Lin Fan saw Fushiguro Megumi appear outside the door and thought to himself that it was not good.

He quickly stepped forward and asked:

"What's the situation inside?"

Although Fushiguro Megumi was puzzled as to how Lin Fan and Senior Sister Maki met and rushed here.

But now the situation is urgent and they are short of manpower.

Fushiguro Megumi did not waste any words, but explained in an orderly manner:

"We encountered a special-grade cursed spirit, and only Kugisaki and I escaped. Itadori stopped them temporarily, and he was going to release Sukuna to deal with the special-grade cursed spirit!

Itadori's life or death is uncertain now, but luckily you are here!

Let's go in and rescue them! We should still be in time!

My Jade Dog remembers their exact location!"

After hearing this, Lin Fan's face darkened, knowing that something was wrong!

Now it seems that it is still a little late to hurry. The most urgent task at hand is to grab the head before the two Sukuna kill the special-grade cursed spirits!

Thinking of this, Lin Fan hurriedly said to Fushiguro Megumi:

"Summon your jade dogs quickly and tell me their approximate direction!"

���Hei Hui was a little confused and didn't understand what Lin Fan meant.

However, Zenin Maki could see the anxiety in Lin Fan's eyes.

Although she didn't know what Lin Fan was going to do, she hurriedly urged him:

"Just do as I say! Lin Fan is stronger than me now!

He can easily exorcise a first-level cursed spirit!

So you don't have to worry about his safety!"

After hearing this, Fushiguro Megumi was shocked.

Then he immediately summoned Yuquan Hei.

It seems that the only one who can save Yuzhang now is Lin Fan!

Yuquan Hei sniffed the air with his nose, and then looked in one direction.

After seeing this, Lin Fan immediately said:

"Wait for me here!"

Before Fushiguro Megumi could speak, Lin Fan immediately rushed into the juvenile courtyard.

Fushiguro Megumi asked Zenin Maki in confusion:

"Don't we have to follow, Maki-senpai?"

Zenin Maki pouted and said unhappily:

"He is afraid that we will hold him back!


You underestimate me too much!"

Then Zenin Maki glanced at Fushiguro Megumi next to him, and then said proudly:

""Forget it.

If he can't handle it, I have to stay here to protect you.

Then I'll listen to him and not go in."

After hearing this, Fushiguro Megumi looked at Zenin Maki's face with surprise.

She thought, how come the always strong senior Maki has become so easy to talk to today?

This must be fake!

Lin Fan, who entered the juvenile detention center, quickly moved forward in the direction that Yuquan Hei was looking at!

When he encountered a wall, he violently blasted it open with a fireball.

Lin Fan had to seize every opportunity in the world and arrive at the scene at the shortest distance and the fastest speed!.............................................

On the other side,

Ryoumen Sukuna looked at his masterpiece on the wall and said:

"Hey, you know what?

We are both classified as special, you and I~"

At this time, the special-grade humanoid cursed spirit had its limbs cut off and was embedded in the wall. It was very miserable!

Its cut limbs were neatly embedded under its body.

It was unbearable to watch!

At this time, it was struggling hard, trying to get itself out of the wall.

After a lot of effort, it got a broken arm out first.

Then, a new arm immediately grew out of the wound!

With the arm, it pushed the wall in the opposite direction with all its strength, trying to get the rest of its body out.

Ryoumen Sukuna on the side encouraged as if he was watching the fun:

"Very good! Try harder! Try harder!"

Soon the special humanoid cursed spirit broke free, and all its limbs grew back.

After escaping, the special humanoid cursed spirit suddenly jumped in front of Ryoumen Sukuna and smiled. Ryoumen

Sukuna looked at the special humanoid cursed spirit and said in surprise:

"You look very happy, don't you? Do you want me to praise you?

But you are different from humans.

Healing is not a difficult task for cursed spirits.

You and this kid know nothing about cursed power!

But now is a good opportunity!

Let me teach you what real cursed power is!"

The special humanoid cursed spirit was startled and took a step back in fear.

Ryomen Sukuna made a strange gesture, and then he whispered:

""The field is unfolding!"

As soon as Ryoumen Sukuna finished speaking, the water surface beneath his feet seemed to be rippling.

Then the water surface turned blood red, and a terrifying curse filled with evil and violence suddenly erupted!

""Demon-Subduing Chef!"

As Ryoumen Sukuna finished his words, a strange shrine appeared behind him!

In just this moment, the expression of the special humanoid cursed spirit remained in horror.

Then his body suddenly split apart!

It was neatly cut into sixteen pieces!

The cuts were neat and smooth, which made people shudder!

Ryoumen Sukuna put away his domain, put his hands in his pockets, looked at the special humanoid cursed spirit in front of him that was cut into sixteen pieces with some dissatisfaction, and muttered:

"I wanted to cut it into three pieces, but you are still too weak."

He then looked at the small round hole in front of the chest of the special humanoid curse spirit.

"Oh, yes! There is also this!"

Ryomen Sukuna stepped forward and took out a severed finger!

Isn't this the severed finger that sealed one twentieth of his strength!

Ryomen Sukuna waved in front of the special humanoid cursed spirit that was cut into sixteen pieces and said:

"I'll take this!"

As Ryoumen Sukuna finished speaking, the special humanoid cursed spirit that lost its finger instantly turned into a ball of purple flame, burning fiercely! Soon it turned into a wisp of green smoke and dissipated into the air.

Ryoumen Sukuna put his hands in his pockets, walked a few steps to the water, closed his eyes and said unhurriedly:

"It's over!"

But after waiting for a while, there was no response.

Ryoumen Sukuna roared:

"Don't mess with me! If you want to come out, hurry up!"

After waiting for a while, there was still no response.

""What's wrong, kid?"

Ryoumen Sukuna, who did not hear the echo of Itadori Yuji in his mind, showed a strange and sinister smile.

This is bad.

This kid seems to be dying!

Did his consciousness suffer a blow and fall into a deep sleep?

But no matter what, it's good for me.......

Before Ryoumen Sukuna could continue thinking, he frowned slightly and suddenly turned around and shouted:


Suddenly, a person jumped down from the sky.

This person was Lin Fan who rushed here at full speed!.............................................

PS: Thank you 24454.. for the monthly ticket support!!!

Thank you brother 灬丿Han丶泡泡 for the monthly ticket support!!!

The flowers are almost 20,000!!!

Thank you all for your support!!!

The author will definitely try his best to write well!!! Please support me with monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, and comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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