Lin Fan's Eight Gates of Dunjia opened to the fourth gate of the wound gate!

With the addition of five times the speed and attack power, Lin Fan once reached an unprecedented height!

Liangmen Sukuna finally showed a look of shock at this moment!

There was no more contempt on his face.

His expression gradually became solemn.

This was the first time in a thousand years that he felt threatened by someone else!

This threat was not because he was worried that he could not beat the opponent because of his current lack of strength.

It was Lin Fan's almost demonic growth rate that made him feel a little scared!

At this moment, an absurd idea emerged in his mind.

If he continued to grow.

Maybe by then, even if he gained all the power, he would no longer be his opponent!



Liangmen Sukuna felt that his idea was too absurd!

As an invincible existence a thousand years ago, countless geniuses and demons died in his hands!

The invincible trend has long been formed!

The idea of being the only one has long been deeply rooted!

He is the only one in the world!

Today, he was thrown into disarray by a kid.

Suddenly, a sense of shame arose from within!

Ryomen Sukuna's face turned furious!

He raised his hand, and instantly several spells were released and slashed towards Lin Fan.

However, when the moves fell, Lin Fan disappeared strangely!

Ryomen Sukuna was shocked and quickly looked around, looking for Lin Fan's figure.

The two people watching from a distance were immediately surprised!

Zenin Maki even danced with joy!

"Yeah! I knew Lin Fan was the strongest! How could he be defeated so easily!"

Although Fushiguro Megumi was also very surprised, what surprised him the most was why Senior Maki was so out of character today? Senior Maki

, who was usually violent and strict, actually showed the appearance of a little woman today.

Fushiguro Megumi was stunned. Zenin Maki felt

Fushiguro Megumi's shocked gaze.

He quickly controlled his emotions, coughed lightly, and said with a red face:

"Ahem! That....Lin Fan played pretty well......"

Fushiguro Megumi was speechless.

Looking at Zenin Maki pretending to be calm, Fushiguro Megumi was speechless for a while.

But now is not the time to think about these things.

The focus now is still on the battlefield!..............................................

After looking around, Ryoumen Sukuna didn't see Lin Fan!

He suddenly widened his eyes and looked up at the sky!

Lin Fan was looking down at him at this time, flying in front of Ryoumen Sukuna at a very fast speed.

Before Ryoumen Sukuna could make a defensive move, Lin Fan's fist had already landed on his face!

The violent force directly knocked him out!

And on the way out, he smashed countless trees and knocked down several high-rise buildings!

After hitting the ground, he bounced up again! After repeating this several times, Ryoumen Sukuna finally hit a wall and stopped.

The wall was cracked and formed a big pit.

Ryoumen Sukuna sat in the ruins and spit out blood. I don't know how many teeth he had lost.

He showed a face full of shock.

It's hard to imagine how fast and powerful Lin Fan was just now!

Ryoumen Sukuna can no longer calculate how much Lin Fan has increased his strength by using the secret method.

If he said that when he opened the first door, his strength increased by nearly one-fold.

Then now that he has opened the fourth door, his strength should have increased by at least four times!

What kind of secret method is this!

Why is it so powerful!

Is there no disadvantage?

Liangmen Sukuna didn't believe it!

This secret method of suddenly increasing strength must have some disadvantages or side effects!

Looking at Lin Fan who was about to reach him in the blink of an eye, Liangmen Sukuna no longer hesitated, and quickly stood up, made a strange gesture and shouted:

""The domain is expanded! The Demon-Subduing Chef!"

As soon as the voice fell, a strange shrine was erected behind Ryoumen Sukuna!

With the current strength of his three fingers, he can only expand the scope of the domain to a radius of about fifteen meters with him as the center!

And it can't be maintained for too long!

Because even if he has infinite magic power and can support the operation of the Demon-Subduing Chef, his physical strength can't withstand the backlash caused by the large consumption of magic power!

So Ryoumen Sukuna stared at Lin Fan closely, expecting him to enter his domain as soon as possible!

Then waiting for Lin Fan, there is only one way to die!

Because in the domain, the person who casts the domain is a god!

Unless the opponent unfolds a more powerful domain and suppresses Ryoumen Sukuna's Demon-Subduing Chef! Otherwise, there is no second choice!

If Ryoumen Sukuna's domain is a more ordinary domain, the opponent may be able to destroy the domain by breaking the outer wall!

But Ryoumen Sukuna's domain is not at all... There is no outer wall!

It is an extremely special domain!

People inside and outside the domain can freely enter and exit Ryoumen Sukuna's domain.

However, as long as Ryoumen Sukuna is willing, as long as they are within the scope of his domain, they will be attacked by endless solutions and eight spells until they are chopped to pieces!

Although Ryoumen Sukuna cannot use the eight spells at present, the endless solutions alone are enough to chop any object into pieces!

Sure enough!

The moment Lin Fan stepped into Ryoumen Sukuna's domain!

His legs were crushed!

Lin Fan also stopped his body and stood outside the range of the Demon-Subduing Chef.

Ryoumen Sukuna thought to himself that it was bad!

He was too impatient!

He should have waited until Lin Fan completely entered the domain before using it!

But soon something shocking happened to him!

Lin Fan chuckled disdainfully, and then let his right leg grow back.

Then he whispered softly:

""The lotus in the field."

Just when Ryoumen Sukuna hadn't reacted to what was happening, he saw Lin Fan appear in front of him as if he had teleported, then grabbed his neck and pushed him out of the field!

Because everything happened so fast!

Ryoumen Sukuna had no time to react!

At the moment when Lin Fan pushed Ryoumen Sukuna out of the field, the Demon-Subduing Cook was shattered and disappeared!

This is probably the first time in history that a field can be broken in this way!

Simply and crudely dragging the caster out of the field!

I guess only Lin Fan can think of this method!..............................................

PS:Thanks to Tongtianxingchen for the 588VIP points reward!!!

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