In the realm of life.

Ryomen Sukuna sat condescendingly on the mountain of corpses.

Ever since he said that he would fight with Itadori Yuji from now on, and as long as Itadori Yuji won, he would resurrect him unconditionally.

Itadori Yuji under the mountain of corpses had no idea how many times he had been tortured and killed by him.

He was getting a little tired of killing.

But Itadori Yuji just wouldn't agree to his conditions.

After sliding his fingers again and chopping Itadori Yuji's head in half with a blade, Ryomen Sukuna was suddenly stunned, then looked up, as if he sensed something.

Soon after, Ryomen Sukuna showed a weird smile and muttered to himself:

"Was he underestimated? Never mind, he did have the ability......You must also be able to withstand my wrath!"

Ryomen Sukuna looked at Yuji Itadori, whose head he had chopped off and then resurrected to kill him, and said coldly:

"Agree to my terms, your friend has already agreed."

Itadori Yuji obviously didn't believe it, and shouted with a look that said,"Don't try to trick me."

"Are you kidding me? Do you think I will believe such nonsense?"

Ryomen Sukuna sighed. He really had no way to deal with this stubborn kid.

Then he waved his hand, and a picture appeared in the space.

This picture was the scene where Lin Fan talked in the morgue just now.

After watching it, Yuji Itadori was stunned.

Then he said in disbelief:

"What! Lin Fan actually said that I was an idiot! Gojo-sensei actually agreed!

What a joke!

I'm smart!"

Ryomen Sukuna stroked his forehead speechlessly.

As expected of someone who was called an idiot by Lin Fan, couldn't he understand the point?

Ryomen Sukuna said coldly:

"I'll repeat my conditions.

First, as soon as I start chanting Qi Kuo, you must give me your body.

Of course, I will only use your body to target Lin Fan, and will not hurt anyone else around you!

And the time will not exceed one day at most.

Second, you have to forget this agreement.

Now you should agree."

Yujin Itadori pondered for a while, then nodded and agreed:

"All right! Since Lin Fan has already agreed, I naturally have nothing to say."

After hearing Yuji Itadori's agreement, Ryomen Sukuna showed a strange smile.

This little ghost seemed to be very important to Lin Fan, perhaps....................................................

Everyone in the morgue was staring at Yuji Itadori's body, waiting for his miraculous resurrection.

Not long after, the wound on Yuji Itadori's chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Everyone watched in surprise.

Here it comes! Here it comes!

Gojo Satoru took out his mobile phone with a sense of evil, ready to take a picture of Yuji Itadori's embarrassing state after he was resurrected.

Yuji Itadori's pale body with some bruises gradually became rosy!

Then the sound of even breathing was heard.

Not long after, Yuji Itadori gradually opened his eyes and slowly sat up.

When he saw that he was not wearing anything, he couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Wow! She's really naked!"

At this time, Gojo Satoru snapped his fingers and said with a smile:

"Look at the camera!"

Yuji Itadori subconsciously looked over when he heard the voice.

He saw Gojo-sensei taking a picture of him with his mobile phone, and was immediately shocked and quickly covered the key position!

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Gojo Satoru looked at the photos he had taken and nodded with satisfaction.

"" Gojo-sensei, what are you doing!!!" Yuji Itadori yelled as he was about to run over and grab Gojo-sensei's phone.

His fame must not be ruined in an instant!.....What's so smart about me?

Never mind!

Even if I'm not smart, I can't be photographed in such an embarrassing way!

But just when Yuji Itadori was about to jump off the dissection table, Gojo Satoru threw his clothes directly at his face.

Then he smiled and raised his hand and said:

"Welcome back!"

Yuji Itadori was slightly stunned, then replied with a bright smile:

"Well! I'm back!"..............................................

(Last chapter before release!)

PS:It is about to be released, so let me briefly talk about this book.

This book is not a pure cool story. The author hopes that everyone will treat it as a brand new anime.

For the author, the quality of the plot is more important than a brainless cool story.

Therefore, the author tried his best to perfectly restore the character traits and ways of dealing with things in the original work.

Let the protagonist Lin Fan join more naturally, forming a brand new anime!

If you like it, please support the author!

The author will ensure that the plot is exciting and the content is rich!

When the world of magic is almost written, the author will add something unexpected to it!

Absolutely a surprise!

This is an idea that the author had already thought of before writing this book!

Everyone can look forward to it!

This book will be on the shelves on time at 8 o'clock tonight, that is, at 8 o'clock in the evening on March 23!!!!

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