On the playground of the academy.

Nobara Kugisaki was running madly in front, and the panda behind was chasing her happily!

After the panda caught Nobara Kugisaki, it grabbed her feet like a discus and spun her quickly!

Nobara Kugisaki looked like she had lost all hope in life.

But in the middle of the spin, she saw Megumi Fushiguro. She seemed to be still chatting with Zenin Maki, and she immediately roared:


Stop asking those interview questions!

Change someone!!!

Wearing a school uniform is so inconvenient!

Let me buy some cute sportswear instead!~~~....!!!"

Kugisaki Nobara was thrown out and fell to the ground, and the sound stopped abruptly.

Fushiguro Megumi asked speechlessly:

"What are they doing?"

The panda who had just thrown away Kugisaki Nobara answered after hearing this:

"This is a training to resist blows!"

Gou Juanji nodded:"Mustard!"

The panda then sighed and said:

"Your melee ability is too weak."

Zenin Maki smiled slightly, waved the long stick in her hand, waved at Fushiguro Megumi and said:

"The training will start!

First of all, you have to win a round from us. If you have any complaints, you can talk about it later!"

"Oh! They are all here! You are quite diligent!"

At this time!

A voice suddenly reached the ears of everyone present.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

They saw a handsome boy with a gentle smile like spring breeze standing not far from them.

Zenin Maki's eyes lit up and she shouted in surprise:

""Lin Fan! You're here!"

Upon hearing the word"Lin Fan", Kugisaki Nobara, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, opened her eyes immediately!

She glanced with her beautiful eyes and found that it was really her male god who came!

So she quickly stood up, patted the dirt on her body, tidied her hair, and then trotted to Lin Fan.

At the same time as her, there was also Zenin Maki.

The two people who were originally smiling, saw each other's intentions, and sparks suddenly appeared in their eyes.

The two people's hostile eyes suddenly flashed with thunder and lightning!

Kugisaki Nobara took the lead and boldly stepped forward to hug Lin Fan's arm!

Then she looked at Zenin Maki with a provocative look, and said to Lin Fan in a delicate voice:

"Lin Fan, the weather is so hot, let's go to the mall and buy some sportswear!

I saw a super cute couple outfit before!

It will definitely suit you!"

When Zenin Maki saw what Kugisaki Nobara did, she immediately became angry!

She also stepped forward and hugged Lin Fan's other arm and said:

"I also know a family whose clothes are super nice!

Lin Fan! Come with me, don’t go with that woman!

That woman has absolutely no taste, the clothes she chooses are so ugly!"

Kugizaki Nobara roared:

"Who are you calling tasteless! Four-eyed girl!"

Zenin Maki sneered disdainfully:

"I'm talking about you! Big-butt monster!"

Hearing the new nickname for her, Nobara Kugisaki was immediately furious!

Seeing that the two were about to fight again!

Fushiguro Megumi and the other two sighed.

Why are they fighting again?

It seems that they have to stop the fight again.

But before they could make a move, Lin Fan pulled out his hands.

One hand pinched the back of Nobara Kugisaki's neck, and the other hand pinched the back of Zenin Maki's neck.

Then he separated them to both sides like holding chickens.

However, although they couldn't fight together, it didn't prevent them from cursing at each other from a distance!

All kinds of telegram sounds rang out for a while!

The later it was, the more unbearable it was! (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lin Fan was a little confused.

He remembered that in the original plot, didn't Nobara Kugisaki admire Zenin Maki very much?

And they became good girlfriends!

Now.....What's going on? ? ?

Lin Fan, who couldn't figure it out, still spoke:

""Stop arguing!

I'm not hot!

When martial arts are practiced to the highest level, every pore in the body can be controlled.

So I can keep warm even if I don't wear clothes in winter, and I won't feel hot even if I wear cotton clothes in summer.

You should hurry up and train, aren't you going to attend the exchange meeting soon?

Why are you suddenly so free?"

After hearing what Lin Fan said, the two girls were stunned one after another.

Fushiguro Megumi, Panda and Inumaki Satoru were also stunned at the same time.

At this time, the three of them were thinking at the same time.

Is this the highest level of pretending to be cool?

Is this the way the big guys talk?

It's so scary!!!

Seeing that the two stopped arguing, Lin Fan let them go.

Zenin Maki pushed her glasses and started to be serious.

So she said to Lin Fan:

"With your participation in this Kyoto sister school exchange meeting, I think there is no suspense about winning, right?

Now we just need to make sure that the two of them can protect themselves."

Lin Fan shook his head and refused:

"No, no, no, I don't intend to take action."

Everyone was stunned after hearing this.

Zenin Maki asked in confusion:


Lin Fan shrugged and said casually:

"They are too weak for me, so there is no point in me taking action.

Besides, the purpose of the exchange meeting is to make everyone stronger.

If I take action, Fushiguro and Kugisaki will be a little slack."

What Lin Fan said makes a lot of sense.

Kugisaki Nobara and Fushiguro Megumi both nodded in agreement.

They were not interested in whether to participate in the Kyoto sister school exchange meeting.

For them, the most important thing is to become stronger!

For themselves!

Also for their companions!

For the people they want to protect!

Zenin Maki smiled brightly.

She really likes Lin Fan more and more!

His personal charm is so great!

She is deeply involved in it and cannot extricate herself!

Zenin Maki, who has never experienced love and has never liked anyone, is trapped!

PS: Please subscribe to the full version!!! Please subscribe to the self-subscription!!! Please support!!!

The author is continuously updating......

Thanks to the monthly ticket support from the big guy in the wind!!!

Thanks to the big guy in the cabbage for the ticket to urge the update!!!: ༒༺ღMa Quân Diệt Thếღ༻༒

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