Fushiguro Megumi frowned and said seriously:

"For a mission of this level, a special grade sorcerer of the same level as the curse spirit should be sent. In other words, it was Gojo Sensei who should have come today....So that's it"

"That....."Where is Gojo-sensei?" Yuji Itadori, who did not see Gojo-sensei, asked.

Fushiguro Megumi sighed and replied:

"He is on a business trip. He shouldn't be doing idle work in the academy."

Yuji Itadori nodded, and then asked in confusion:

"oh....."Hey~~? Where's Lin Fan?

He doesn't seem to be here either?

He's nowhere to be seen every morning, and I don't know where he's gone."

Fushiguro Megumi frowned. He didn't know where Lin Fan was.

He lived next door, but he was always so elusive.

{Note: Because Lin Fan stayed in the training room from morning till night, he would get up too early in the morning and they would not get up yet, and come back too late at night and they would be asleep. They would only run into each other a few times during mealtimes, so Yuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro felt that they could not see Lin Fan.}

When he heard the name Lin Fan, Ichichi Jiegao shuddered involuntarily.

He coughed lightly and then continued to talk to everyone:

"Lin Fan went to Fukuoka to perform a mission, so he couldn't come either.

There's nothing we can do about it. It's normal for sorcerers to be short-handed, and they often receive difficult tasks."

Yiji Chieko pushed his glasses and said solemnly:"But this is an emergency and abnormal situation, and you must not fight!

When you encounter a special-grade curse spirit, run away with all your might!

Don't hesitate!

Otherwise, only death will be waiting for you!"

After hearing this, the three people's faces became extremely solemn.

Yiji Chieko sighed and continued:

"Listen to your fear this time. Don't forget that your mission is to identify and rescue the survivors......."

Just before Yidi Zhijiegao finished speaking, a woman suddenly broke into the cordon, but was stopped outside by the staff.

The middle-aged woman saw Yidi Zhijiegao inside and thought he was the leader here, so she shouted:

"Excuse me! Excuse me, A Zhengta......"

The staff quickly stopped him and said:

"Don't come over, please step back, please step back!"

But the middle-aged woman didn't listen at all, her face was full of worry, and she was still desperately shouting at Yidi Zhijiegao:

"A Zheng! Is my son A Zheng okay! ?"

The staff hurriedly stopped her and said,"Please calm down, it's very dangerous here, please step back!"

The middle-aged woman still didn't listen and shouted desperately,"Let me go! Let me pass!"

Yuji Itadori, who had just lost his only grandfather, couldn't bear to see this.

In an instant, a feeling of sadness mixed with sympathy for the middle-aged woman arose.

At this time, Ijichi Jiegao walked in front of Yuji Itadori, blocked his sight, and explained in a low voice:

"It's the guardian who came to meet."

Yuji Itadori was slightly stunned after hearing this.

Then Ijichi Jiegao said loudly to the middle-aged woman:

"Please go back! We now suspect that someone has poisoned the juvenile detention center, so we cannot reveal more information for the time being."

"how come......"The middle-aged woman collapsed after hearing this. She sat on the ground with her hands covering her face and started crying."Why! Why is this happening?"

Yuji Itadori couldn't stand it anymore.

He thought of his grandfather.

He knew better than anyone how it felt to lose a loved one.

Yuji Itadori clenched his fists, looked at the juvenile detention center with a determined look and said:

"Fushiguro! Kugisaki! Let's go in and save them!"

The three exchanged glances and prepared to set out to rescue them immediately.

Ijichi Jiegao naturally wouldn't stop them. He watched the three of them and finally said with concern:"Please be careful."

Then he made a spell gesture and said:

"Now let the tent down.

Born from darkness, from darkness to darkness, all filth and impurities shall be exorcised."

As Ichichi Jiegao finished his spell, the tent slowly turned into a black transparent cover from the sky like liquid, covering the area of 500 meters centered on the Eiji Juvenile Institute. It was the first time that Yuji Itadori saw this, and he was very surprised and shouted:"The sky has turned dark!"

Fushiguro Megumi explained speechlessly:

"This is the account, because this time we are dealing with a special-grade cursed spirit, and it is very close to a residential area, so we have to be hidden from the outside with a barrier."

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori exclaimed in understanding:"This is amazing!"

"Ignorance!" Kugisaki Nobara complained with a look of disgust. Fushiguro Megumi stopped talking nonsense and was about to go in. He immediately made a gesture to use the spell, activated ten kinds of shadow spells in advance, and summoned the Shikigami White Jade Dog.

After the White Jade Dog was released, it howled towards the sky.

Fushiguro Megumi said to the two:

"Once the curse approaches, it will tell us"

"Sure, sure!" Yuji Itadori smiled and touched the fur of the Shikigami White Jade Dog,"Be good, be good, it's up to you!"

Then the three of them carefully opened the outer door and looked inside nervously.

After waiting for the Shikigami White Jade Dog to walk in,

Fushiguro Megumi said to everyone,"Let's go!"..............................................

Lin Fan finally arrived in Fukuoka and came to the location of the mission, an amusement park.

The amusement park has been closed and blocked.

There are staff and cordons around it.

No civilians were found at the scene.

It seems that they have been evacuated long ago.

Now the whole amusement park is covered by a light black tent.

Ordinary people can't see anything.

Only those with magical power can see this cover.

When the staff at the scene saw Lin Fan and Zenyuan Maki, they hurried over.

After saying a few words about the situation at the scene, they quickly recited a spell and opened an entrance to the tent.

Lin Fan looked at Zenyuan Maki, and the two looked at each other and nodded.

Then they went directly into the tent.

The tent was calm, which was very different from the previous exorcism of the second-level curse spirit.

If it weren't for the many huge pits on the ground and the strong breath of curse spirits.

Lin Fan thought he came here to vacation and see the scenery.

As he and Zenyuan Maki continued to go deeper, they found nothing except the big pits on the ground.

But it was strange.

The information given in previous missions was very detailed.

So Lin Fan was too lazy to read it.

However, the information given in this mission was pitifully little.

It just said that a giant first-level cursed spirit appeared here, and then there was no other information.......

Lin Fan and Zenyuan Zhenxi walked all the way to the Ferris wheel and stopped.

The aura of the curse spirit was the strongest here, but there was no trace of the curse spirit.

Lin Fan frowned slightly, with an ominous premonition!


Lin Fan and Zenyuan Zhenxi sensed a murderous intent at the same time!

They looked at the ground under their feet!

At the same time, a sentence rang in their hearts.

Damn it!!!..............................................

PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, and messages!!!!!!!

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