Yuji Itadori, who didn't know how far he had flown, collapsed on the ground.

His body was weak and his spirit was also severely hit.

An unprecedented sense of decadence and despair filled his mind.

Yuji Itadori muttered decadently:

"I'm too arrogant......."

"I thought I was strong, I thought I was strong enough to choose my own death."

Yuji Itadori looked at his broken hands with lifeless eyes.

"I'm too weak......!"

He stood up with difficulty, his voice gradually becoming choked:

"He is really too weak!

He is obviously not as good as Lin Fan, Fushiguro, and even Kugisaki!

Why do you still think you are so strong!"

He covered his tearful eyes, trying not to let the tears flow.

He shouted in despair:

"I don’t want to die!

No! I don’t want to!

But...."Finally, the tears could not be stopped from flowing out,"I still have to die......!"

Yuji Itadori's memories emerged like a revolving lantern.

He remembered what Principal Masamichi Yaga told him, that there is no such thing as a sorcerer dying without regret.

He remembered what Megumi Fushiguro told him, that cursed spirits would be born from human negative emotions.

He remembered the back of his grandfather telling him to save others before he left.

The right death?

Not at all!

Don't be naive!

But even so!

You have to make yourself believe that this is the right death!

Yuji Itadori gradually put down his hands.

His eyes became more determined than ever!

This was his last struggle in despair!

Hatred! Fear!



Yuji Itadori clenched his broken right fist!

He wanted to turn all of this into power!

Put it in his fist and release it!

At this moment, Yuji Itadori's right fist burst out with a strange red curse power!

The special humanoid cursed spirit watched all this with interest.

But his eyes were still full of disdain.

It opened its arms, laughed strangely, and waited for Yuji Itadori's attack.

Yuji Itadori took a firm step forward!

Step by step, faster and faster!

He ran all the way to the front of the special humanoid cursed spirit, and used his fist wrapped in hatred, fear, regret, and anger! He swung it hard!


Yuji Itadori's fist fell into the palm of the special humanoid cursed spirit, making a loud noise! This was Yuji Itadori's strongest blow with all his strength!

However, this strongest blow did not cause any damage to the special humanoid cursed spirit at all!

Damn it!!!

Yuji Itadori showed a face full of unwillingness and anger!

Until he heard a wolf howl.

He was finally relieved.

He knew that this was the signal that Megumi Fushiguro conveyed to him.

Nobara Kugisaki had been successfully rescued by Megumi Fushiguro.

At this moment......

Yuji Itadori feels himself...Freed......

Strange black patterns gradually appeared on his face.

A strange smile appeared inexplicably.

Ryoumen Sukuna regained control of his body. He was completely released at this moment!

After the special humanoid cursed spirits felt this strange and violent cursed power, they retreated in fear.

Ryoumen Sukuna, who had just been released, did not even look at the special humanoid cursed spirits. Instead, he said to himself calmly:

"This kid is really annoying.

He totally underestimates me."

"Wait a minute, I'm thinking." Ryoumen Sukuna calmly patted the panicking special humanoid curse spirit on the side.

This pat startled it.

At this time, Ryoumen Sukuna's calmness and the panic of the special humanoid curse spirit presented a sharp contrast.

Ryoumen Sukuna continued to say lightly:


I was thinking, how can I make this kid regret it?......

Before he catches up with that kid , he will definitely be replaced by him....What bothered him the most was to chase that kid with this little curse spirit in front of him!

This situation was what bothered him the most!

Look, I will make all your plans go to waste!

Thinking of this, Ryoumen Sukuna smiled slightly, and then said to the special humanoid curse spirit as if he was instructing a servant:

"Hey, let's go kill those little ghosts."

After saying that, Ryoumen Sukuna walked out with one hand in his pocket, then he restored Yuji Itadori's broken right hand, hooked the special humanoid cursed spirit with his index finger and said:

"Follow me!"

The special humanoid cursed spirit did not follow.

It was afraid but more angry!

The special humanoid cursed spirit put its hands together, condensed a huge amount of cursed energy ball in front of its chest, and then slammed it towards Ryoumen Sukuna! Ryoumen

Sukuna looked back somewhat unhappy.


