Lin Fan was not afraid of such harm.

He was not dead, so what kind of harm could make him afraid?

The reason why Lin Fan was still in shock was because the venom sprayed by the giant humanoid curse spirit was accompanied by a strong stench! It was so stinky that it stunk to the sky!

Lin Fan felt that if he was sprayed, he would want to die!

The giant humanoid curse spirit saw that the venom spray could not reach Lin Fan at all.

So it stopped spraying and continued to fight with Lin Fan in close combat.

But Lin Fan still responded slowly and easily.

Although the power of each punch of the giant humanoid curse spirit was very huge.

It could easily smash a big hole in the sand and stone ground!

But its speed was relatively slow.

It was wishful thinking to want to hit Lin Fan at this speed!

In fact, Lin Fan could have resolved the battle very quickly.

But facing such a disgusting curse spirit, Lin Fan really didn't want any part of his body to touch it!

So Lin Fan kept dodging.

Every time he dodged an attack from a giant humanoid cursed spirit, he would seize the opportunity and use the opportunity to attack it with a cursed Rasengan!








After several rounds of fighting, the giant humanoid cursed spirit was beaten down from more than three meters to one and a half meters by Lin Fan!

Lin Fan was secretly surprised. Is it so tough?

It was beaten halfway, but it is still alive!

Just when Lin Fan was about to use the Rasengan to hit the giant humanoid cursed spirit again, he suddenly found that the body of the giant humanoid cursed spirit began to swell up!

Lin Fan didn't think much about it. He thought that the cursed spirit was slowly recovering from its injuries.

So he just used the Rasengan as usual!

However, at the moment when the Rasengan touched the giant humanoid cursed spirit's swollen body, the giant humanoid cursed spirit suddenly exploded!

A blood mist filled the sky!

Lin Fan was instantly blown away!

Several wounds were blown out on his body!

But it didn't take long for it to heal.

At this time, the air was filled with red and green mist.

The mist has a high corrosiveness. Although it is not as toxic as liquid, it can still corrode surrounding objects.

Because Lin Fan was very close to the exploded giant humanoid cursed spirit, the corrosive poisonous liquid covered his whole body.

Soon, Lin Fan's clothes were completely corroded! However, the corrosive liquid seemed to have no effect when it came into contact with Lin Fan's body.

It was obvious that Lin Fan's poison immunity talent had taken effect.

The corrosive liquid and mist sprayed out by the giant humanoid curse spirit only lasted for about five minutes before dissipating into the air.

The foul smell also disappeared, and the air suddenly became fresh.

The sky gradually cleared up.

But despite this, Lin Fan was still gritting his teeth with anger!

Lin Fan tried every means to avoid the attack of the giant humanoid curse spirit because he felt it was disgusting!

Now look! In the end, it actually blew up all over him!

How come he didn't know that the curse spirit could also self-destruct!


【Congratulations to the host for killing the second-level curse spirit and obtaining a venom spray skill card and an intermediate skill lottery ticket!!】

【It is detected that there are 1 poison spray skill card and 1 intermediate skill lottery ticket in the host's backpack. Would the host like to use them?

Hearing the voice of the system, Lin Fan's mood eased a little.

After seeing that a skill card dropped after killing the giant humanoid curse spirit,

Lin Fan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Is this the legendary skill book that explodes when killing monsters?

After looking at this system, he still has many functions that he has not explored!

But he doesn't want this disgusting skill!

This kind of garbage will rot in the warehouse!

Seeing that the intermediate skill lottery ticket also exploded, Lin Fan muttered in his heart with joy:


Use the intermediate skill lottery ticket!

【Congratulations to the host for using it successfully!】

【The intermediate random skill lottery ticket will give you a D-level skill at the lowest and an S+ level skill at the highest.

The specific winning odds are as follows:

D-level: 40%

C-level: 30%

B-level: 20%

A-level: 9.5%

S-level: 0.5%】

【Extracting, please wait......】

【Extraction successful!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the A-level skill, Curse: Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!】

【Curse: Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique: This is a difficult ninjutsu created by the Uchiha clan in the Naruto world. After being systematically improved, it can be activated by using cursed power. The cursed power gathers behind the throat, and a huge fireball is ejected from the mouth to the front, hitting the enemy. (The size and power of the fireball are proportional to the amount of cursed power input by the host)

【When the host uses the skill of injecting mana to control the power of ninjutsu, just add the percentage before silently reciting or chanting the skill.

The percentage is the current mana power of the host.】.............................................

Oh, not bad!

There is a 9.5% chance of drawing an A-level skill.

This luck is also considered lucky!

This Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique originated from the Naruto world, and Lin Fan is relatively familiar with it.

It is a fire style ninjutsu commonly used by the Uchiha clan. It is considered a ninjutsu of the Chunin level, and it is not a very impressive ninjutsu.

But the reason why the system rated it as A-level.

It should be related to the power of the injected curse to determine the size of the power.

In other words, as long as the curse power is enough, the more powerful the fireball will be.

In the future, maybe Lin Fan’s fireball can directly blow up a city!

Lin Fan is quite satisfied with this skill.

Lin Fan looked at the building in front of him, which had just laid the foundation and had only a frame.

It was a good time to try the power of the cursed fire style: Great Fireball Technique.

Lin Fan said���

"One hundred percent, Fire Style! Great Fireball Technique!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fan felt a sudden sense of weakness in his body.

But soon Lin Fan recovered.

Obviously, this was the backlash caused by excessive use of mana, but it was offset by the recovery ability of his innate immortal body.

Then Lin Fan felt a sense of heat in his throat that was ready to burst out.

Lin Fan spit directly at the building.

In an instant!

A huge fireball with a diameter of five meters suddenly appeared!

The huge fireball was like a small sun, and the scorching breath swept the whole place!

Then the huge fireball hit the building that had just been built.

There was a loud bang!

The six-story building was instantly blown down!

A burst of smoke and dust covered the sky!

Steel bars and gravel flew everywhere!

After a long time, the smoke and dust slowly dissipated.

The place hit by Lin Fan’s huge fireball before had already become a ruin burning with flames!

Like purgatory!

Very spectacular!

Lin Fan showed a satisfied smile.

This power is as powerful as a cluster bomb!

This skill is currently his most powerful killer!.............................................

PS: Please give me monthly tickets , flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, and messages!...

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