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Opening condition: Open the prison barrier

It can be said that this condition is exactly the same as his first small purpose.

Xiandu Mu Youma, you really came to deliver a package from a thousand miles away.

Thinking of this, Lan Yufeng looked at Xiandu Mu Youma with eager eyes, feeling very relieved, and his favorability towards him increased greatly.

"......!"Noticing Lan Yufeng's eyes, Xiandumu Yuma silently took a step back.

Could this guy really be a silver wolf as Nagisa said? That said, it's a bit dangerous....In various senses...

"Ahem, stop being in a daze here. Let's go for a good walk next time. The next few days on Genshin Island will be very lively."

Seeing that Xiandu Mu Yuma seemed to be frightened by him, Lan Yufeng coughed lightly and said seriously

""Yeah! Let's go shopping!" Hearing this, the girls nodded happily.

Girls like this kind of lively festival.

Afterwards, Nagisa Akatsuki kept taking Yuuma Senduki around and visiting various famous places.

The other girls also went shopping.

Lan Yufeng was leisurely hanging behind. He was really bored and left temporarily.

Anyway, there was still some time before the incident, so he didn't need to follow Yuuma Senduki closely. At almost eleven o'clock in the evening, the girls were finally tired of playing. They went home.

Nagisa Akatsuki also took Yuuma Senduki back to her own home.

As for Lan Yufeng, he ran to Himeragi Yukina's house.

"Senior, why don't you give me an explanation? Why did you suddenly come to live in my house?"Ji Shu Xuecai looked at Lan Yufeng and Di Shanpo outside the door, blushing and asking suspiciously.

"Ahem, the house is too messy, so I'll come over and spend the night here."

Lan Yufeng coughed lightly, and glanced at Jidong Xuecai who was obviously just halfway through taking a shower and was casually wearing a bath towel and a coat when he called her to open the door. He answered seriously."Xendumi Yuma is suspicious" is obviously not something you can say, as that shows a lack of emotional intelligence. It's also easy to hurt Nagisa's heart.

So Lan Yufeng could only find an excuse to come to Jidong Xuecai's house to monitor her.

In order to prevent Jidong Xuecai from being embarrassed when he goes out, Lan Yufeng also brought the naughty child Di Shanpo with him.

Although she is a naughty child, she is still a girl after all. Bringing her around can effectively prevent Jidong Xuecai from being embarrassed.

""Hey, Xuecai, let us stay for one night. I haven't stayed at your house before. Call Nagisa, let's play cards!" Di Shanpo said excitedly.

Being able to sleep and play at a friend's house was a very novel experience for Di Shanpo. So she was easily lured by Lan Yufeng to be a shield.

"......"Hearing this, Himeragi Setsuna couldn't refuse, so she could only glare at Lan Yufeng and move aside.

Next, Di Shanpo also called over with great interest, and really started playing cards with Sentoki Yuma.

As for Lan Yu Asagi's sister, who was staring at her at home, she could only stay at home in depression. It was a shame that Lan Yufeng went to Setsuna's place to have fun without bringing them with him. Well, it was because the place they lived was not big enough.

However, it was also because Di Shanpo was with them that they were assured that Lan Yufeng would not do anything to Himeragi Setsuna.

Di Shanpo, so useful!

When they played cards until the early morning, everyone went to bed.

The next day, in the early morning, before it was completely light, Lan Yufeng woke up. After washing up casually, he used his observation Haki to monitor Sentoki Yuma's unusual movements.

She took advantage of Himeragi Setsuna's sleep to steal a kiss, and directly used her ability to exchange the five senses with Nagisa to switch control of the body.

"So far, no accidents have occurred, which makes me feel a little relieved."Lan Yufeng hummed a little tune and walked towards the door leisurely.

If the butterfly effect really occurs, he will have to insert his own means in the middle.

Of course, this development is the best. Xiandu Mu Yuma will bear the pot, and he will reap the benefits. Isn't it a good thing?

"————!"When Lan Yufeng just opened the door, Xiandumu Yuma, who had already gained control of Xiao Nagisa's body, stiffened slightly, and looked at Lan Yufeng with slightly fixed pupils.

"Hey, Nagisa-chan, you got up early today."Lan Yufeng walked over with a smile and put his shoulder on Xiandumu Yuma's shoulder.

"Ahahaha, I'm a little sleepless, so I want to go out for a walk." Sendumi Yuuma forced a smile and tried hard to play the role of Akatsuki Nagisa.

"Insomnia? This is not a small problem."Lan Yufeng's expression became serious, full of concern.

Yuuma Sentoki wanted to borrow the huge magic power of Akatsuki Nagisa, the fourth true ancestor, to use the magic book to open the prison barrier and save her nominal mother, Aya Sentoki.

This was also the plan of the library 1co.

However, Yuuma Sentoki is just a prop created by cloning, the kind that will be thrown away after use.

At least the library LCO and her cheap mother Aya Sentoki think so.

By the way, am I also taking advantage of Yuuma Sentoki? Well, it seems that I am the same.

It's just that I have a little conscience and treat Yuuma Sentoki as a beautiful girl with flesh and blood.

Lan Yufeng muttered in his heart.

Although I'm sorry, I can only say sorry in order to free Yuejiang. Although I have nothing to apologize for

"Nagisa, let's do something bad secretly while they are still asleep.

Then, Lan Yufeng lifted up Xiandu Mu Yuma's chin and said with a smile.

"————!"These words made Yuuma Sentoki's expression stiffen, and she felt pain in her breasts.

No wonder, no wonder Nagisa and other girls said that Lan Yufeng was the Silver Wolf, it was true!

However, Yuuma Sentoki could see that all the girls, including Nagisa, liked Lan Yufeng. This meant that this situation might have happened before.

If she refused, wouldn't she be exposed?

She knew Lan Yufeng's strength, and even if she was controlling Nagisa's body now, she might not be able to beat Lan Yufeng.

And she didn't want to fight him either.

"I, I know." In this regard, Xiandu Mu Yuma could only use her poor acting skills, her pretty face flushed, and she closed her eyes shyly.

Well, shyness is fake, shame is real

"This kid is so easy to fool."Looking at such a Xiandu Mu Yuma, Lan Yufeng sighed.

Then, Lan Yufeng didn't hesitate and just lowered his head.

After a while, Lan Yufeng let go of Xiandu Mu Yuma and touched her face with a smile.

"Be careful when you take a morning walk. I'll come back to find you later."

""Yeah!" Hearing this, Xiandumu Yuma calmed down the strange feeling just now, lowered his head guiltily, and ran away quickly, feeling sad and angry. What a bad start! I met the silver wolf early in the morning, and my virginity was taken away. Although the body is not my own, the five senses are my own!

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