How to resolve the knot in his heart?

He must kill Lin Fan!

Ryomen Sukuna naturally understood this truth.

The fear on his face gradually disappeared.

Then he actually started laughing non-stop like a madman!


This creepy laughter made everyone present stunned.

Lin Fan looked at Ryomen Sukuna with a strange expression, not understanding what he meant by laughing so happily at this time?

Could he be crazy?

Lin Fan was wrong about this!

How could the invincible strongman a thousand years ago be so easily shattered?

Not only did the fear not cause Ryomen Sukuna's mentality to collapse, but it made him laugh even more excitedly!

He used to be invincible in the world during the heyday of the spell!

Countless Tianjiao strongmen were defeated by him!

He stepped on the mountains of corpses and seas of blood to reach the top of this world!

Whether it is strength or mentality, he is the strongest! What

Ryomen Sukuna fears most is not the strongman who makes him afraid!

But the invincible loneliness in the world!

But who can understand this kind of loneliness?

However, the appearance of Lin Fan was like a ripple splashing in his pool of stagnant water!

So Ryomen Sukuna was very excited!

He was so excited that he trembled all over, just like a madman laughing wildly!

But soon Ryoumen Sukuna stopped laughing.

He said to Lin Fan:

"Lin Fan!

You have reignited my life!

But when we meet again next time, I don't want your strength to stagnate!

Otherwise, hehe......"

Ryoumen Sukuna's laughter stopped abruptly, and the patterns on his face gradually disappeared.

He actually took the initiative to return the control of his body to Yuji Itadori!

Yuji Itadori's consciousness regained control of his body.

Lin Fan frowned.

What does this guy mean?

If you want to run away, then run away. It's too much to mock others before running away! At this time, Yuji Itadori looked at Lin Fan in a daze, then showed a relieved smile and said:

"I wanted to take back control of my body a long time ago, but you gave me hope of survival.

Fan! You are so strong!

Sometimes I really envy you for having the power to change everything!

Unlike me, I am so weak, but I still naively want to fulfill other people's wishes.

But.....I think I may never have the chance to realize it.......

Me now......It's the right death.......

Goodbye, Lefan, Fushiguro.

May you live a long life......."

As Yuji Itadori finished speaking, blood continued to flow out of his mouth!

The hole in his chest where Ryomen Sukuna had dug out his heart had not recovered.

Now that Yuji Itadori has regained control of his body, death is bound to be what awaits him!

Megumi Fushiguro had a gloomy face, and stepped forward to catch Yuji Itadori who was about to fall to the ground.

On the other hand, Lin Fan.

Facing Yuji Itadori's death, Lin Fan did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation.

Because he knew that Yuji Itadori would not die, and now he was probably negotiating terms in Ryomen Sukuna's living domain...............................................

At the edge of the tent, Zenin Maki stared at the battlefield with empty eyes.

Because it was so far away, she couldn't see anything.

But she just wanted to stare like this for a while.

It seemed that staring like this could bring some comfort to her heart.

But gradually, she saw two figures.

A hint of divine intent appeared in Zenin Maki's empty eyes.

She laughed at herself.

Was it an illusion?

But......Why is Lin Fan still naked in the hallucination?

Is it possible that the deepest impression she has of Lin Fan is that he is naked?

Zenin Maki stopped thinking too much.

It was a good thing to have an illusion.

At least she could see Lin Fan again.

She stared blankly at the two people who were gradually walking towards her.

Then she rushed forward without hesitation and hugged the naked Lin Fan. Lin

Fan, who was about to say hello, was stunned by the hug.

At this time, Zenin Maki had not yet realized that all this was real and not an illusion.

She whispered in Lin Fan's ear:

"You have a great figure!

Actually, I wanted to tell you when we first met.

But now I don’t have the chance to tell you.

Lin Fan.....farewell......"

"Where should I go?"

Lin Fan looked at Zenin Maki in his arms with a question mark on his face.

After hearing the reply, Zenin Maki was obviously stunned.

How could the illusion bring back a message?

Then she realized that the illusion Lin Fan she was holding was actually warm!

How is this possible!!!

Zenin Maki suddenly let go of him and asked in shock:

"You are still alive! ?"

Lin Fan asked with a strange expression:"What else?"

It turned out that this girl thought she was an illusion. She is really stupid and cute.

Zenyuan Maki's face suddenly turned red!

And the red color spread to her whole face.

It was like a red-hot iron and a kettle about to boil.


Zenin Maki suddenly became incoherent!

Thinking about what she just said, she wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into!

This is too embarrassing!

This is too socially dead!

Zenin Maki once felt that she was no longer qualified to stay on this planet!

At this time, Fushiguro Megumi, who was standing aside with a dark face, said coldly:

"If you want to flirt, please be careful about the occasion. Didn't you see the person behind me?"

Zenin Maki was furious when she heard this. She shouted loudly,"You are the one flirting! You......"

But when she saw that Fushiguro Megumi was carrying the body of Yuji Itadori, she calmed down immediately.

Fushiguro Megumi looked at the two of them coldly, then carried Yuji Itadori's body and walked out of the tent step by step.

Lin Fan was still the same.

With a faint smile on his face, he looked like an amiable neighbor boy.

Zenin Maki asked curiously:

"Aren't you sad?"

"Sad?" Lin Fan smiled and shook his head, then said something incredible:"He won't die, why should I be sad?"

"He won’t die?" Zenin Maki was stunned after hearing this.

Looking at Yuji Itadori’s dead body, does he look like he can come back to life?

His heart isn’t even healed!

Lin Fan didn’t explain too much, but pointed to his naked body and said:

"I said, Senior Maki, can you please pay attention to your junior brother!

I'm still naked!"

Zenyuan Maki blushed immediately, and quickly took off her coat and threw it to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan took the coat and didn't put it on in a hurry, but sniffed it gently, and said in a slightly teasing tone:

"It smells quite good. What brand of perfume do you use, senior sister?"

Zenyuan Maki's face was red again!

Lin Fan laughed and put on his clothes.

He found that teasing Zenyuan Maki was indeed a very interesting thing!

Zenyuan Maki's contrasting cuteness made Lin Fan, a straight man, feel a ripple in his heart.....................................................

PS: Let's talk about the immortal body, Rasengan and Sukuna.

The immortal body is a complete copy of Hidan's ability, plus the system changes, there is an additional resurrection ability. (With the resurrection ability, it must be S-level!)

The reason why the Rasengan is B-level is because the protagonist will get a more powerful Rasengan variant later, which is a brand new skill!

The reason why the Great Fireball can become A-level is because it can infinitely inject magical power into it, making it infinitely powerful.

And the character of Sukuna will not collapse!

He is one of the main highlights of the anime, just like Gojo Satoru. How could the author let his character collapse?

However, there is still fear of failure. There was no fear before because there was no failure.

Fear does not mean that Sukuna will become a cowardly waste!

The old man is still the old man, and he will always be more courageous after setbacks!

The fear in his heart makes him more excited and wants to kill the protagonist even more!

I will not spoil the rest of the story!

If you have any questions and opinions, please post them in the discussion area, and the author will answer them one by one after seeing them!

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