On the other side, Zenin Maki was madly attacking the giant worm curse spirit with Youyun!

Her eyes were red, and her cheeks had been soaked with tears without knowing when.

You won't die, Lin Fan!!!

You won't die!!!

Zenin Maki attacked with all her strength, and several wounds appeared on the huge body of the giant worm curse spirit!

It can be seen that Zenin Maki's strength is definitely at the level of a first-level sorcerer!

The giant worm curse spirit drilled back to the ground in pain.

Zenin Maki could only watch the giant worm curse spirit disappear into the pit, but she was powerless.

Zenin Maki collapsed on the ground in despair.

Tears couldn't stop flowing.

It was not easy for a man to make her heart beat once, but he died in front of her in the blink of an eye.

Zenin Maki gritted her teeth, pounded the ground hard, and cried loudly.

Why can't I protect anyone!

I have tried my best!

I have made every effort!

If I were stronger!

If I could be stronger!

Will I.......Lin Fan would not have died.......

Zenin Maki gradually cried so hard that she couldn't speak, and then she screamed heartbreakingly!..............................................

Zenin Maki was born in the Zenin family.

The Zenin family is known as one of the three great families in the world of curses, and is quite famous in the world of curses!

But Zenin Maki couldn't see the curse spirit when she was born, and there was no curse power in her body.

In addition, the Zenin family is a family that favors boys over girls.

So Zenin Maki has been excluded by other family members since she was born, and she has to endure the constraints of various rules brought by the family!

Although Zenin Maki has lived a life like a servant since she was a child.

But the pain did not bend her waist, but made her more determined!

Fortunately, God gave her the heaven and curse, this physique that can far exceed ordinary people, let her see a glimmer of hope!

She wants to try to become stronger!

Her heart firmly told her that she wants to become stronger!

She wants to use her strength to subvert the family's ideas!

For herself!

At the same time, for her sister!

So Zenin Maki trains herself hard every day.

Every day she has to tell herself, try harder!

Try harder!

The curse can still be removed with a spell tool, as long as it is strong enough and used properly, it doesn't matter whether it is a spell or a spell tool!

She wants to become a first-class sorcerer!

She wants to show those people in her family!

The former waste is stronger than any of you!

So Zenin Maki resolutely left the family and went to the Spell High School!

She wants to become stronger!

She will move forward towards her goal bravely!

But she.....I am still too weak.

I am so weak that I can’t even protect the people around me.

I am so weak that I can’t even save the people I love.......

Zenin Maki cried heart-wrenchingly.

She hated herself for trying harder, and everything would be different!

But just when Zenin Maki was desperately regretful! There was a rumbling vibration on the ground!

Zenin Maki gritted her teeth, and the hatred in her eyes was like a charming flame. She vowed to kill the curse spirit and avenge Lin Fan!

There was a bang!

Not far from Zenin Maki, the giant worm curse spirit suddenly drilled out from underground!

Zenin Maki tightly grasped Youyun in her hand and was about to rush forward to fight with the giant worm curse spirit!

But before Zenin Maki rushed to the front, something unexpected happened!

At this time, the giant worm curse spirit seemed to be in great pain, and kept wriggling and struggling!

Then its body continued to expand, and it also emitted a red and yellow light!

Zenin Maki's expression froze, not knowing what happened.

But at this moment!

Suddenly there was a loud bang!

A terrifying fire shot out of the mouth of the giant worm curse spirit towards the sky!

Then its body continued to crack, and finally it could no longer hold on and exploded!

The terrifying fire and impact force made Zenin Maki unable to open her eyes, and her body could not help but retreat again and again.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw a figure appear in the sky under the dazzling sunlight.

She stared with her eyes wide in disbelief!

Looking at Lin Fan, who landed beside her like a god from heaven!..............................................

On the other side, Yuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro were not so lucky.

The sudden appearance of the special-grade humanoid cursed spirit seemed to have its own pressure, suppressing the bodies of the two people and making them unable to move!

Fushiguro Megumi was sweating profusely, his face was frighteningly dark!

There was no mistake!

This was definitely special-grade!

Yuji Itadori was not much better at this time, sweat was dripping down like raindrops!

He stared at the face of the special-grade cursed spirit, and kept shouting in his heart:

Move! Move! Move!!!!!

Yuji Itadori's mind flashed with the words his grandfather said to him before he left:

‘Go save others! '

It was at this moment!

Yuji Itadori's body gradually moved!

He suddenly pulled out the Tozuma and slashed at the face of the special humanoid cursed spirit!

But at this moment!

No one saw the movement of the special humanoid cursed spirit.

Yuji Itadori's left hand flew out with the cursed tool Tozuma!

The moment it fell to the ground, the Tozuma shattered!

The blood was also stained all over the ground!

"Knotweed......"Fushiguro Megumi looked at Yuji Itadori in horror, muttering.

Because everything happened too fast.

Yuji Itadori hadn't reacted for a while, and saw that his left hand had disappeared!

Blood spurted out like a fountain!

Yuji Itadori's eyes were full of disbelief!..............................................

On the other side, Kugisaki Nobara was in complete darkness.

There was no direction to look at, and the visible range was less than half a meter!

She walked for a long time, but found that she couldn't get out at all, and couldn't help but complain:

"What the hell is this place?

It's pitch black, I can't see anything!"


Kugisaki Nobara felt the breath of cursed spirits!

She looked up and found countless eyeballs and white strange faces in the dark sky!

She quickly took out the cursed hammer and nails and prepared for the battle!

Looking at the cursed spirits in the sky, Kugisaki Nobara's face darkened.

Damn it!

How could there be so many!..............................................

PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, and messages!!!!!!!

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