Lin Fan, standing outside the fireball, looked at his dazzling masterpiece and couldn't help but think.

Could Ryomen Sukuna just die like this?

You know, this move is Lin Fan's trump card killer move!

He has tried it time and time again!

Injecting 100% of the cursed power into the fireball, all the enemies it encounters were killed instantly.

Lin Fan couldn't help but regret it secretly. If he had known earlier, he should have injected half of the cursed power to try it first.

He just finished warming up and didn't feel good at all!

If this is the case, Ryomen Sukuna will be killed instantly. Lin Fan couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

However, at this moment!

A faint voice was heard:


As soon as the voice fell, the huge fireball that Lin Fan released, which covered the sky and the sun, was split into two in the middle as if it was cut by a knife!

Lin Fan was surprised, but it was also expected.

He smiled faintly, thinking that he finally did not let himself down.

The big fireball that was split in half passed through the two sides of the two Sukuna, and then sank into the wall and exploded suddenly! It directly destroyed the entire juvenile courtyard!

Because of the death of the special humanoid cursed spirit, the domain of life disappeared immediately, and the entire juvenile courtyard returned to its previous appearance.

Therefore, the juvenile courtyard could not withstand Lin Fan's attack.

The juvenile courtyard collapsed!

The flames shot straight into the sky!

Fushiguro Megumi and Zenin Maki, who were outside the gate of the juvenile courtyard, clearly felt the vibration from the ground and the visual impact brought by the flames!

Fushiguro Megumi looked at all this dully, and said with a low face:

"Is this the move of Ryoumen Sukuna?

So strong!"

As soon as Fushiguro Megumi finished speaking, Zenin Maki on the side denied it and said:

"No! This is not Ryomen Sukuna's move!

This is Lin Fan's!"

Fushiguro Megumi was shocked when he heard it!

Then he looked at Zenin Maki with a confused face and blurted out:

"How is this possible!"

Are you kidding me? If you say Lin Fan can exorcise a first-level cursed spirit, he can barely believe it.

But if you say that the shocking movement in front of him was caused by Lin Fan, it is too unbelievable!

Such power!

The huge power of the curse!

Can this be a move that humans can perform!?

Once this move is released, even a special-level cursed spirit may not be able to withstand it!!!

Zenin Maki did not answer Fushiguro Megumi's doubts.

Instead, she stared blankly at the flames rising into the sky, her beautiful eyes constantly moving.

Although she had seen this scene not long ago.

But seeing it again now, it is still exciting!.............................................

Lin Fan looked at the collapsing juvenile courtyard without any hesitation. He quickly dodged the falling wall fragments and ran towards the exit.

Just when Lin Fan was about to reach the exit, a figure suddenly appeared behind him.

Lin Fan was startled and thought to himself,"Not good!"

He had no time to react, so he could only turn his body back as fast as possible and use his arms to block!

But he was still a step slower, because Ryomen Sukuna's fist was faster than his!

With a grim smile, he punched Lin Fan in the stomach and blasted him out!

The two people watching at the door soon saw a figure suddenly flying out of the collapsed juvenile courtyard!

Then he slammed hard on the ground not far from the two people.

A big pit was smashed, and a cloud of dust was raised!

After a burst of dust, the figure gradually appeared in front of the two people. The one who fell in the pit and vomited blood was Lin Fan!

Fushiguro Megumi and Zenin Maki were shocked!

Zenin Maki cried out distressedly,"Lin Fan!" and was about to rush over to check his injuries.

But as soon as she took a step, her body suddenly froze.

Fushiguro Megumi also froze at the same time.

Zenin Maki felt a strong killing intent behind her!

She turned around and punched him.

But she missed!

Then Ryomen Sukuna appeared behind Zenin Maki again with his hands in his pockets, and said in a teasing tone:

"You are quite energetic, woman!

Not bad!

I will come to play with you after I deal with that boy!"

After saying that, Liangmen Sukuna flashed and came to Lin Fan who had just stood up from the pit.

Lin Fan calmly patted the dust off his clothes, with a strange smile on his face.

Liangmen Sukuna.......


Very good!

Now we have something fun!

Liangmen Sukuna looked at Lin Fan who was still able to stand up and was a little surprised. Then he said mockingly:

"Not dead yet?

You are quite resilient, boy!"

Lin Fan looked at Liang Mian Sukuna and replied with a smile:

"I'll borrow your good words, and you won't die!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fan's face showed a ferocious smile.

It can be seen that he was extremely excited at this moment!

Lin Fan tilted his head and asked with a smile:

"Warm-up is over!

We...Come again?"

After saying that, Lin Fan rushed towards Ryoumen Sukuna again!

The smile on Ryoumen Sukuna's face gradually became crazy!

It was the first time he met such an interesting guy!

Crazy enough!!!

Crazy enough!!!

Just my taste!!!

Ryoumen Sukuna was not going to hold back!

He was going to let go more and celebrate his resurrection!

The battle was about to break out!

Zenin Maki and Fushiguro Megumi saw that the situation was not good, and immediately evacuated the current venue to avoid being affected.

Fushiguro Megumi quickly summoned the Shikigami Nue.

Then the Shikigami Nue took the two of them. Flying into the sky, they came to a tall building!

Fushiguro Megumi thought that they would not be affected here.

At this time, he looked at the battlefield in the distance.

The fighting between the two people was extremely destructive!

Soon, the surroundings were dusty and the buildings collapsed!

Lin Fan even released Rasengan and Great Fireball from time to time!

Coupled with the two-sided Sukuna's curse solution, the surroundings were beaten like falling meteorites. They had already circled around the juvenile hall, and soon they were beaten into ruins by the two people!

Fushiguro Megumi in the distance swallowed his saliva with lingering fear and asked:

"or.....Let's move further away?"

Zenin Maki's usually fearless personality had to be restrained at this moment, and she nodded in agreement.

This battle was simply not something that they could participate in at their level!

Then Fushiguro Megumi asked the shikigami Nue to take the two of them away from the scene again.

They didn't stop until they felt safe.

Fortunately, Fushiguro Megumi had previously instructed Ijichi Jiegao to expand the refuge area to 10 kilometers.

Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable!.............................................

PS:Thanks to delete for the monthly ticket support!!!

Thanks to delete for the eleven tickets for urging me to update!!!

Thanks to nanfengzhi for the monthly ticket support!!! Thanks to boredom is not a sin for the monthly ticket support!!! Please give me monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, and messages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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