Eiji Juvenile Yard.

The situation at this time is extremely critical!

Looking at the special grade cursed spirit in front of him, Yuji Itadori gritted his teeth and took off the belt that had previously fixed the cursed tool Tuzuma.

Then he immediately tied it to his left arm that was still bleeding to stop the bleeding.

After fixing it with force, he said solemnly:

"I'm here, I can't escape!

Hey! Sukuna! If I die, you have to die too!

If you don't want to die, come out and help me!"

"I refuse." Ryoumen Sukuna grew an eye and a mouth on Yuji Itadori's face, and continued to taunt:


Even if I die in your body, I still have 18 soul clones left....What makes me angry is that this body is out of my control.

You can change it if you want.


At that time, I will kill the little ghost next to you first than the cursed spirit!

And then that woman!

That woman is so energetic, it should be quite fun to fight with her!"

Yuji Itadori frowned, his face getting darker and darker.

It seems that it is not possible to release the two-faced Sukuna right now.

Yuji Itadori said harshly:

"I won't let you succeed!"

Ryoumen Sukuna continued to taunt in his playful voice:

"That's right.

But if you keep talking to me, your companion will really die!"

Yuji Itadori was stunned.

At this moment, the special humanoid cursed spirit in front of the two of them suddenly took a deep breath.

Then a ball of golden energy wave was spit out by it, and it attacked them fiercely!

Fortunately, the special humanoid cursed spirit just wanted to play a trick on the two of them, and did not attack them directly.

Instead, it just hit the middle of the two of them.

Suddenly, an explosion sounded, and a cloud of dust rolled up!

After the smoke and dust dissipated, a fan-shaped gully dozens of meters long appeared behind the two of them!

The huge noise made Fushiguro Megumi have some tinnitus. He clearly felt the powerful power of this energy wave!

But what shocked him even more was that the previous attack was not a curse at all, but a simple release of cursed power!

Just when Fushiguro Megumi was stunned, Yuji Itadori beside him was desperately shouting at him:

"Fushiguro! Fushiguro! Fushiguro!!!"

After hearing the shout, Fushiguro Megumi came back to his senses and looked at Itadori Yuji.

Itadori Yuji shouted loudly:

"Hurry up and find Kugisaki! Take her out!

I will try my best to hold this guy back before you leave! When you get out, find a way to give me a signal!....I'll let Sukuna out!"

Fushiguro Megumi heard Lu's nervous roar from behind:

"What a joke!

How can you deal with a special-grade cursed spirit with just one hand?"

Yuji Itadori turned his head and stared at the special-grade humanoid cursed spirit and said:

"Look carefully!

It looks like it's enjoying itself, it's obviously teasing us!

It doesn't take us seriously at all!"

After a moment of stunned silence, Fushiguro Megumi looked at the face of the special-grade humanoid cursed spirit and saw its laughing expression of enjoyment. The situation was just as Yuji Itadori said, it was true!

Yuji Itadori continued:

"So I can still buy some time."

Fushiguro Megumi came to his senses and still firmly refused:


"Fushiguro!"Yuji Itadori interrupted Fushiguro Megumi loudly, then revealed a relieved smile and said softly:


Seeing Yuji Itadori's expression, Megumi Fushiguro clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and made a decisive decision.

He immediately turned around and fled the scene without looking back.

If it were him, he would definitely stay and fight the enemy together!

But now it is unknown whether Nobara Kugisaki is alive or dead. If he doesn't rescue her, Yuji Itadori will never let her go!

He can't let Yuji Itadori down!

Megumi Fushiguro summoned the jade dogs Kuro and Nue to cooperate with him in escaping and finding the whereabouts of Nobara Kugisaki.

His face was gloomy, and he kept praying in his heart:

Don't die!

Yuji! Kugisaki!.............................................

On the special-grade humanoid cursed spirit side, Yuji Itadori was still pretending to be relaxed and mocking:

"Ha, you're just going to move around with only a loincloth left, right?"

In fact, Yuji Itadori was now in a state of panic.

Damn it!

What should I do!

I don't know how to use cursed power at all!

But....There is no time to worry about these now!

Buying time is the most important thing!

After hearing what Yuji Itadori said, the special humanoid cursed spirit showed a strange smile.

Then it waved its hand, and a golden energy wave slapped Yuji Itadori away!

This sudden huge force left Yuji Itadori with no power to fight back. He could only let his body fly in the air and slam into a wall!

Then the wall could not withstand this huge force and shattered!

Yuji Itadori was once again rushed out of the wall and hit another wall!

Fortunately, the force was attenuated, and the wall was only cracked and did not break again.

Yuji Itadori sat limply on the ground, spitting blood.

If it weren't for his strong physical fitness and the blessing of the cursed human body.

If it were someone else, he would have lost his ability to fight long ago!

Yuji Itadori was a little dazed, but he still analyzed rationally.

What was that just now! ?

Cursed barrier?

But before Yuji Itadori could think about anything more.

He looked up suddenly as if he had sensed something! He saw that the special humanoid cursed spirit had come to him at some point, and with golden cursed power radiating from its hand, it punched him in the chest! The terrifying golden cursed power spurted out!

It broke through the wall directly, and once again sent Yuji Itadori flying backwards!

This time, Yuji Itadori was knocked far away, and his body collapsed to the ground, temporarily losing consciousness.

The special humanoid cursed spirit still came to Yuji Itadori not far away, looking at him with an evil smile.

But it seemed to have had enough fun.

The special humanoid cursed spirit was ready to burst out its cursed power and give Yuji Itadori the final blow!

A golden cursed power condensed on its chest.

Then a huge shock wave was instantly emitted, rushing towards Yuji Itadori who was lying on the ground! Yuji Itadori, who had lost consciousness, was instantly awakened!

He quickly stood up, stretched out his remaining palm, and used all his strength to resist!

But how could he possibly resist this now!

Sweat, tears, blood!

They are all evaporating and flowing out!

Yuji Itadori clenched his teeth tightly.

His thoughts were already in a mess!

It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!

Why should I stay here!

If I hadn't picked up the box!

If I hadn't eaten my fingers so impulsively!

At that time....that time......


Don't think about it!!! No! No!!!

I want to run away! I want to run away! I want to run away!!!

I don't want to die!!!

Die here!

If I die here!!!

Is this the right death?!

Yuji Itadori's five fingers were burned to ashes.

He shouted with all his strength:

"Don’t think about it anymore!!!!!!!"

Then he was rushed out again!

Flying in the air, Yuji Itadori seemed to hear a sentence in his ears.

Go save others......

It was at this moment that Yuji Itadori realized......Am I so weak?...................................................

PS: Brothers, in order to make the plot more reasonable and Lin Fan's joining more natural, the author had to add the original plot in detail.

I hope everyone can understand!

The author will try his best to write the original plot wonderfully and uniquely!

So that everyone will never feel bored!

I hope everyone can understand! Please give me monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, and messages!!!!!!

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