The energy ball formed a beam of light and rushed towards Ryoumen Sukuna.

Ryoumen Sukuna just stretched out his left hand to resist.

In an instant, Yuji Itadori's left hand that had been cut off before grew out again!

The cursed light column hit Ryoumen Sukuna's left hand, forming a huge shock wave!

Then a big pit was blown up behind Ryoumen Sukuna!

What a pity!

If it was only this powerful, it would not be able to hurt Ryoumen Sukuna at all!

Just like Yuji Itadori's full-strength attack before, it could not hurt it.

Ryoumen Sukuna looked at his left hand that had just recovered, and said to himself with some annoyance:


How can I help him heal this hand as well?"

The special humanoid cursed spirit showed a horrified expression.

Just now, its full-strength attack did not even hurt a hair of Ryomen Sukuna, which shocked it greatly!

Ryomen Sukuna said calmly:

"Forget it!

Don't you like taking a walk?

That's right.

Cursed spirits like to stay in the place where they were born.

Okay, okay.

Then you......"

Ryomen Sukuna suddenly rushed to the front of the special humanoid cursed spirit, then grabbed its head and smashed it hard to the ground!

"....Go to hell!"

Half of the head of the special humanoid cursed spirit was embedded in the ground, which shows how powerful Ryoumen Sukuna was. Ryoumen

Sukuna slowly stood up, looked down at the special humanoid cursed spirit and said sarcastically:

"Hey! What's wrong?

You're not going to die so soon, are you?"

After hearing this, the special humanoid cursed spirit angrily supported his body and tried to stand up with difficulty.

Seeing this, Ryoumen Sukuna encouraged him with a mocking look on his face:

"That's right, try harder, try harder!"

After saying that, Ryoumen Sukuna stepped on the face of the special humanoid cursed spirit.

The floor under it collapsed, and the two fell down together.

On the way down, the special humanoid cursed spirit suddenly grabbed Ryoumen Sukuna's ankle.

This made Ryoumen Sukuna slightly stunned.

Then the special humanoid cursed spirit tried its best to throw him away.

Unfortunately, it did not get what it wanted.

Just at this moment.

Ryoumen Sukuna cut off its arm.

Then he said mockingly:

"Even though it's a cursed spirit, you still can't bear to part with your arm?"

Purple blood oozed out of the mouth of the special-grade humanoid cursed spirit.

Ryoumen Sukuna watched quietly, revealing a creepy grin:


At the gate of the juvenile detention center,

Nobara Kugisaki was put into Ichichi Kitaka's car and taken to the hospital for treatment.

Before leaving, Megumi Fushiguro said:

"Please expand the evacuation area to 10 kilometers!"

Ichi Chieko asked:

"Fushiguro-san, what about you?"

Fushiguro Megumi replied:

"I'll wait here for Hu to come back."

Yidi Zhijie nodded:


I will rush to send Kugisaki to the hospital and come back as soon as possible!"

However, after hearing this, Fushiguro Megumi said without giving any face:

"No need.

Mr. Ijichi is useless here."

Ijichi Jiegao's face suddenly turned embarrassed after hearing this.

It hurts my heart!

Fushiguro Megumi continued:

"If possible, please ask a level 1 or higher sorcerer to come here quickly!"

At this point, Fushiguro Megumi suddenly paused, then sighed, crossed his arms and said:

"Oh, forget it, I guess there is no one left."

Yidizhi Jiegao nodded dejectedly and said:

"I'll do my best.

I'll be leaving first then."

Ijichi Jiegao started the car and gradually disappeared from Fushiguro Megumi's sight.

However, at this moment, the roar of a helicopter suddenly came from the sky.

Fushiguro Megumi looked up.

When the helicopter was still five stories above the ground, two figures suddenly jumped down from it.

Fushiguro Megumi widened her eyes in surprise:

Aren't these Lin Fan and Senior Maki?

How did the two of them meet?.............................................

PS: This is a big chapter with more than 3,000 words.

Today, the author was waiting in line for nucleic acid testing, which delayed him a bit. I will post three chapters today.

Today's chapters are all big chapters, which add up to about 8,000 to 9,000 words.

Tomorrow, I will resume writing 10,000 words as usual!

I hope everyone can understand.......

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