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"What is your purpose?" Xiandu Mu Youma asked with a fluctuating expression.

She knew it would be difficult for her to escape from Lan Yufeng, so she was too lazy to try. When Lan Yufeng suggested going to the prison barrier together, she hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

"Before asking others about their purpose, I think you should tell me your own purpose."Lan Yufeng glanced at Xiandu Muyouma and spread his hands.

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't tell me. Anyway, with the power of the Capricorn pupil crystal in the body of this naughty kid Di Shanpo, we already know your purpose."

"???"Di Shanpo looked at Lan Yufeng with a confused face. When did I know about Xiandu Muyouma's purpose? Wasn't it you who said it?

You are really good at passing the buck.

Also, don't call me a naughty kid!!!

When Di Shanpo was depressed and wanted to expose Lan Yufeng's lies, Lan Yufeng calmly stuffed the happy chocolate bar from the red envelope and handed it to Di Shanpo, easily bribing him.

As expected of a product of the system, Lan Yufeng was very pleased to see Di Shanpo eating the happy chocolate bar with a happy face.

Xiao Nagisa also grabbed Xiandu Muyouma's arm. Well, although the two bodies were swapped.

Holding your own arm, hiss, it feels so subtle

""You're so beautiful, I really didn't expect you to have such a past." Xiao Nagisa said worriedly."Everything you do is for your mother, I can understand. I also intend to help you"

"At the same time, it is also to help Feng Jun."Akira Nagisa said softly

"......"Xiandumu Yuma looked at Xiao Nagisa with a complicated expression, and then looked at Lan Yufeng.

These words undoubtedly showed that they really knew about his affairs.

Perhaps, they knew it since last night. If he had known earlier, he should not have shown up in front of Di Shanpo.

Xiandumu Yuma smiled bitterly.

"Since you know about me, you should know how serious what I did is, it's a complete terrorist attack." Xiandu Mu Yuma looked at Lan Yufeng and asked."What is your purpose then?"

"I just want to help Na Yuejiang escape from the prison barrier safely. So our goals are the same for now."Lan Yufeng said casually.

"————!"Hearing this, Xiandu Muyouma's pupils condensed.

If this is true, no wonder Lan Yufeng didn't stop him.

So, it was not an illusion that Lan Yufeng blocked him this morning, but it was intentional....?

Thinking of this, the corner of Yuma Xiandu's mouth twitched, and she felt pain in her nipples. It seems that she was deceived by this guy!

Yuma Xiandu was a little crazy, and her face was a little red.

Sure enough, just like what Nagisa said, a dangerous man!

However, in order to completely rescue his mother, he must kill Nangong Nayue....So, we will still be enemies.

"By the way, Yumai, can you exchange bodies with me?" Nagisa Akane's face was full of confusion."Looking at my own body and talking, I feel a subtle sense of discomfort."

"Feel sorry..."Xiandu Mu Yuma hesitated for a moment and was about to refuse.

Her goal was not achieved, but possessing the body of the fourth true ancestor was undoubtedly her capital to fight against Lan Yufeng. Although this would hurt her friend's heart

"Tsk, what a hassle."However, before Xiandumu Yuma finished speaking, Lan Yufeng took out the Wanfu Bingying Pojie from the system space and stabbed Xiao Nagisa's body.

Instantly, the spell was broken, and Xiao Nagisa and Xiandumu Yuma both gained control of their own bodies.

"————!"This unexpected change made Xiandu Mu Yuma's face pale, and she looked at Lan Yufeng in disbelief.

She originally thought that she had a slight chance of winning, but now it seems that she was totally overthinking.

The ability that she was most proud of was actually broken so easily.

"Huhuhuhu, I'm more used to using my own body to move around!" Xiao Nagisa's face was filled with smiles, and she said happily while holding Lan Yufeng's hand.

"Of course." Lan Yufeng touched Xiao Nagisa's head.

Well, there is nothing that can't be solved by the Wanfu Bingying Jiejie. If poking once doesn't work, then poke twice. If poking twice doesn't work, then poke three times. If poking three times doesn't work, then the reasonable method is still the solution (physics)

"Yuma, what's wrong with you?" Nagisa Akatsuki, who didn't know that she had to kill Natsuki-chan in order to rescue the prisoner, looked at the dejected Yuma Sendo with a puzzled look and asked with concern.

"No, nothing...."Xiandumu Yuma answered somewhat embarrassedly, not daring to look into the clear eyes of her childhood friend.

She had done so much, and even used friendship, but in the end it was all in vain.

It should be said that she was doomed to fail from the beginning to the end, and to be a wedding dress for others. This man had already plotted her to death. Xiandumu Yuma stared at Lan Yufeng blankly, pursed her lips, with a face full of unwillingness, and suddenly she wanted to cry.

She was cheated of her first kiss, and all the fruits of her labor were cheated away, and she was eaten up. After the incident, she would probably have to take the blame herself. Xiandumu Yuma felt so miserable.

Is this man a devil! ?

Xiandumu Yuma looked at Lan Yufeng with resentment.

"Ha, what a pity."Di Shanpo ate the last bit of the chocolate bar, glanced at Xiandu Mu Youma, and complained.

The sudden heartbreaking words completely sank the Youma.

Soon, everyone came to the place where the prison barrier was.

As the sky darkened, the prison barrier in the ocean gave people an extremely gloomy feeling, which made people unconsciously afraid.

However, Lan Yufeng and others were not ordinary people. They were naturally not afraid of this small scene, but easily walked towards the prison barrier through the stone bridge connecting to Xianshen Island.

Just when Lan Yufeng was thinking about how to open the door of the prison barrier without hurting Yuejiang, the door of the prison barrier opened by itself.

"It looks like Na Yue-chan knows what she wants to do. This is the best." Seeing the door open by itself, Lan Yufeng was surprised but not shocked.

After all, when Xiandu Mu Yuma made the prison barrier appear, Na Yue-chan's magic clone had probably dissipated into pure magic and memory and returned to Na Yue-chan's body. Since it was known that Lan Yufeng was going to make trouble and he couldn't stop it, it was normal to make such a choice.

So Lan Yufeng calmly walked into the prison barrier with Xiandu Mu Yuma, who looked a little more cheerful, and Xiao Nagisa and Di Shanpo, who were full of curiosity.

For the two of them, the prison barrier was like an urban legend, and they thought it didn't exist.

Soon, in the center of the empty and cool hall, Lan Yufeng saw Na Yue-chan sleeping on a stone chair.

(ps: Please subscribe automatically, everything, QAQ~)_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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