Ryomen Sukuna, who was being strangled by the neck, suddenly felt a suffocating feeling rushing straight to his brain! He quickly used the spell to release it and slashed at Lin Fan.

The suffocating feeling disappeared instantly.

But Lin Fan also disappeared along with it!

Ryomen Sukuna's body suddenly tensed up, and he was 120% alert and looked around!

Fortunately, he was standing against the wall at this time, which meant that Lin Fan had a great chance of attacking from the front!

Now he just needed to find the right time!

When Lin Fan appeared in front of him, he immediately opened up his domain!

At that time, Lin Fan would definitely die!!!

Sure enough!

In the blink of an eye, Lin Fan appeared in front of him!

Then a heavy hammer fell!

It directly hit Ryomen Sukuna and embedded him into the ground!

And Lin Fan's punch speed was so fast that it was scary!

In an instant, Ryomen Sukuna felt that he was hit by countless heavy punches! Every punch made Ryomen Sukuna's body sink into the ground again!

Every punch made the ground tremble like an earthquake!

The ground within a radius of 100 meters was cracked!

Every time Lin Fan's punch landed, the dirt and sand on the ground would be shaken up!

It can be seen how powerful it was!

Ryomen Sukuna was dizzy and miserable after being beaten!

He made a gesture with difficulty and finally opened the field!

Almost instantly, Lin Fan's punches stopped.

Ryomen Sukuna, who was embedded in the ground, climbed up with a grim smile.

After recovering from his injuries, he looked at Lin Fan who was gradually disappearing in front of him and laughed wildly!


You are very strong boy!!!

You have my approval!


You are still going to die!!!


After Ryoumen Sukuna finished laughing wildly, he looked at Lin Fan who was being strangled continuously, and only a head that was about to disappear was left, and he actually gave a weird smile.

Ryoumen Sukuna suddenly felt hairy in his heart, and had an ominous premonition!

No, no, no!


I must have thought too much! He was strangled to the point where not even a hair was left, how could he survive! ?

It seems that after being silent for a thousand years, even his personality has become suspicious.

After strangling the last hair of Lin Fan, Ryoumen Sukuna put away his domain and breathed a sigh of relief.

He slowly opened his arms, took a deep breath of air, and felt the good time of regaining his freedom. He just got free and encountered such a strong enemy.

This is inevitably a blessing!

At least Lin Fan released his emotions that had been silent for a thousand years.

And the pleasure of killing a strong enemy is so wonderful no matter what era it is!

Ryoumen Sukuna showed a smile of enjoyment.

Then he looked into the distance.

Looking at Fushiguro Megumi and Zenin Maki who were brought by the shikigami Nue quickly, he showed a contemptuous smile.

The two people landed not far from Ryoumen Sukuna.

One of them took a fighting posture with a solemn expression, and the other rushed towards Ryoumen Sukuna with bloodshot eyes and tears like a madman!

Fushiguro Megumi thought with a solemn expression.

Since Lin Fan is dead, Ryoumen Sukuna needs him and senior sister Maki to purify him!

But......Can we really do it?

Fushiguro Megumi shook his head violently, and quickly calmed himself down and stopped thinking about it.

It's useless to think about these discouraging thoughts!

What we should consider now is how to exorcise the two-faced Sukuna in front of us!

Fushiguro Megumi thought secretly, is it really necessary to release it?

Fushiguro Megumi has always had a trump card.

But he never uses this trump card.

Because if he uses it, it means that he is ready to die and will die with his opponent!

But after he watched the battle between Lin Fan and the two-faced Sukuna.

Fushiguro Megumi suddenly felt a little uncertain about himself. Even if he released the untamed Shikigami Mokuro, could he really beat such a terrifying two-faced Sukuna?

But soon Fushiguro Megumi was firm in his inner thoughts.

It should be possible!

This is the move that the previous generation of Zenyuan family master and the previous generation of Gojo family master died together!

The power of Mokuro is not comparable to the two-faced Sukuna with the current three-finger strength!

Megumi Fushiguro looked at Zenin Maki who was about to rush to Ryomen Sukuna with the special-grade cursed tool Youyun, and immediately summoned the Shikigami Orochi! The Shikigami Orochi suddenly appeared from under Ryomen Sukuna's feet, bit his body in one bite, and trapped him tightly!

Maki Zenin suddenly jumped into the air, ready to use Youyun to hit Ryomen Sukuna's head hard!

But Ryomen Sukuna in the air leaned back and easily avoided Zenin Maki's attack.

Then he stretched out his arms and broke the whole big mouth of the Shikigami Orochi!

And this force actually directly shattered the body of the Shikigami Orochi!

Megumi Fushiguro's face sank.

He knew that the coordinated attack between him and Maki Zenin was no match for Ryomen Sukuna.

Megumi Fushiguro looked at Ryomen Sukuna with a gloomy face as he casually avoided Maki Zenin's crazy attack.

He suddenly yelled at Ryomen Sukuna:

"Yuji! If you can still hear me! Then please do something!

If Sukuna walks out of here today, he will bring unimaginable disasters to the world!

Even if you can restrict Ryoumen Sukuna's body, that would be fine!


Hearing this, Ryoumen Sukuna easily dodged Zenin Maki's attack and said to Fushiguro Megumi with a mocking look on his face:

"Are you stupid, kid?

If this kid is brought back, he will surely die!

Do you think he dares?"

Megumi Fushiguro stared at Ryomen Sukuna, as if he wanted to see a miracle from him!

Originally, Megumi Fushiguro planned to try his best to rescue Yuji Itadori.

But after seeing the battle between Ryomen Sukuna and Lin Fan, he realized how ridiculous his idea was.

Not to mention saving him, even he is going to die here now!

Megumi Fushiguro has no choice at all!

Even if he chooses to drag Ryomen Sukuna to die with him, Yuji Itadori will surely die!

So the ideal situation is that Yuji Itadori can regain control of his body!

In this way, although Yuji Itadori will sacrifice himself, in return he and Zenin Maki will live!

But, unfortunately.....No such miracle happened to Ryoumen Sukuna.

Fushiguro Megumi's face suddenly turned dark.

He knew he had to use that trick.

He made up his mind and shouted at Zenin Maki:

"Maki-senpai! Get out of the way! Let me handle him!"..............................................

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