Yi Dizhi Jie Gao, who was waiting anxiously outside the account, first felt the vibration of the ground, and then heard a loud noise!

This made his breath rise to his throat! He was panicking!

What happened in this account! ?

This noise, this vibration, can't be emitted by a second-level curse spirit?

Is there something wrong with the information?

There is actually a first-level curse spirit or a special-grade curse spirit hidden inside! ?

No, no, no!

It shouldn't be!

Lin Fan must not get into trouble!

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to explain to Mr. Gojo! Just when Yi Dizhi Jie Gao was worried and sweating.

A naked figure walked out of the account.

Yi Dizhi Jie Gao was stunned at first, and then he realized that it was Lin Fan! Yi Dizhi

Jie Gao immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was very puzzled why Lin Fan came out naked.

But as long as he is okay, it's fine!

Yi Dizhi Jie Gao hurriedly trotted forward and asked with concern:

""Student Lin Fan, what's going on in there?

I just heard a loud noise, like an explosion. Are you not injured?"

Lin Fan looked at his naked body with a strange expression. His muscles were as flawless as jade carvings, without a single wound or scar.

How could he be injured?

So Lin Fan pointed at his body and asked:

"Isn't it obvious?"

Yidi Zhijiegao smiled awkwardly,"It's good, it's good!"

Lin Fan pointed to the account and said:

"I have exorcised the cursed spirit inside, there are no survivors, my mission is complete, you can ask someone to handle the rest of the finishing work.

Oh, right!

Remember to ask them to bring me a set of clothes.

My clothes were corroded by the second-level cursed spirit before."

After saying that, Lin Fan opened the car door and got in.

Yidi Zhijiegao quickly took out his phone and called the professional person in charge of the follow-up finishing.

About half an hour later, a group of staff members arrived at the scene.

And brought a set of casual summer clothes to Lin Fan.

After that, Yidi Zhijiegao gave the staff a few instructions, got in the car, and sent Lin Fan back to the college.

When they arrived at the college, it was already dusk.

Yidi Zhijiegao watched Lin Fan's back as he left, and suddenly felt his body lighten.

It really takes a strong heart to go on a mission with Lin Fan!

But thinking of what Lin Fan said to him before he left, he suddenly felt like crying but had no tears.

Before leaving, Lin Fan added his communication and said to him:

"Continue tomorrow, Mr. Yidizhi!

Remember to find me some difficult tasks and send me a message!"

Thinking of this, Yidizhi Jiegao returned to the car dejectedly.

He didn't know why he suddenly felt that his body was hollowed out.

A day of fear and anxiety really made him physically and mentally exhausted!

Yidizhi Jiegao thought with a wry smile.

How could such a person exist?

He is simply a monster!

Others would avoid the cursed spirits as soon as possible.

And Lin Fan almost regarded exorcising the cursed spirits as a personal hobby..............................................

Dusk is approaching, and night is quietly approaching.

A full moon is rising.

The silver moonlight is reflected on a few feather-like light clouds, which is very beautiful!

But Lin Fan is not in the mood to appreciate such a beautiful night view.

The only feeling he has now is that he is hungry.

He has been busy with tasks all day and has not even eaten a bite of food.

Lin Fan is going to go back and take a shower, and then he must have a big meal!

Lin Fan, who had just returned to the dormitory, happened to run into Yuji Itadori and the always expressionless Megumi Fushiguro in the corridor.

Yuji Itadori's eyes lit up when he saw Lin Fan coming back, and he greeted him:

"I'm back, Fan!

How was the mission?

Was it interesting?"

When Fushiguro Megumi heard Yuji Itadori's question, she was also a little surprised and asked:

"Did you go on a mission?"

Lin Fan nodded undeniably and answered casually:

"Well, the academy assigned me a task, so I went.

I exorcised a third-level cursed spirit and a second-level cursed spirit.

Actually, it was really meaningless when I think about it, and I even regretted doing the task.

Because the cursed spirit looked.....well~....It's so hard to say!

I feel sick just thinking about it! Let's not talk about it for now! I have to go take a shower and clean myself up!"

Yuji Itadori was a little stunned,"You exorcised a third-level cursed spirit and a second-level cursed spirit?

Are cursed spirits of this level powerful?

But seeing that Fan was not hurt at all, it seems that the task is quite simple."

Fushiguro Megumi's mouth twitched:


Do you know how powerful a level 2 cursed spirit is?

The big-mouthed cursed spirit we met in the academy before was a level 2 cursed spirit. And its strength was relatively weak.

We can't even defeat that big-mouthed cursed spirit now, let alone exorcise it!

Do you think a level 2 cursed spirit is powerful! ?"

After Fushiguro Megumi's explanation, Yuji Itadori exclaimed in understanding:

"That's really amazing!

I didn't expect that Fan could easily exorcise a second-level cursed spirit!

Really strong!"

Fushiguro Megumi couldn't help but complain:

"It's not just strong, it's simply abnormal!"

Lin Fan returned to the dormitory and took several careful showers before he was willing to come out of the bathroom.

The second-level cursed spirit at the construction site really left a psychological shadow on Lin Ping.

After Lin Fan changed into his new school uniform, he left the room.

After leaving the dormitory, he saw Yuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro fiddling with their mobile phones in the corridor.

Lin Fan knew that they were waiting for him.

Yuji Itadori saw Lin Fan coming out, smiled and waved his hand and said:

""Let's go, Fan!

Let's go eat!"

Lin Fan nodded.

Then the three of them happily went to the college cafeteria and had their first meal in the college..............................................

Two weeks passed in a flash.

It was the beginning of July.

Ichi Chieko, who had done two missions with Lin Fan, said he would not come the next day.

Lin Fan sent him a message. Ichi Chieko replied directly to Lin Fan, saying that he had a cold and fever, was seriously ill in bed, and needed to rest. Please wait a few days before doing the mission.

Lin Fan had no choice but to wait.

In fourteen days, Lin Fan successfully upgraded his cursed human body to B+ level through crazy training.

It is estimated that he will be able to break through B level and reach A level after training for a few more days!

In the past two weeks, Lin Fan also copied two skills.

One is the A-level skill of Ryomen Sukuna, the reversal magician.

This skill can be said to be the most suitable skill for Lin Fan at present!

It can be said that after the reversal magician is combined with immortality and infinite cursed power, it is difficult for Lin Fan to get hurt!

Besides, Lin Fan also has a cursed human body that improves the attributes of the whole body.

And Ryomen Sukuna's reversal magician can not only save himself, but also save others!

As long as the soul is not damaged, Lin Fan can heal people.

Therefore, Lin Fan must copy this skill first!.............................................

PS: Thank you **LC for the monthly ticket!!! Please give me monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, and messages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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