July is the height of summer.

There is not a single cloud in the blue sky.

The sun shines through the lush leaves, turning into points of light that shine on the earth.

Maybe because it just rained, there is still some moisture in the air.

The breeze blows with a little coolness, and it also brings the sound of cicadas.

Summer should represent vigor and vitality.

But Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara sitting in the academy seem lifeless.

The two just sat there in silence, with no expression on their faces, no joy or sadness.

At this time, Kugisaki Nobara said lightly:

"You actually asked us to live a long life?

What else can you say when you are already dead?"

Then she turned around and asked Fushiguro Megumi who was sitting next to her:

"Is this your first time to experience the death of a friend?"

Fushiguro Megumi replied expressionlessly:

"This is the first time for a person of the same generation to say this."

Kugizaki Nobara turned her head back and continued with a calm expression:

"oh....You seem pretty calm then?"

"you too"

"Of course, I've only known him for a few weeks.

I'm not that fragile to cry over the death of a man like that.......

Damn it!......"

Megumi Fushiguro glanced at Nobara Kugisaki indifferently.

Looking at her pretending to be calm, it was clear that she was just being stubborn.

Megumi Fushiguro did not expose her, but continued to remain silent.

In fact, the death of Itadori Yuji was a big blow to both Nobara Kugisaki and him.

After all, they were partners in life and death.

Although they had only known each other for a few weeks.

But he died like this.

Nobara Kugisaki could not accept it.

Megumi Fushiguro could not accept it even more!

After a long pause, Nobara Kugisaki asked:

""What about Fan?"

Fushiguro Megumi replied calmly:

"I went to see Mr. Gojo."

"oh....It's so hot......"

""Yeah, aren't the summer clothes ready yet?"

The two chatted intermittently, and finally fell silent.

At this time, three people walking in the distance attracted their attention.

The leader, Zenin Maki, nodded to Fushiguro Megumi.

She was also there yesterday, so she naturally knew the feeling of depression after losing a companion.

So she didn't say anything to comfort him.

As for Lin Fan's words that Yuji Itadori would not die, Zenin Maki directly understood it as nonsense that he could not accept such a fact.

Zenin Maki looked around and found that Lin Fan was not there, so she asked:

"Where is Lin Fan?"

Fushiguro Megumi replied calmly:

"I went to find Gojo Sensei."

Zenin Maki nodded.

On the side, Kugisaki Nobara looked at the strangers and asked Fushiguro Megumi in confusion:

"These people are...?"

Fushiguro Megumi slowly stood up and introduced each of them to Kugisaki Nobara:

"These are the seniors in the second year.

This is Maki-senpai, she is the best among the students in using cursed tools.

The one with white hair is Maki-senpai, because he is a curse-caster, he can only use the names of rice ball fillings when speaking.

The last one is Panda-senpai.

Oh, right! There is another one, the very respectable Otsutsuki-senpai, but he is abroad now."

Kugizaki Nobara looked at Panda-senpai, who was no different from a panda except for the ability to speak, and asked Fushiguro Megumi speechlessly:

"I said, you just call a panda a panda?"

In fact, what Kugisaki Nobara was most curious about was not the identities of these people.

Looking at the similar school uniforms, she could guess more or less.

What she cared about most was how this beautiful woman in front of her knew Lin Fan?

It can be seen that you can never guess what girls are concerned about!

Kugisaki Nobara also stood up and asked Zenin Maki directly and straightforwardly:

"Senior Maki, do you know Lin Fan?"

Zenyuan Maki looked at Kugisaki Nobara who asked her the question and seemed to sense something.

As expected, women are very sensitive in terms of emotions.

Zenyuan Maki thought for a moment, then chuckled and answered directly and forcefully:

"I did a mission with him, so we got to know each other.

It's a mission just for the two of us.~~~!"

After hearing Zenin Maki's last words that were particularly emphasized, Kugisaki Nobara clenched her fists. She was quite unhappy!

As expected, when rivals meet, they are particularly jealous!

Soon, the two of them raised their lip corners and started to confront each other.

Kugisaki Nobara said disdainfully:

"Tsk~! Just a mission!

I am Fan's prospective wife!

When Fan wants to find a girlfriend, he will give me priority!"

Zenyuan Maki sneered and sneered with disdain:

"A potential wife?

That means Lin Fan didn't agree at all!

And he would give you priority?

I think he was afraid that you couldn't accept it, so he rejected you tactfully!

What a self-righteous woman!"

After hearing this, Kugisaki Nobara was furious!

She pointed at Zenin Maki and yelled:

"What did you say! Say it again! Four-eyed girl!"

Hearing the word"four-eyed girl", Zenyuan Zhenxi instantly got angry and shouted with gritted teeth:

"Who do you think is the four-eyed girl?"

Seeing that the two were about to fight, the three boys hurriedly pulled them back.

Seeing the two people being pulled to the sides, still arguing non-stop, the three boys suddenly had a sentence in their minds.

That is, why do women make things difficult for other women?......

While the panda was fighting, he said to Fushiguro Megumi:

"This time we came here to invite you to attend the sister school exchange meeting in Kyoto."

Fushiguro Megumi nodded. Calculating the time, it should be this time.

However....Why are you looking for them?

After hearing this word, Nobara Kugisaki paused.

Then she looked at Fushiguro Megumi with a puzzled look and asked:

"Kyoto sister school exchange meeting? What is that?"

When Fushiguro Megumi saw that the two had finally stopped making trouble, she breathed a sigh of relief and explained:

"It's an exchange meeting with another Jujutsu High School in Kyoto."

At this point, Fushiguro Megumi turned around and asked the three people:

"but....Isn't the exchange meeting an activity for sophomores and juniors?"

Zenin Maki said coldly:

"That good-for-nothing from the third grade has been suspended, so you guys have to take part this time."

Kugisaki Nobara, who knew nothing about this, asked in confusion:

"What is the purpose of the exchange meeting? Eating, singing karaoke, playing games?"

Panda explained speechlessly:

"If that's the case, do the three of us need to come to you together?

Why don't we just notify you when the time comes?

The exchange meeting is held by the Tokyo and Kyoto branches of the technical high school. The principals of the two schools each proposed a duel method, and each school spent one day, for a total of two days of activities.

But this is just a nice way of saying it.

In fact, the first day is a group battle, and the second day is an individual battle.

It's like this every year."

Inugami Saki nodded:"Salmon."

Kugisaki Nobara was a little confused,"Group battle and individual battle?

Do sorcerers still need to fight each other! ?"

Zenin Maki smiled contemptuously after hearing this and said:

"Are you scared, kid?

To put it bluntly, this exchange meeting is a battle of spells with no taboos!

Except for not killing people, you can fight however you want!

Of course!

Accidents will always happen!

So if you don't want to be killed, we will give you special training next!"..............................................

PS:This book will be available on the shelves at 8 o'clock tomorrow night, that is, at 8 o'clock on the evening of March 23rd!!!

Because the author has to code out the chapters before the release, there will be fewer updates today.

The author will release the chapters before the release today and tomorrow during the day!

After the release, the author will work hard to update for everyone!!!

I hope everyone can support it!!!

Thank you EreBos for the monthly ticket support!!! Please give me monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, and messages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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