Sure enough, at this moment, a huge mouth suddenly stretched out from the ground!

It was like a giant desert worm in a movie, with a mouth full of fangs, ready to swallow the two of them together.

Seeing that there was no time to dodge.

Lin Fan did not hesitate at all, and pushed Zenyuan Maki into the range of the huge mouth!

Zenyuan Maki widened her eyes, revealing an unbelievable look, watching Lin Fan being swallowed by the giant worm curse spirit!

Her eyes were instantly bloodshot!

She was extremely angry, her face was ferocious, and her teeth were about to break!

She took out the special curse tool Youyun from her bag, and like crazy, she killed the giant worm curse spirit!

At the same time, she kept shouting in her heart!

Lin Fan!!!

You must not die!!!

Lin Fan!!!

I'm here to save you!!!..............................................

On the other side, as the three carefully explored further, Fushiguro Megumi suddenly sensed something was wrong and immediately stopped the two:


Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki who stopped were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them and shouted loudly:

"What's this!"

"this...What's going on!"

The juvenile yard should have been made up of a series of prison cells.

But now there are tall buildings standing inside, and dilapidated sewer pipes crisscross, appearing extremely irregular!

The tops of the dilapidated houses cannot be seen, and one building is next to another, tightly connected together.

The space is terrifyingly large, how could a small juvenile yard accommodate this!

Such an unreasonable scene made everyone breathe in their throats.

Yuji Itadori said in disbelief:"This should be the dormitory area on the second floor, right?......"

"cold...Calm down, this...This is a duplex!" said Kugisaki Nobara pretending to be calm.

But it was obvious that she was panicking, as it was the first time she had seen such a scene.

Fushiguro Megumi, who was usually calm and steady, also looked a little frightened.

He secretly speculated in his heart:

This is not a duplex!

This is obviously a living domain created by cursed power! It was the first time he had seen such a big one!

Suddenly, Fushiguro Megumi seemed to have thought of something, and he turned back and shouted:"Where is the door!" Kugisaki

Nobara and Itadori Yuji also looked back, and then they were horrified to find that the door!

It's gone!

Itadori Yuji said in shock:"The door...The door is gone!"

Kugisaki Nobara pointed at the densely packed sewer pipes behind her and asked in panic:

"Why? We just came in from here, didn't we?"

Fushiguro Megumi looked at the two panicked people who didn't know what to do, and immediately stepped forward to stabilize the morale of the troops:

"Don't panic, everyone! The White Jade Dog remembers the smell of the entrance, and now the most urgent task is to find survivors!"

Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Then they hugged the White Jade Dog and touched and kissed it.

This White Jade Dog really did a great job!

It's so reliable!

Fushiguro Megumi looked at the two speechlessly and shouted:

"You guys should get nervous!"

Yuji Itadori gave a thumbs up and praised Fushiguro Megumi generously:

"Fushiguro, you are so reliable!"

Fushiguro Megumi was slightly stunned.

Itadori Yuji continued to praise:

"With you here, the survivors can be saved, and I can be saved too!"

After hearing this, Fushiguro Megumi was silent for a moment, not knowing what he was thinking.

Then he took a step forward and said:

"Let's keep going."

Yuji Itadori put away his joking heart, and the three of them continued to follow the white jade dog, walking nervously inside.

Soon, after passing through a deep corridor, they came to a fairly wide venue.

But then they saw a body that had been tortured beyond human form.

Yuji Itadori hurried forward to check, with a look of shock on his face.

Kugisaki Nobara's heart also tightened, and she couldn't help but say with a slightly trembling voice:

"How tragic!"

Fushiguro Megumi calmly looked at the half-dead body and the ball of twisted flesh and said:

"This is considered...Three people......"

Yuji Itadori walked closer with a gloomy face, squatted down and looked at the name written on the chest of the half-dead body.

Okazaki Masaru!

Isn't this the Masaru mentioned by the middle-aged woman who was seen at the door before!

At this time, Yuji Itadori seemed to still hear the heart-wrenching cry of the middle-aged woman.

His face was gloomy, and he whispered:

"I want to take this body back with me."

"Huh?" Nobara Kugisaki didn't understand.

Yuji Itadori continued:"This is that man's son"

"But......"Nobara Kugisaki wanted to dissuade him, but was quickly interrupted by Yuji Itadori

"His face is still recognizable, but if you say he's dead without a body, his mother will definitely not be able to accept it!"

Fushiguro Megumi couldn't stand it anymore, he stepped forward and pulled Yuji Itadori over, saying in a cold voice:

"We still need to confirm the life and death of the remaining two people!

Now we can only leave the bodies behind!"

Yuji Itadori retorted loudly:

"Don't be ridiculous!

The way we came here is gone!

When we come back, where can we find the body?"

Fushiguro Megumi stopped talking nonsense and shouted angrily:

"I mean to just leave the body here! We don’t have time to think about this now!

We have to retrieve the body of someone we didn’t intend to save!

I don’t have that plan!"

Yuji Itadori stood up, grabbed Megumi Fushiguro’s collar and asked:

"You didn't intend to save him?

What do you mean!"

Fushiguro Megumi continued in a cold voice:

"This is a juvenile detention center!

The sorcerer will know all the information about the scene in advance!

Okazaki Masaru, driving without a license, hit and killed a little girl on her way home from school!

And this is his second time driving without a license!

You have always wanted to save the people and point them to the right death.

But what if the person you save takes someone else's life in the future?"

Yuji Itadori was stunned, then stared at Megumi Fushiguro and roared:

"Then why did you save me?"

The two of them stared at each other fiercely, neither of them was ready to give in!

Kugisaki Nobara on the side couldn't stand it anymore, so she stepped forward to stop them:

"Stop it!

What's wrong with you two? Can you distinguish the occasion when you quarrel?......"

Before Nobara Kugisaki finished her words, a shadow suddenly appeared under her feet, causing her to fall directly!

Yuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro were stunned when they saw this.

What happened!

The two looked at the place where Nobara Kugisaki disappeared, but it had already returned to normal.

Megumi Fushiguro was shocked.

How is it possible!

Didn't the White Jade Dog detect the breath of the cursed spirit!

He looked up.

He saw the head of the tragically dead White Jade Dog nailed to the wall!

Megumi Fushiguro's pupils widened, thinking to himself that this was not good!

He quickly turned around and yelled at Yuji Itadori:

"Yuji! Run away!

Come back and find Kugisaki......"

Fushiguro Megumi's voice suddenly stopped, and he took a breath of cold air and froze in his place.

At this moment, a humanoid cursed spirit had stood in front of the two of them, looking at them quietly!..............................................

PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, and messages!!!!!!!

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