Chapter 39: Losing the lottery ticket, Lin Fan fights Ryomen Sukuna!

Ryomen Sukuna was slightly stunned when he saw that the person coming was Lin Fan, then smiled and said:

"It's you, interesting boy!"

Lin Fan didn't reply. When he saw the severed finger in the hands of Liangmian Sukuna, his face darkened.

He knew that he was still late despite his haste! He had been running all the way, but in the end, all his efforts were in vain!

He was usually calm, but at this moment, he couldn't suppress his anger!

He was eager to vent, and he pounded the wall beside him!

He was still cursing and shouting:

"Fuck!!!! Damn it!!! My lottery ticket!!!......!!!"

This scene made Ryoumen Sukuna stunned.

He didn't understand why this kid suddenly went crazy?

Did he come here just to beat the wall?

Obviously impossible!

Ryoumen Sukuna chuckled, and the expression on his face gradually became playful.

He slowly said to Lin Fan:


You are here to save this little devil.

But unfortunately, he can't come back for the time being!

This is the price he paid for using me without hesitation!

But......I'm in a good mood today, so I'll chat with you.

This kid seems to be in some trouble, and I can't replace him for the time being.

But......It's only a matter of time."

Ryomen Sukuna tore off his shirt, revealing his muscular body and strange black lines.

He then continued with a faint smile:

"I was thinking, what should I do with such an advantageous opportunity?"

Lin Fan gradually stopped venting, and felt much better.

Then he looked at Ryoumen Sukuna, who felt that he had already planned everything.

His expression became a little playful.

Ryoumen Sukuna slowly stretched out his right hand and suddenly stabbed into his chest!

Then he actually took out the heart from his body!

Lin Fan looked at him expressionlessly, without a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Ryoumen Sukuna threatened with a cynical smile:

"I want to take this kid as a hostage."

Lin Fan nodded undeniably and asked:

"Well, what next?"

Ryoumen Sukuna shook the heart in his hand and said:

"I can live without this.

But this kid is different."

Then Ryoumen Sukuna threw the heart aside like trash and continued:

"If he replaces me, it will be like death!....I'll give you another blow!"

As he spoke, Ryoumen Sukuna raised the severed finger in his hand and swallowed it in one gulp!

""Okay, I'm finally free!

You can start to be scared!

Because now I'm going to kill you!

There's no reason."

Ryoumen Sukuna made threats casually.

In his opinion, killing Lin Fan is as easy as killing a chicken.

And now, Ryoumen Sukuna regards Lin Fan as an interesting toy, and he wants to play with this kid.

When he gets bored, Lin Fan's death will naturally come!

Be afraid!


Feel death!

However, Ryoumen Sukuna did not see the expression he wanted to see on Lin Fan's face.

Instead, Lin Fan suddenly laughed at this time.

Ryoumen Sukuna's expression froze, and he asked in surprise:

"Aren't you worried about dying?

Or are you pretending to be calm?

Don't tell me you are waiting for this kid to replace me.

You are wrong.

Didn't you see how this kid was trembling with fear of death?

And he was still talking to himself.

Haha, I am sure he doesn't have the courage to commit suicide!"

"Haha." Lin Fan smiled and shook his head and said,"I didn't think so much.

Aren't you in a good mood?"

Lin Fan paused here, and then his smiling face immediately turned cold and said:


But I'm in a bad mood!.....Are you ready to please me? Sukuna!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fan came in front of Ryomen Sukuna in an instant and punched him in the face! Ryomen Sukuna turned his head and easily avoided it.

With an extremely excited grin on his face, he said:"I like you, boy!

Come! Let me see what you can do!"

Ryomen Sukuna put his hands in his pockets and dodged Lin Fan's combination of punches and kicks with a relaxed expression.

Lin Fan also gradually used all his strength, and his speed became faster and faster!

Ryomen Sukuna was a little surprised and took out his hands to resist.

It was not as easy as at the beginning.

He thought that this kid seemed to be stronger than when he saw him before!

But....This alone is not enough!

Ryoumen Sukuna smiled and said:

"Boy! Use whatever moves you have!

If that's all you have, I'm very disappointed in you!"

Lin Fan said expressionlessly:



An invisible ball of light lit up in his right hand, and then it hit Ryoumen Sukuna fiercely!

Ryoumen Sukuna blocked it with one hand, feeling the power of the Rasengan.

Compress the cursed power into a ball, and let the cursed power rotate at high speed in the ball without rules?

Good control of the cursed power!

Ryoumen Sukuna easily blocked the Rasengan, and then he praised:

"Boy! You are pretty good!"

Lin Fan suddenly stepped back, a faint smile appeared on his face, and he said:


I think I'm pretty good too.

Since you're so resistant, let's see if you can take this attack!"

Ryoumen Sukuna raised his eyebrows.

Lin Fan only heard one sentence:"One hundred percent! Fire escape! Great Fireball Technique!"

Then, in Ryoumen Sukuna's perspective, a huge fireball that covered the sky and the sun appeared!

Ryoumen Sukuna looked at the huge fireball in front of him with surprise, and the grim smile on his face became even stronger!

He murmured to himself,"Isn't this fun?......"

Then, the two Sukuna's figures were engulfed by the ruthless fireball!!!.............................................

PS: Brothers! After reading this chapter, have you felt the importance of the original plot written by the author before!

If there is no foreshadowing of the original plot, the protagonist will not enter so naturally.

If there is no foreshadowing of the original plot, the plot of Yuji's death and Sukuna's exit is glossed over, and the protagonist's entry will become extremely awkward, and you can't see the excitement of his battle with Ryomen Sukuna at all.

Because the previous original plot is mainly to set off the strength of Ryomen Sukuna, so that you can enjoy the protagonist's entry and slap in the face!

So the original plot is not water text!!!

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