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"Humph, Na Yue Jiang is sleeping, so I can tease her at will."Looking at Na Yue Jiang on the stone chair, Lan Yufeng walked over with a smile.

"Is this Nazuki-chan's real body? It's no different from the magic clone, right?" Nagisa Akatsuki said excitedly.

"No, there is still a difference. Although the magic clone also has human senses and simulates the original body more perfectly, it still does not have the real feeling of flesh and blood."Lan Yufeng explained.

Di Shanpo did not say much, but turned his eyes to look at Nangong Nayue, considering whether to take revenge on Nangong Nayue before she woke up.

But thinking of the fear of being dominated by Nangong Nayue in Caihai Academy, she had a cold meal.

Well, forget it, there are plenty of opportunities anyway, not this time.

Only Xiandu Mu Youma looked at Nangong Nayue on the stone chair in front of him with entanglement.

Although she is only one step away from success now, it is impossible for her to succeed in this last step under Lan Yufeng's nose.

Forget it...I'd better stay in prison.

Xiandu Muyouma shrugged his face in despair.

Suddenly, a blue guardian appeared behind Xiandu Muyouma, holding up a huge sword and stabbing at Xiandu Muyouma's body mercilessly.

This angle can not only penetrate Xiandu Muyouma's body, but also penetrate Nangong Nayue's body with one arrow.

"Ding————!"However, at the last moment, Lan Yufeng strangely appeared behind Xiandu Muyouma, with his palms covered with powerful spiritual power wearing impact gloves, and blocked the giant sword with one hand.

"————!"The sudden scene startled everyone, and they were unable to react for a while.

Xiandu Mu Yuma was sweating coldly, and her face was full of fear.

Her own guardian actually turned against her! ? If Lan Yufeng hadn't blocked the attack just now, she would have died.

"Thanks..."Just when Xiandu Mu Yuma was about to express her gratitude, Lan Yufeng suddenly spoke up and interrupted her.

The content of the speech made Xiandu Mu Yuma dazed, with a look of horror and confusion on her face.

"I say, Xiandu Mu Aye, you didn't even let your own daughter go, isn't that a bit too much?"Lan Yufeng said expressionlessly.

"Hehe, my daughter is just a prop."In the prison, or on the body of the guardian, the voice of Xiandu Mu Aye rang out.

This cold female voice was filled with anger and unwillingness.

"And it's just a useless prop, what's the use of it!"

"......"These words seemed to hit Xiandumu Yuma's heart directly, making her pale and sitting on the ground helplessly.

The reason why she was created and forced to learn magic and become a witch was to save her mother.

Xiandumu Aya was also her sustenance.

However, she didn't expect that the one who could give her warmth in her fantasy was also treating her as a prop. And a useless prop at that.

For a while, Xiandumu Yuma's heart was gradually broken. If left alone, she would probably become mentally retarded.

"Youma is not a tool! Sha stood up immediately and said angrily

"You are right, Youma is not a tool, she is a beautiful girl that I can support for the rest of my life."Lan Yufeng touched his chin and said seriously

"....!"Lan Yufeng's words, which sounded like a confession, brought Xiandu Mu Youma back to his senses. He looked at Lan Yufeng in confusion.

"Although this child is stupid, it is still a good choice to hire her as a maid. Well, let her grow her hair long and dress up like you, how about it? Xiandumu Aye."Lan Yufeng said with a smile."I believe she can dress up exactly like you."

These words made Xiandumu Yuma's eyes twitch, and her nipples hurt, and even her sadness was washed away a lot.

Is this the image of me in your mind?

At this time, Xiandumu Aye was also confused by Lan Yufeng's words and didn't know how to retort.

Let Xiandumu Yuma grow long hair and dress up like her to be a maid for Lan Yufeng? Maybe even do some unspeakable things?

Thinking of this, even the indifferent Xiandumu Aye's eyes twitched wildly, and she felt bad all over.

This is undoubtedly a great humiliation for her. She will never allow this to happen, but unfortunately she has no power to stop it.

Now even the jailbreak plan has failed.

""Tsk, it's really boring." Xiandumu Aye didn't say anything. Lan Yufeng smacked his lips in boredom, took out Wanfu Bingying Pojie from the system storage space, and poked Xiandumu Youma's body.

In an instant, the contract between Xiandumu Youma and the devil was forcibly cancelled under the power of Wanfu Bingying Pojie, and the guardian dissipated unwillingly. Xiandumu

Youma also changed from a witch back to an ordinary girl. If you remove that powerful magic, that's it....

However, when breaking the contract between Yuuma and the devil, Yuuma suddenly fell into a coma.

Yuuma was originally speaking through Yuuma's guardian, but now that the guardian has disappeared, she no longer has the chance to speak.

"Tsk, the process went even smoother than I thought. This thing is really a magical tool in this regard."Lan Yufeng looked at the treasure in his hand and sighed. Lan Yufeng felt that he could change his job to become a witch nemesis. If he saw someone who was unhappy with him, he would poke her. Losing the power of a witch would make them live a life worse than death.

"Lan Yufeng, can you even do such a thing!?"Di Shanpo looked at Lan Yufeng and the strange-shaped dagger (?), her face full of astonishment.

She was not Akane Nagisa, who was just worried now, thinking that Xiandu Mu Yuma was shocked and fainted. She clearly saw what happened just now.

"Of course, you don't even look at who I am."Lan Yufeng raised his eyebrows and smiled proudly.

""Tsk." Di Shanpo curled her lips.

However, now she understood why Lan Yufeng was confident that he could perfectly liberate Nangong Nayue.

With this strange treasure, it would not be that difficult to solve the problem.

"Next, let's open the red envelope."Lan Yufeng comforted Xiao Nagisa, explained the situation, and then muttered leisurely.

At the same time, he also looked at the silver red envelope in front of him.

This was obtained from the god-level courier Xiandu Mu Yuma. It can be opened naturally after meeting the conditions.

Then, Lan Yufeng lightly clicked it.

In an instant, the silver light was bright, the items flew out, and the sound of the system also sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the silver-level red envelope and obtaining the Mangekyo ability, Amaterasu, and Tsukuyomi! Do you want to spend 000 points to fuse the new Mangekyo ability?"

"Hey, it can actually integrate new kaleidoscope abilities?"Lan Yufeng was surprised for a moment, then curled his lips."Your system is terrible, it's very bad, I just had 5,000 points, and they were all taken away, it's too coincidental."

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