! Slander of his reputation!

Lan Yufeng felt that he had to restore his reputation.

"Phew, Nagisa, your friends are really interesting."Xendumu Yuma looked at Lan Yufeng who was lost in thought and laughed with interest.

"Feng Jun, I heard about you from Nagisa. Please give me your guidance on this tour. Then, Xiandumu Yuma generously extended her jade hand.

"Well, Xiandumu, please give me your advice in all kinds of ways."Lan Yufeng smiled slightly, his eyes were deep, and he said meaningfully

"......!"Lan Yufeng's deep eyes made Xiandu Mu Youma suddenly feel like she was being stared at. She was a little doubtful and looked into Lan Yufeng's eyes.

"I say, you guys have been shaking hands for too long. Feng, Youai!"

Seeing that Xiandumu Youai and Lanyufeng had been shaking hands for a minute and kept looking at each other, giving people a feeling of deep love at first sight, Xiao Nagisa finally couldn't stand it anymore, puffed up her cheeks, and pulled the hands of the two apart angrily.

"Senior, it is really dangerous. In every sense of the word."Himehira Yukina complained at the right time

"I can't refute that." Lan Yu Qiancong also covered her forehead.

He was able to attract a strange beautiful girl just after meeting her. Isn't this kind of peach blossom luck too strong? Hey!

"Haha, I'm just curious about Feng-kun." Xiandumu Yuma gathered his thoughts and smiled, very friendly."By the way, Feng-kun, Asagi, Xuecai, Xia Yin, please call me Yuma."

""Yeah." Hearing this, Lan Yufeng shrugged.

The others also chatted with Yuuma Sentoki with a smile on their faces.

Because Nagisa Akane had told them about Yuuma Sentoki's personality, they could still accept Yuuma Sentoki's familiar behavior of calling them by their names when they first met.

"The conditions for opening this silver-level red envelope...Tsk, it fits my plan quite well."At this time, Lan Yufeng also looked at the silver red envelope he got from Xiandu Mu Yuma and smiled slightly.

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