After the vehicle drove to this place, the weather changed from sunny to cloudy. The originally good weather was gone here.

At the time of the incident, the people from the college immediately sent people to evacuate the scene.

And they used a simple account to control the construction site.

Lin Fan’s mission this time mainly has two points.

The first is to check whether there are any living people, and rescue them without affecting their own danger.

The second is to exorcise the cursed spirit!

Lin Fan patted Yidi Zhijiegao on the shoulder and said:

"Don't panic, I'll be back soon."

Then Lin Fan put on a calm smile, put his hands in his sleeves, and walked into the account without any tension, as if taking a walk.

Seeing this, Ichi Chi Jie Gao's already uneasy heart became even more nervous.

He thought to himself, I hope nothing goes wrong.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to explain to Mr. Gojo. But then again, how did Lin Fan know that he was Ichi Chi Jie Gao?

Didn't he just enroll?

Ichi Chi Jie Gao looked at���Seeing Lin Fan's gradually disappearing back, he showed his doubts.

But he didn't think much about it.

Maybe it was Mr. Gojo or classmate Fushiguro who told him.

It's not a secret.

After entering the account, Lin Fan saw a lot of corpses.

There were at least five or six at a glance.

And the degree of damage of the corpses was so bad that it was hard to look directly at them.

It was as if they were corroded by something, and many corpses could hardly be seen in human form.

But Lin Fan was not surprised at all.

With the strength of a second-level cursed spirit, civilians have no chance to fight back in front of it.

Take the big-mouthed cursed spirit encountered in school for example.

With a swollen body and an astonishing speed, killing people is like slaughtering chickens and dogs for it.

I guess tomorrow's news will be that an unknown explosion occurred at a construction site, killing many people.......

Lin Fan used to naively believe that what was said in the news was true.......

Lin Fan walked quickly towards the construction site.

Soon he saw a giant cursed spirit that looked like a human.

Indeed, from the appearance and shape, it seemed like a human.

But it was swollen all over, and covered with huge pustules.

If you don't look closely, you might think it was an adult male who was too fat to look like a human.

This giant human-shaped cursed spirit didn't have eyes.

Instead, it only had a huge mouth.

Its huge mouth was still constantly secreting terrible corrosive liquid.

After the juice from the burst pustules and the liquid flowing out of its huge mouth dripped onto the ground. A wisp of white smoke instantly emerged from the ground, and a sizzling sound was made!

Soon, the ground was corroded into large and small pits!

Such corrosiveness shows how toxic it is!

Lin Fan, who was far away, couldn't help but smell the stench that seemed to come from the depths of the sewer.

Lin Fan's face darkened.

Why do I always run into this kind of disgusting-looking thing!

Can't I give him something more normal?

This appearance is not as good-looking as the third-level curse spirit he exorcised before.

Lin Fan suddenly felt that the big-mouthed curse spirit was the best-looking among them.

This made Lin Fan want to cry but he couldn't.

But........Judging from its appearance and the power of its curse, this giant humanoid curse spirit is much stronger than the big-mouthed curse spirit in school!

It seems that the second-level curse spirit is just a general concept, and it is also divided into different levels of strength!

Lin Fan looked at the panel of this giant humanoid curse spirit and was a little surprised.

【Name: None

【Level: Level 2 Curse Spirit

【Talent: Corrosive Poison Attribute (C+)

【Skills]: Venom Spray (B-).............................................

【[Toxic Constitution]: The body contains a huge amount of corrosive poisonous liquid. A drop of poison can easily corrode rocks, and a trace amount of poison can kill an adult male!

【Venom Spray: Concentrate the huge amount of venom in the gastric juice and spray it out from the mouth continuously! (The maximum spray diameter can reach 5 meters).............................................

This was the first time that Lin Fan had seen a cursed spirit with talents and skills.

"money~~~!!!! If you have money, you can buy food~~~money......!!!!! give me money~~~!!!!!...... money!!!!......."

Looking at the giant creature over three meters tall in front of him, Lin Fan deeply realized the importance of the curse tool!

Originally, Lin Fan thought that the curse tool was used to assist those who had no or weak curse power.

Now it seems that if you encounter such a disgusting thing, how can you do it without a curse tool to exorcise it!

Lin Fan sighed lightly and looked around.

After confirming that there were no living people,

Lin Fan stretched out his right hand and said lightly:


As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, an invisible airflow appeared in his palm.

The giant humanoid curse spirit, which was more than three meters long, sensed Lin Fan's presence and attacked him!

Its huge body made a huge muffled sound every time it stepped on the ground!

Lin Fan could clearly feel the vibration of the ground!


The giant humanoid curse spirit quickly rushed to Lin Fan!

It put its hands together and slammed down at Lin Fan!

Looking at the huge body that covered the sky and the sun, and the pair of huge fists that were about to fall.

Lin Fan jumped up calmly and easily avoided it. This speed was too easy for Lin Fan to dodge.

He jumped into the air and directly hit the giant humanoid curse spirit on the head with a Rasengan.

With a loud bang!

Lin Fan's curse Rasengan directly smashed the giant humanoid curse spirit's head!

The giant humanoid curse spirit that lost its head took two steps back heavily.

But it did not die!

Soon a huge mouth actually grew on its belly full of pus!


The giant humanoid cursed spirit roared at Lin Fan!

Then, without any warning, it sprayed green corrosive venom from its bloody mouth!

The venom was like a fountain, continuously outputting in the direction of Lin Fan!

However, Lin Fan easily avoided it with his flexible movement!

Looking at the ground stained with venom, it was like a foam board that melted when encountering high temperature!

Lin Fan was still frightened.............................................

PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, and messages!!!!!!!

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